Stretched Res

Out of pure curiosity (and a little bit of boredom),
Do you consider stretched res cheating? and if so why?
yea more than ever with crossplay. having the abilty to make your life a million times easy by an exploit that wasnt intentional at all by the devs.
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Well ######### me with my monitor that isn't in perfect res with every other monitor I guess
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why what happened with your res
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The top one is my monitor I play dbd on.
And this is the res I have to play on because of it's size.
But I guess I'm a dirty cheater for not playing on the perfect 1920x1080 res and ######### myself over because I won't be able to see most of the screen.
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No, I don't. Except for when it makes impossible to be blinded. Other than that, I don't care what res you use.
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No, not really. I tried it for both killer and survivor and it gives some minor advantages but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, personally. If you’re a good player you’ll play well on standard res, if you’re a bad player stretched res won’t help you much. It looks super ugly as well.
I imagine the devs will probably change the way it works before long because some people have been kicking up a fuss about it. I don’t use it and don’t feel like it does much so whatever, remove it so people stop bickering about it.
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Oh, it's definitely cheating. And those who use it know that.
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sure let me just change the manufacturing process of 2003 TVs so i can stop "cheating" on my monitor what a great idea.
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lol spare me. I've seen the videos of stretched res and its benefits.
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Bad players will be bad good players will be good regardless of res. Are 4:3 monitor people cheating? Also it only let's you see more distance and not more of the killer.
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It is the same problem like using ultra low settings against normal or high graphic.
I recently rewatched old YouTube videos of monto, puppets and 2 others I am not sure of. 3 times normal dark graphics and the 4 view ultra bright and lowest graphics without much gras or anything.
Reminds me of the old pubg problem with hiding in gras and other people reducing the rendering distance for objects.
But yes if you have to fiddle with the config files outside of the in-game options it is borderline cheating, even if it is the devs fault to make those files accessible in the first place.
Lastly I personally don't like cheating but even so I would not use stretched res because I would get sick of the fish lense view I've seen on comparison pictures. And since I only play killer it wouldn't even help to begin with.
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I've seen otherwise, so. Sorry. Not buyin' what you're sellin'.
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Karu leave em be people will call anything cheating nowadays. Stretched res isnt cheating nor are you using your monitor. Bad players will be bad good players will be good thats all that matters.
Meanwhile you have truetalent I believe changing the sounds eith a 3rd party software to make the chase music softer. but that isnt cheating I guess.
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Uhh... 1178x662 is a 16:9 aspect ratio. Or very, very close to it. Hardly a stretch res. As a matter of fact, I think you're getting the same sort of width, but a tiny bit less height, so you're actually seeing less than normal resolutions.
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So I'm cheating because my monitor doesn't use default 1920x1080.
It's definitely not up to BHVR to implement proper graphical scaling is it? Nah, make sure that you always play in 1920x1080 even if your monitor can't do that.
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Stretched res benefits killers as well.
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Still a stretch and anything that stretches is cheating clearly :D
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The advantage it gives is so slight even 1080 x 1080 isnt even that big except for nurse thags cheating. Provide me some videos that prove me other wise.
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Really? I have no idea, except maybe a bigger field of view to the sides?
I only ever saw really a difference for survivor to see over loops.
Never tried it myself, again even if I would do it I would get sick/annoyed from the stretched perspective.
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Yeah you can see survivors who try to window tech you and gain a bigger FOV in general.
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No, not a stretch, a squish. Although I haven't checked myself, you're either getting like 1-2 pixels less vertical, or maybe 1 extra vertical? So I guess if you got 1 extra vertical that would be a tiny stretch, offset by the fact that you'd be missing out on a ton of detail at such a relatively low res. That's not at all what people mean when they say stretch res.
As you can tell by the tutorial tip, this is the same exact angle.
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Okay, so you have a ######### monitor 🤣. Doesn't change the fact those who have 1920x1080 who use stretch res have a clear visual benefit.
