To people who say killers like Deathslinger should be this strong in the 1v1



  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Breaking los is the only thing you can do. Even in jungle gyms all they have to do is wait for a window vacuum to get a free shot. Then my bring up guessing which boils down to guess right 4head if you don't you die.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    So ######### killers right? We're just robots playing the game right?

    Survivors wanna be able to mindlessly loop every killer and that is considered 'fun' to survivors, but when they can't mindlessly loop a killer that killer is 'boring'.

    Do you know what the most 'boring' thing is for killers? Playing Ring Around The Rosie except the pallet falls down. Not only that it's boring for us to have to rely on the same tactic as Wraith, Pig, Legion, etc to deal with looping.

    I'm playing this game for 'My fun' and not survivors fun

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I'm mocking your view that "you don't dodge DS he just misses you" with as equally dumb sounding argument that somehow even god nurses never miss if you didn't get it. Survivor's movement plays insanely huge role in how DS aims & times his shots and if you don't even know that they it's obvious to me why you don't think he has counterplay.

    I know that you want to use this 1v1 as an "proof" if you win that DS doesn't have counterplay. If you searched around YT or twitch even a small while you would find more then enough gameplay with survivors outplaying deathslingers but all of that is dismissed by you as "DS missing or something simmiliar". You also clearly don't see the flawed logic in 1v1 me and if I win your opinion doesn't count based on 1 game. You're really desperate to silence anyone who disagrees with you if you challenge everyone who claims that DS has counterplay into 1v1 with you. Many people told you counterplay vs DS and you dismiss it, there's really no helping you if you refuse to listen.

    I already know what you think about DS so any more replies would be a complete waste of time. Keep on challenging people to 1v1 as if it proofs anything.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You are mocking it because it is a truth your movement doesnt matte riff the deathslinge has good aim and can track. He shoot some fast you cant react.

    A 1v1 is proof I was planning on doing multiple chases with anyone if they do want to challenge me but no one including you will because you understand you lack the skills to prove this claim of yours. All the counterplay is simply a bunch of guesses like "dodge when he shoots" now you have to guess when he does the quickshot. Link me those videos of survivors "outplaying slinger" when this not a guess. It's like that video where otz was looping a spirit and he himself said it's just guessing. You can definitely loop a slinge if you win the guesses.

    Once again if you truly believe in your claim why do you still refuse to show it. We can do multiple chases just stop wit jb the excuses that I dismiss all counter when in reality it's all just x perk or guess this way or that way.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I really didn't want to reply anymore but I gotta tell you this so that I can close this off hopefully permanently.

    His counterplay is "GUESSES" if that's how you want to call educated predictions that you do vs every killer in all chases even in normal M1 wraith chases when you don't see each other you're doing these. You just can't swallow that DS brings it to the next level and he forces you to do them much more often and that he as killer has the advantage in them.

    Guesses are a huge part of DBD and they occur vs every killer in every chase, some smaller, some bigger. Some more survivor favored, some more killer favored. You're stuck in your own reality where guesses for whatever reason aren't valid counterplay even when they were part of DBD since it was released. Yes DS has power that is based around them, both sides do them, DS and the survivor as well. Yes they are hugely in favor of DS due to his small ADS time but that's how he was designed, where were you to give feedback once he was on the PTB, that was communities 1 shot to change his ADS but nobody complained so it's here to stay.

    You for whatever reason target DS and his power that "doesn't have counterplay other then guesses" when so many other powers have guessing in them as well almost on par with DS. You can hate it as much as I hate to guess where trappers traps are placed but it's here to stay for a long time before DS gets touched again.

    Now, that's all I have to say to you. You may not like it but guessing or the better word predictions is counterplay. I hate when people say it's a pure guess, that would mean a coin toss which couldn't be farther from truth. Another of the excuse word as "boring, unfun, guesses, etc" to get something nerfed.

    Now I'm really done with this. I've again said my peace and I don't want to continue this anymore as we see thing very differently in the matter of counterplay.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ok good just wanted to make sure we are on the same page. His power is disgusting his guesses like you admitted are heavily in his favor. that is not fair. I'm gonna leave it at that because you still have refused my offer to 1v1 and show me how you make all these "educated predictions" so consistently.

    You are another killer main who cant back up their claim.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    This is offtopic so it's bypassing my no more discussing final statement.

    Tbh I wouldn't mind some practice vs slinger. Whenver I play survivor I can't get to face him, everyone plays M1 killers or spirit. I've never said I can do "educated predictions so consistently" I don't know where you found that, I've just said that he has counterplay that's very hard to pull off and requires a lot of experince and knowledge about DS.

    If you want I wouldn't mind a few matches of 1v1 vs slinger on one condition that you won't be using it as argument material since I know I'm not a great survivor since when I play DBD I enjoy killer much more so I lack a lot of chase experience as survivor. I know this might bite me and you'll forever use a few matches of me sucking vs slinger as proof that he doesn't have counterplay to silence any of my opinions but I really enjoy facing him and getting better so if it's just for fun I wouldn't mind getting a bit better vs slinger since I can't get almost any normal matches vs him.

