I want to stop running the meta

I want to play this game to have fun, and try out fun perk builds.
Everytime i try and do this, i feel forced to run certain perks because of every killer's playstyle.
I always get tunneled or another survivor gets camped and tunneled in which ds and bt are necessary.
This is a little rant because of my last match. I decided to run fun perks and go for something different. The killer noticed no one had bt and i didnt have ds so he tunneled me off hook every single time, ignoring other survivors in his path. This game is becoming less and less fun.
Bond, detective's hunch, kindred, and alert are fun to run together
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if the killer had more time to actually play the game in a decent manner you'd probably be able to do that
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I noticed a wild increase in tunneling killers as well. Started running Decisive for the very first time in all my years of playing DBD. I get to use it nearly every match, too as killers even drop chases to run back to the hook the second you get unhooked. It is how it is.
However the other 3 perks are basically your choice.
Been toying around with random stuff like Streetwise and This is not happening combined with medkit addons that increase progress for hitting great skillchecks which is basically like a mini version of Autodidact except it also works on yourself unlike real Autodidact.
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Go to the opposite extreme and try out being an immersive gamer. Spinechill, bond, kindred and Urban evasion . Make it your own personal challenge to do objectives while never getting caught.
They can’t tunnel you if they can’t find you. Calm spirit is good too, especially if you face doctor or infectious fright often.
The problem is Solo and how one is always matched with potatoes.
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The only ones who can change the meta are the devs, but its very unlikely this will ever happen, sadly.
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I mostly just run builds related to whatever challenge I'm doing in the archives. I've found solo survivor is more fun if you don't care about escaping.
DS and DH don't always save you from doom. Sometimes matches just go to #########.