The blights cane

This may come across as not much of a great mystery but this one did sticker out to me when I saw the blight which being his cane, he doesn’t use it as a normal cane which makes sense he’s crazy obviously he will use it in a different fashion but why a cane. Why does this question is interesting is because it doesn’t match with the character, it’s strange to me because most of the killers weapons made sense this one however doesn’t. Even when you look at his lore there is no time he had to bring a cane with him when he entered this realm so if he never brought a cane with him who gave it to him...?
atm I can only think of his time in the monastery, when he was healing from the severe injuries and might have relied on a cane to move around.
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I honestly don't like the cane as a weapon. It looks out of place.
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Maybe in future cosmetics they can make it into a dismantled hook or something :/
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of Course he could have been giving one by those people but the cane looks too strange for a person who’s just recovering from injuries of all things they could have just gave him a normal cane and he would probably be okay with it. May I also mention the design of the cane, the stick itself is is gnarled and sharp and the handle is just a sharp object no longer used for its original purpose, connecting these two together is a statue of a figure with something glowing in it with a strange unnatural glow.
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I can definitely believe both of these possibilities, second reason especially makes more sense because the cane entity’s made a twisted version of the cane he used back when he was recovering (thank you for bringing that little animation detail btw)
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Dunno, all I know is that it looks like a cheap, fragile fake toy weapon to me.
Really don't like its design.
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i know it looks like its a cane but also like a rock climbing pickax as well
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Same. I'd like something sharp for him instead. Like a over-sized syringe, with a broken vial so it cannot be used to extract anything. Heck, I'd like a piece of sharp glass more than the cane.
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Eh, I like the cane, it fits with the “crazy scholar” design that they seem to be going with Blight. Although I agree that it looks and he is using in a weird way, perhaps it would look better if the cane was bigger (so it looked more like a scythe) and/or used his two hands.