    Ofc I don't want to waste your time since I'll probably go down pretty early so take it as you will. As I said it's more of a for fun 1v1 and not some me wanting to show you how to counter DS since I know that I'm not someone who's good at chases vs all killers in the first place.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    No I'm not like that I wont use it against you not as argument purposes I will attempt to help you improve against slinger but this is good you might see his flaws facing against mine sound fair?

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I'm glad to hear that. Just to make it crear tho, I know that DS is very hard to beat in 1v1, in the not as many as I'd like matches I had I've had vs slingers between all those that were bad I've had a few who were really good so I know that if slinger plays extremely well he'll down you super fast. For me it's just fun to vs killer like that, I love facing killers who most players don't like to vs due to their strong chase power like PH, nurse, spirit, slinger, etc even if I go down early and die etc.

    I know many hate that but since I love those playstyles I defent them so that they don't get the nurse treatement whom I loved to face but after her "rework" I hardly see her once in 10 games unlike before it.

    So with all that clear and if's it's just for fun then I'd love to have a few matches vs slinger.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah I understand a bit more now I've been trying to face more nurses recently too luckily infected a legacy one and got to hone my skills.

    I'm down for some fun matches against you who knows maybe we can find a way to consistently make these guesses.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
    edited August 2020
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Im on xbox also are you good at boob? I gotta practice against him l but my name is Azame San on dbd. I'm out currently so I can't play.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I've sent you a friend request, we can play once you have time, it doesn't have to be today.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I never wait as in stand still I meant to see if you vacuum vault or dodge in other words zone you.

    All your counterplay consisits of guesses and breaking los which is fair but sti angood slunger wont let you break los.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Im not a fan of him because i dont like his content not beacuse i hate Survivors having fun i want this game to be balanced and nerfing an already weak killer is not the way to do that. stop labbeling people you dont agree with as "killer mains who dont care about fun for survivors" you dont know me or who i main.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Killers being strong in the 1v1 or in the 1v4 makes them strong in the other and vice versa, deathslinger excels at mounting pressure by having short time efficient chases which helps remove some of the time the survivors can do objects by making them have to save, killers who can balance an entire team like legion by keeping them all injured or making them spend time on healing helps save time in chases or make up for the long m1 115% speed chases.

    Deathslinger is more fun to play as a killer for the strong 1v1 potential rather than be mediocre at 1v1 and 1v4

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    My mistake man but my assumption was justified alot of the killers mains dont look at it objectively it's a bunch of you want an easy loop killers its frustrating when nobody understands.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    Would you mind defining fun? Is it longer chase? Or maybe certain movement?

  • Viperion
    Viperion Member Posts: 49

    I dont like playing against a deathslinger, just becouse i feel so weak when being chased by him, i just think he can end chases too fast.

  • Duniek94
    Duniek94 Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2020

    He cant he is not Huntress bad map pressure can't take you down through pallets sometimes through windows 110% ms he is mid tier killer I think u didnt see good Nurse or Spirit if u say u feel weak vs Deathslinger haha I laught

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    The killer is the power role, assuming the killer player is on an equal or better skill level compared to the survivor, the odds should favor the killer, simply because there are 4 survivors and only 1 killer

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I think people are using "counterplay" to mean different things in this thread. Generally, counterplay should be you see the other person do something, and you can then make a move to try and counter it. The Huntress raises her hatchet and makes a noise while looking at you, you can now watch her aiming carefully and try to juke, break LoS, crouch if you're already behind something, etc.

    Pre-throwing a pallet isn't really counterplay in the same way. Sure, the Deathslinger is behind you, so you drop the pallet, but that's kind of your only option unless there's LoS. But these things I'd consider "partial" counterplay. As in, you're entirely reliant on the environment to stand a chance. You can still dodge Huntress hatches just fine out in the open. It definitely becomes harder, and to an extent you're both still taking guesses, and I guess that's the thing. A Deathslinger doesn't really have to guess like a Huntress does, his projectile is at max speed instantly with no charge time, and he can fire it almost immediately after hitting his power button.

    It isn't inaccurate to say most of the "mind games" in DBD are a lot of guessing, but it's guessing on both players, so it makes it feel much more interactive and fun (for a while, I agree with someone above who said as a Killer I just kind of sigh once I know someone's a good looper and they have a good setup, the pressure to pressure gens kind of saps the fun out of the fun parts of the game as Killer a lot of the time) than just trying to bait a shot and hoping the Deathslinger is far enough away for the projectile to take a while to get to you and new enough to now instantly quick shot you.

    But like in most cases, "good" players are fairly rare. I imagine not a tremendous amount of people main Deathslinger to boot, because he's really not very powerful outside of this one area.