Seems like they just want us to die with these BLIGHT PERKS.

Did the Killer just kick your generator Johnny? Better wait 30 sec's or you're F'd, not even proper F'd, for 60 (way to draw out the match guys....)

Hey Johnny, are you trying to run from the killer after being hit? Ya no lets take the pallets away! Better do some homework, watch some videos and take notes so that you know how to tunnel!! Thought you were just playing to play right? WRONG!!

WAIT!!!! Please don't tell me you just accidentally walked past a totem that you didn't even notice?!?!?!?! Surprise!!!! The Killer can now see you!! Better clench and cleanse or run for the hills!!

Thanks for playing Aperture Science!! Have Fun Being Destroyed!

Also, the Ghastly Gateau is a lie!!


  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Exactly. At first as Killer, I was like: Ooooh, do some Hex Perk combos, slow things down . . .

    But it's still a gamble. A huge gamble. And I'm not sure giving up my slowdown and tracking perks is worth the Hex Perk gamble, even with these new perks.

    I could see me running it every once in a while. But as a consistent build? I'm doubting it.

    Some people are acting like Hex Builds are going to suddenly be run as a core Meta by every Killer out there, and that isn't going to happen.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Both Hex perks are a huge gamble. Plus, reading aura's isn't the same as a noise notification. Plus plus, the third perk just exposes you, it doesn't hurt you. Unless you/your team (stupidly) made a deadzone around a generator, you're still pretty safe for the most part.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Wow, the one time all three Killer perks don’t look like complete garbage on launch in a while and Survivors start screaming OP. These perks can be countered. Hell, you have a HEX perk with a COOLDOWN.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited August 2020

    Honestly do you really think that pallet blocker will really do anything? It's not like you want to drop a pallet you got hit on anyway, you speedboost to the next loop.

    Dragon is the eternal cooldown machine though absolutely fills a niche I've been wanting for awhile. Worried it won't have much actual up time though.

    Undying is legit though, such a nice hex perk, for once. Hopefully they'll touch up some of the trash hexperks after this. It's a hex, it's supposed to be rediculious because it may cease to exist 8s into a match.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Blood favor is pretty bad honestly. People might play around with it a bit at launch and then they will reach the conclusion that it is bad and it will just be another perk no one even remembers. The other two perks actually are pretty good and will see play. The generator one is fair and can be dealt with using reasonable strategies such as not working on a regressing generator if the killer is nearby or waiting 30 seconds. The only perk that I think could be potentially bad for the health of the game is undying. The thought of Doctor on indoor map with Ruin, Undying, and Thrill of the Hunt is disgusting.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    "Please don't tell me you just accidentally walked past a totem that you didn't even notice?!?!?!?! Surprise!!!! The Killer can now see you!! Better clench and cleanse or run for the hills!!"

    There's already perks that show your aura if you walk past a hook, go in the basement or complete a gen. They aren't considered to be particularly oppressive.