Coraline Chapter Idea

RenDesune Member Posts: 246

This is my fanmade chapter for the award winning children horror book and 2009 movie, Coraline.

I think this could be a bit of a unique chapter if ever implemented even if the exact power I created isn't used.



The Mother


Soul Theif

The Mother gains her power from the souls she has taken from the lost children.

Pressing the active ability button will cause the Mother to leave her humanoid form and morph into an arachnoid(spiderlike), with multiple speedy legs.

While in this form, the Mother gains a boost of speed for as long as she is in the arachnoid state. She cannot attack while in this form but can freely enter and cancel the form with a relatively short animation time of 2 seconds. In order to attack, the Mother must leave the arachnoid state.

Although constant repeating use of this ability will cause the Mother to lose more vision as she is in the arachnoid state, losing color vision and seeing black and white and the speed will decrease over time while the animation time entering and leaving the state will increase. Controlling movement in the arachnoid state will also become more difficult over time.

When in this state the Mother gains the power to climb up walls and perch on walls.

Perching on a wall will get rid of your terror radius and red stain during a duration of 4 seconds.

While climbing on a wall, the Mother can completely ignore dropped pallets.

The ability to climb walls has a 10 second cooldown.

The debuffs to the arachnoid state can be reversed by taking part of the souls out of dying survivors. Each survivor downed will give the Mother a chance to take a part of their soul to increase her power. This will reverse the effects of her power to normal.

The Mother stitches button eyes onto the survivor to indicate their soul is taken. While the button eyes are active, the survivor suffers from blindess status affect until they are taken off by themselves or another survivor, the survivor also cannot heal to healthy until the eyes are removed. Although, the Mother CANNOT take another soul from a survivor with button eyes still active.

Three souls taken from survivors will give the Mother the ability to attack while in her arachnoid state, instant downing any survivor. It will be clear to all survivors that she has the three souls because while in Arachnoid form her stance will become more feral like. After using this special attack once, the Mother will lose two souls and must add those souls back in order to use the special attack again.

(Btw Arachnoid means spider like. Like how she was during the end of Coraline.)

Base Speed: 4.4 m/s

Height: Tall

Difficulty: Intermediate

Weapon: A long and sharp needle used to delicately sew button eyes onto helpless survivors as well as poke holes in their gut.


Caught in my Web:

You use your victims insecurities and weaknesses to your advantage.

Anytime a survivor fails a skill check they will cause all window vaults and generators in a 20 meter radius from them to be blocked by the entity for 14/16/18 seconds.

This perk has a 30 second cooldown.

Rat Spies:

The rats whisper in your ear about the events on the other side.

Anytime the killer is facing a survivor they are not in chase with within 20 meters for more than 2 seconds, the perk will activate and the killer will be given an auditory warning as the survivor become marked for 3/4/5 seconds.

This perk has a 60 second cooldown.

Hex: Stitched Up:

When an injured survivor is in a 20 meter radius with any healthy survivor, all effected survivors will be afflicted with the oblivious status affect.

Any healthy survivor that heals an injured survivor to full will become exposed for 30 seconds.

If an injured survivor heals themselves they will become exposed for 30 seconds.

This perk deactivates when the totem is cleansed.

New Survivor:


(I know she's too young to be survivor. They don't want kids dying but I mean, they can just age her up. I dont want that boring ass dad as survivor lol)

Three new perks:

Rescue Mission:

You unhook 16/18/20% faster.

Each SAFE unhook will make this perk gain a token. After two tokens are gained, the next unhooked survivor will gain a boost of speed for a short period of time and will have no grunts of pain for 20 seconds. This will consume all tokens. All nearby hooks will become sabatoged and inactive for 20 seconds.

Evil's Temptation:

You learned your lesson against being tempted by evil forces.

While in the killers terror radius and outside of chase, this perk activates. Your scratch marks disappear for the next 8/10/12 seconds and footsteps noises are decreased by 20/30/40%. This perk goes into cooldown when in chase or after the killer radius leaves which would put this perk on a 60 second cooldown.

Soul Retriever:

You have a talent of solving puzzles and looking at circumstances with a unique vision.

All dropped item auras will be revealed to you.

Breaking a totem will give you the endurance status affect for 6/8/10 seconds.

Opening a chest will reveal all ally auras for 3/4/5 seconds.

New Map!

Pink Palace Apartments

The map will consist of the Pink Palace Apartment in the middle with a massive inside, winding hallways, and always 2 genrators inside.

The outside will have the garden and forest coverage. The map will be mostly even not being too wide or too long.


  • BadBilly
    BadBilly Member Posts: 13

    It's a cool concept just wont ever get the rights to use characters from coraline in a murder game.

    I think you should stick with the spider killer idea. Wall climbing sounds great and original, but drop the transformation concept and add web traps. Also your perks are a slight underwhelming, there are better perks that block vaults and gens more reliably as well as better tracking perks. I think overpowered perks with niches are better than underwhelming perks that everyone can use. For example if we go with the web trap concept you can have a hex totem perk be: survivors in a proximity around the trap have their auras revealed and put into the exposed state. It's insanely op for trap killers but useless for other killers, also there is counter play to it by destroying the hex.

    Sorry if it sounds like I'm overly criticizing. It is a good concept, just realistically coraline will never be in dbd, but a spiderkiller could.

  • blooyeez182
    blooyeez182 Member Posts: 2

    I love the idea of a Coraline chapter!!! I’m not entirely sure about that power though to be honest. I think a cool power would be sending survivors into a web of some sorts? Or like maybe the ground beneath the survivors becoming all webby? OR, sending survivors behind a mirror like in the movie. Others would have to grab you out of the mirror. OR, maybe the Beldam can swallow items, like how in the movie she swallowed the key to the little door.