Red ranks survivors


Why is so many potatos players in red ranks can finally devs do harder to get rank for survivors ? Im bored to playing on rank 1 matchmaking me with players who has no clue how to play 0 macro 0 looping ability hiding do nothing ending game with 5k points saw alot survivors who can loop taking OoO so rest of this potato players can finally do something on the map maybe add -2 pops to rank for poor performance ??


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    The issue is Red rank survivor is easy to reach. A casual can hit that point by playing enough. I myself can hit Rank 1 in a couple days after reset, and I'm not that good in chases. I focus on Gens, Totems and saving from hooks and healing, getting me enough emblem score to pip, which shouldn't happen. The rank system needs to be scrapped because as many can tell you, it isn't a good indicator of skill. A player who has 100 hours could hit Red ranks, where a 2k+ hour player could reach maybe purples because they play less, but still have great skill at the game. And since MMR failed, we'll be waiting a while longer before we see any solution to the current MM issues.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,511
    edited August 2020

    This is the biggest issue for survivors at the moment.

    Between a broken ranking system making it way too easy for survivors to rank up and the terrible rank reset change preventing people from going down, it has led to a pile up of survivors at high ranks that have no business being there.

    This leads to you getting on average, a lot of teammates that shouldn't be in your games at all and don't know what they're doing.

    Side note from the main topic, but this is also what gave us long queue times for low rank killers and "high rank" survivors. There is an uneven distribution in ranks between killer and survivor.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The ranking system is simply not rewarding optimal play. Loop the killer for 5 gens and then die on first hook to noed? Likely -1, maybe blackpip. Have a long and very close game? Pip or doublepip. 🤷‍♂️

    I also have my doubt that MMR will change that a lot since i dont see how this might work. Its easy to loop a killer for a long time when you drop every single pallet pretty fast, but it is hard (and only really good, real rank 1 survivors are able do this) to milk every loop as much as possible, loose the killer etc.

    Same goes for killer... stomp them within 2 minutes will give you nothing but a minus pip or blackpip if you are lucky, but when you play with your food and let them a chance (=playing bad intentionally) then you get rewarded with pips. 🤷‍♂️

    This leads to a very big skillgap within the red ranks, even on rank 1. R1 can mean you are really good at the game, it can also mean you are bad (yes, i mean potatoe bad :P) and played a lot.

    My conclusion is that the MMR system HAS to take into account how you perform in a chase and how competetive you are. It can not be a simple "survivor looped killer for a minute so he is decent"... it has to put into account what he did during that. Did he drop a pallet during that minute? Was he leading the killer towards a generator where somebody was working on? I know, this will never ever be possible, but unless we dont get anything that works kinda that way, rank wont mean anything ever.

  • Duniek94
    Duniek94 Member Posts: 19

    So devs should do something about that In every game high tier rank players should be high skilled same story with killer I'm ending quite alot games after 2-3mins because some of them trolling dcing have no clue how to run/predict/counter killer I'm rank 1 killer and feeling like I'm playing at ranks 10 still they are reds I dont say some games have nice teams so I got challange to get 3-4k but now is 20% good teams at red ranks and 80% potato teams one year ago was 80% red ranks good teams...