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It's kind of funny, how people actually think that stretched res is such a big advantage, while they completely ignore that it also comes with big disadvantages.
You gain a tiny bit more vision on a the part of rotation around the X-axis (specifically, moving your camera "up" so you can look "down"), but lose vision rotation around the Y-Axis (left and right). While in theory you should be able to see more when you move your camera up and down, you dont see more stuff if you move your camera down, because you cant see anything if you move your camera down, because of the map floor, you know? So that's not really an advantage.
ALSO. Because of stretched res, you lose vision to the left and to the right. Which is another disadvantage.
So to sum it up:
- GOOD: you gain vision when moving your camera up.
- BAD: you don't gain vision when moving your camera down.
- BAD: you lose vision to the left
- BAD: you lose vision to the right
The downsides outweigh the upsides.
3 downsides for 1 small upside. Yeah, probably the major game changer as it is displayed in this post and also discussed by streamers.
PS: stretched res just looks ugly.
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Small upside? It helps in LOOPING. y'know, looping? That thing that survivors do to not die? Yeah, that's a pretty big advantage to lose a little left and right vision when they can SEE over ######### better. 🤦
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Just ask them WHY they use it. Especially content creators. It will always catch them off guard.
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lol no. I use stretch res on pretty much every game that allows it CS, rainbow6 etc. Fortnite locked the FOV, DBD can do the same. I shouldnt have to sacrifice a whole perk slot for some extra FOV (shadowborn) also male survivors cover so much off the screen on native.
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CS and RB6 are first person. Fortnite and DbD Surv is 3rd person. Now guess why Fortnite locked the FOV.
Even still this doesn't anwer my question.
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Yeah, it's cheating. It's like using Nvidia filters, but ×5, because it increases your FoV to the point you can clearly see over loops instead of barely glimpsing over them. A lot of people like to use the argument of "YoU cAn SeE oVeR aNyWaY", but to that I ask: Is it cheating if the killer disables Fog?
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.....what question?
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sometimes you diddle those settings to get some fps without having to make the game look like ass due tot he same lazy lack of visual options in game that they had four years ago. mainly so that you don't need to waste valuable time i match changing the resolutions cale for the poorly optimized maps like ormond and middlewich which can go from 60something to 70something % gpu usage to suddenly almost 50 fps in certain directions in halls in middle and at a few specific spots of ormond whichc ans crew your gameplay for both sides on those maps when it happens. I'm using a 2080 gpu btw, so no, it isn't my hardware also using a 2700x cpu.
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Stretched res removes all possibilities for mindgames and stealth because you can just see the killer at all times - over the obstacles and in the far distance and thus massively helps survivors in looping. Of course it's cheating.
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Why are you playing DbD on a 4:3 monitor? Would love to see a prove.
Otherwise it's the dumbest excuse i ever heard regarding on strechted res.
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And i said i want you to prove it. A photo with your name, the monitor and DbD.
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I know the saying that "cheating is cheating, it could be 3% or 300%" which I mostly agree. However because this is such a controversial topic, this is a rare case I would contradict this saying. I will say that it depends on how much you stretch it. If it's to the point where you don't need to go wide in loops to see the killer from both sides where you wouldn't normally see, yes, that's cheating. But, if it's not to that point, I consider it alright.
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I honestly forgot it was even a thing
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More killers talk about stretched res than the amount of players that actually use it.
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So many posters who think that "stretched res" is referring to unusual monitor sizes. In this context Stretched Res is referring to stretching the vertical resolution specifically so that you can see over obstacles in loops that you're not supposed to see over. As in you're playing at a 1:1 ratio instead of roughly a 4:3 ratio. It's a significant advantage in loops because it makes it much harder for a killer to mindgame at the loop when you can see them.
