which resident evil character would be chosen to be a survivor in dbd?

What character from resident evil could be a survivor in dbd?
(Note: I will only put the famous main characters of each game, but I will also put the option "others" for people who do not like the main characters
which resident evil character would be chosen to be a survivor in dbd? 51 votes
Jill valentine
with nemesis and raccoon city, it could be the dlc that rival silent hill dlc
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Leon s kennedy
Similar to how the Silent Hill DLC used characters and locations from the first 3 games without much connection to the other. I'd assume the chapter would include The OG mansion, Nemesis, and Leon.
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Jill valentine
It can be in many forms, such as chris from re 1, rpd from re2 and nemesis from re 3.
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Leon s kennedy
Thats true, I just feel like these places and characters are the most iconic of the series. For example when I think Resident Evil Character my mind shoots to Leon and Jill Because of 1-4, chris was there for the first game and just kinda mucked off till 5.
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Among these options, Leon is the one I like the most. But I'm biased towards Ada Wong lol
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Leon s kennedy
There are of lot of unmentioned characters, who I love incredibly, but I don't think that they will be the choice, if RE Chapter comes in play. Like Hunk, Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, Sherry Birkin, Barry Burton, Rebecca Chambers, Sheva Alomar, Carlos Oliveira, Luis Sera and many others. Everyone, who was listed in previous sentence is either too powerful for DbD or just not iconic enough for the series, not "the faces" of RE.
Ethan is a comparatively a new character, nowhere near iconic or extremely important to the series (like all previous licenses were). And though, if BHVR makes this deal somewhere during 2020-2021, he might be an actual choice (because of being the main character of the upcoming Resident Evil: Village), I bet, not many people would've liked that, so it's unlikely.
Chris holds the record of appearances in the series (8 in total), but not a lot of people associate him with series as "the goat" somewhy. Same with his sister, Claire, who is also, unfortunately, not the most recognizable face among non-fans of Resident Evil. Which brings me to last two options: Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy. Two Capcom's favourite RE-babies, I would say. Jill has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, along with the controversial release of RE3 Remake (you know, nice graphics, nice content, but amounts of this content are completely not on the part with the price) and always has been a character, who got nothing but love from the most of the community. Leon, at the same time, was re-introduced to us in RE2 Remake - cool, sexy and badass as always, albeit still a bit naive. Leon was the main character of the universally most praised game in the series - resident evil 4. Leon was the only character, who appeared in all RE animated movies. Leon is the only male character, whose looks never ever got bad or even meh, from installment to installment.
I chose Leon because, unlike Jill, he makes my top-3 characters, along with Ada and Wesker. And also because Jill is already a part of RE: Resistance, which could mean one of two things: 1) Capcom already cemented her as a character from their own asymmetrical game and won't be eager to give her to other game with same concept; 2) Capcom decided that Jill is the most important character of theirs at the moment and if asked for a license, would put her as a number one option for the survivor.
Which character would most likely be chosen to be a DbD survivor? Either Jill or Leon.
Which character would I want to be chosen as a DbD survivor? Ada, Leon and Rebecca.
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Alice from the movies 😂😂😂
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Leon s kennedy
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Leon s kennedy
I voted Leon, because I think he would fit the best in DBD, but Jill is also a good choice.
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Leon s kennedy
I love Resident evil..and I really hope the survivor is Leon S. Kennedy! he is the best Character in Resident Evil (male character) It would just be super cool and I really hope that it is him. ☝🏻❣️
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My mind: Leon and Jill
My heart: Carlos. Only Carlos.