Hold UP Bruh.........

First of all, His name is The Blight The Alchemist & then rushes to any one, then injects himself with Expired Drugs? I mean, Why they put every killer with rush as an ability? We already have Legion, Spirit, Oni with rush abilities. And he is already Alchemist, why they put a rush ability on him? I don't really get it. Yes, He can't throw bottle like a real Alchemist because Clown already throws bottle at you. He can't vomit from his mouth (Tho his face looks like It was made for vomiting) because we got Plague for that. & I thought Playing Nurse was the most triggering killer in the whole DBD, now they're putting another Killer that will surely make you trigger in a sec. In fact, He should be a stealth killer & should Inject his expired drug sneakily on a survivor. Then the survivor gets affected & starts walking like him or as a Zombie until they are fully cure from the small bottles which will spawn on the Trial. While Walking like Zombie, the Survivor would make loud moaning noises, that can killer hear from a distance. Killer can't 1 shot the effected survivor but the poison will make them move little bit slower then usual. This was my theory about his ability according to his name. What do you think what his ability would look like?


  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Make him into a stealth killer? He'll be DOA with Spine Chill in the game. Might as well shoot fireworks out of his ass too.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 971

    Honestly being The Blight would have been better. When he DOES pinball off things. He SHOULD HAVE left an effect that slowed survivors down. Like Plague has. Sans-vomit. As of now there's nothing associated with his namesake. 🤦‍♂️

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Legion is a single guy who crossdresses.

    Never seen Cannibal eat anyone.

    Wraith is more of a Spirit.

    Spirit is more of a Wraith.

    Yeah I dunno man, lol. But I had the same thoughts about the face splats. It should leave a lasting miasma or something.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I would have expected his goo splats to at least do something. Hell, they could have made it like PH trails but it slows down survivors who walk through it. Even when he goes pinball mode, they could have made it so if he crashes into a survivor they get maybe exhausted or slowed for X seconds, but nope, we have to bounce off a wall first to remember that the stick we hold is for hitting. I really hope that on full release the power has something more going for it.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    If we take his PTB power as a base and not create a new one, why not have him release toxic spores when he Slams into a wall, inflicting a debuff on all survivors, his addons already do something similar so the stretch isn't far.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I'd take this over the current power. Something more than 'Human pinball machine on steroids'. I liked the general idea of it, but in execution it's pretty clunky and messy. I said in another post they could add something like PH's trail effect that if a survivor was to walk over it they'd become slowed or receive some sort of a Debuff that could be altered via Add-Ons. Just something that makes him more than a bouncy Nurse/Legion.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Actually his current power is more like a map traversal tool, like Hillbilly's chainsaw sprint, even has the same speed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    To be honest from the teaser I was hoping for a Jeckyl and Hyde type killer that has one type of special ability in Jeckyl form (e.g. stealth and/or tracking bonus) and a different ability set in Hyde form (e.g. a Rush ability like Blight but that can destroy pallets)

    That being said Blight actually looks pretty fun to play assuming they adjust his hit boxes on the Rush to not get stuck in doorways as often. He’s got the most consistently usable good fast map travel ability in the game - he can move at Billy sprint speed but can start it instantly with very little cooldown between Rushes and if he accidentally hits can just course correct. The ability isn’t great in a chase but that’s fine because just being able to patrol at hyper speed between chases is strong. If Rushes can save himself enough time between chases finding a new survivor and starting a new chase then it can maybe make up for the extra time it takes him to secure a hit only using basic movement and attacks.

    And his Lethal Rush does allow him to very rapidly catch up to a healthy survivor he’s just hit, he simply bounces off a nearby wall, runs straight at them and swings. Even if the swing misses it cancels the usual stun after the Rush so he’ll still be right on their tail at that point.

    One of the devs did mention that the version on the PTB is at least a week out of date though and the newer version in the pipeline is significantly different or improved. Hopefully we’ll get to see that in a mid-PTB test patch soon.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    I wouldn't bet on a PTB patch with the newer version, i guess they will simply let the PTB run out like it is.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    You could be right, but they do have changes between the PTB and live versions of characters. So while Blight might not change on this PTB he could change a bit in the actual full release, especially if it’s just tweaks like shrinking his hit box for Rush collisions or tuning his steering a bit.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2020

    He says so somewhere in his latest video on twitch where he plays the blight. I don't remember precisely when tho, since it's more than 5 hours long.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    "I'll inject myself this orange liquid that I've been searching for so I can headbutt walls"

    Makes sense..

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited August 2020

    You mean Frank no.3. They even slipped up one patch and forgot his voice synthesizer.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Why not make him infect people so they see vaulting places where they don't exist also see shades of the Entity around the map. It's a drug... There are so many possibilities instead of the "gaining speed" thing...

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I guess there could have been other designs that would be more fitting to someone who is an alchemist. However, I personally really enjoy the design and the gameplay of the Blight, and as far as I can tell, it does fit when considering his lore.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    This character is a total disappointment,imo.

    I mean, c' alchemist that all that he does is bouncing around like a drunken old man?

    It will be the first chapter i will not buy.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Oh for Christ's sake . . . seriously? That type of design path never turns out well. I just went through that in Overwatch a couple months ago due to Echo, a busted Damage role Hero that was originally supposed to be a Support Hero, but went through a ton of development changes in-process into the abomination she is now.

    This makes me want to spend money on the DLC less and less.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Yeah, he will almost certainly get those tweaks and changes on the live build. He will be more playable for sure, to what extend they modify him, only time can tell.