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PC - Deathslinger Bug & Hitboxes

RockyBruno Member Posts: 10
edited August 2020 in Bug Reporting


I tried to search the forums for "Deathslinger" and "Hitboxes" and found no recent results pertaining to either of my issues so I figured I'd share it here. Hitboxes have become increasingly unclear over the last few killer releases, but I have found the Deathslinger to have extremely buggy/unclear boxes and his power to be able to shoot through terrain. I have provided a clip that clearly shows the problem.

I assume this can be tested and verified by selecting ranged killers such as Deathslinger & Huntress, possibly even The Plague.

I do not think Survivors or Perks matter, this was caught on one of the Autohaven Wreckers maps but it has also happened on Crotus Penn. The frequency is quite often, I can't say it's EVERY game against these killers but it's at least once a day against a ranged killer.

He proceeds to use his Speargun on me and you can very, VERY clearly see it connecting after going through a locker AND the partial wall. This raised so many questions, especially if you pause around the 6-8 second time frame. Not only does the shot connect, but you can pause it on impact and VERY clearly see it going through both objects.

I have also found similar issues with blocking ranged attacks from the Huntress and after seeing this, I fear my suspicions are confirmed that they are connecting through terrain as well, though I have yet to capture video footage of it happening.

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