Tru3ta1ent posted a video a while back with side-by-sides of it. The first two examples, for instance, are a normal 1280 x 780 resolution and a stretched 1080 x 1080 resolution. There are no monitors with "1080 x 1080" resolution and no reason to play at that ratio other than to cheat so you can see over things.
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You can't have 70% gpu usage and not be hitting the 60 fps cap (assuming you are using vsync) Your gpu still has 30% headroom and can only be limited by a terrible cpu. Running 4:3 will not fix this problem if you are cpu bound.
I am running a 1st gen i7 860 and a gtx 1060 and sit around 80 fps.
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I'm used to playing stretched on other games that I play, it's just preference for me. I brought this to the forums just to see some opinions but it seems to me like a lot of people see it as a sin, but in reality I don't do it for the fov, since most games I play offer the fov sliders. Native to me looks super narrow and as i mentioned it all just comes down to preference as far as im concerned with it. And the way it looks from your post it's actually more of a disadvantage than anything, so I dont know why it's so frowned upon :/
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But you know you only get HOR+ and you get VER-, right? Usually a FOV slider gives both, I always preferred VER+ that's why I used to have a 21:9 monitor but there no way to get that FOV in dbd
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Definitely. Only people defending it are the ones using it.
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Yes I'm aware, to me it's the stretched look that I prefer. The fov isn't what really interests me. Native 1920x1080 to me looks really narrow since I'm so used to playing stretched on every other game I play. I played stretched on fortnite after the patch which also did not give any extra fov, just widened the game and models a bit. But it seems like a really touchy subject and I may just end up having to bite the bullet and play DBD on native just to avoid any controversy in case I ever decide to stream
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I agree with this. Personally I have no "need" to stretch my game. But on most other games I play, I play stretched purely for the look of it. Most people would say it's ugly to look at, which I get. But I'm so used to it and I prefer the wider look of things. I play most other games on 1600x1080 so it isn't much, but to me the game itself and all of the models look much much better, which is preference of course. I have yet to try it out on DBD but I have seen what it looks like, and I can agree that there are some res that do seem over the top. But stretching the game just a tad bit such as 1600x1080 doesn't seem like much of an advantage, if any at all. Ussylis uses this resolution for reference
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I dont consider it cheating, also tried it myself and there's a point where the camera doesn't let you go more down and stresses me how weird it looks, so I prefer native, specially now in my new monitor.
Btw you can't see more than what you can with native, killer or survivor, you end up being able to see the same because of the moment where the camera doesn't let you go more down while stretched. Playing native is more comfortable
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no no you're right I'm 99% of the time at steady 60fps, it's just afew specific spots, even directions faced in them, on a couple of specific maps where my fps can suddenly jump almost down to 50fps and with their shoddy vsync on it's really jarring. Trying to disable their vsync in gameusersettings.ini and even through nvidia control paneld oesn't seem to work for me, and I don't want to risk making configs read-only or messing with anything other than gameusersettings.ini nor any other settings in besides the preset options for visuals so I prefer to keep those solid 60 fps and have to tank my visuaks to the point my usage on older maps is closer to 60% and most others closer to around high 60s to 70% usage just to avoid those janky drops into the 50s on specific maps mainly middlewich and the orville.*
k I've just got an idea for a fun and interesting new map. Pallet drops on the Orville
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No, this has been in the game for well over a year,if the devs thought it was cheating or a "bannable offense" they would of removed it by now, besides some people have 4:3 monitors so do they get a ban for having a different monitor ?
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you lose barely any left or right vision and gain a lot of height, i experimented with some extreme stretched res in a private game, you can't be mind gamed at most loops with this
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If anyone seeing these comparisons can unironically claim stretch res wasn´t cheating, they´re either blissfully ignorant about the power of vision, trolls, or trying to defend their own use of unfair advantages. This is truly disgusting.
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karu it isn't our fault your tv is 18 years old
spend a few or stop complaining to everyone else that you are forced to use the blatantly broken thing