Stridor Spirit

The whole point of Iron Will is to remove your injured sounds. Stridor overrides that? BS. What other situation does this scenario even really possibly pertain to? Spirit ABUSES this technicality. It's way too easy to win as Spirit to begin with, then you nullify her one counter perk?
Who at BHVR has a rager for her so f'n hard?
Wow what an original discussion, never seen one of THESE before.
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Just do the bones
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The perk is fine...
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Repressed Alliance
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My bad lol
But tbh they do have a point with stridor, being use multiple perks (like Off The Record and Iron Will together) or just don't get injured.
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Uhh what? The post is about spirit stridor not noed
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I've seen people use the perk surprisingly well.
It's just sad because Surge somehow went through it anyway and ######### them.
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Oh I'd agree. Spirit has so many issues that need to be fixed imo, stridor being one of them. I'd rather they change her entire kit and give her a full rework.
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Literally the only counter is no mither + Iron will, and why would you run that just to only get Spirit 1 out of 5 games?
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I used to main spirit for a while, I don't use stridor, just headphones. It is odd tho, kind of like light born completely counters flashlights.
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use no mither iron will smh
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Main reason stridor is used is because so many use iron will and it’s bugged it’s not suppose to remove anything more then injured grunts but it first bugged and removed breathing as well and now it removes stagger noises and footsteps and it works while the survivor is on the floor so stridor is there to bring back atleast some of the injured and breathing sounds
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Also stridor doesn’t override it iron will still works think of sound perks like a volume button if it’s decreased by 100 it’s at 0 if you add 50 to that it’s 50 etc
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I've looped multiple spirits that had stridor, its really not that hard
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Gonna blow your minds here. The reason Spirit is so incredibly dumb as a deign is because:
Without either Iron Will or Stridor in play she is overwhelmingly strong with little to no counterplay.
With Iron Will in play she becomes absolutely worthless thanks to bugged survivor footsteps/breathing just not playing sometimes
With both perks in play she is still overwhelmingly strong with little to no counter play... IF she has headphones. If not you'll only be finding Jane players.
A killers viability should not be decided by perks.
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just play better
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We're still hating on Spirit because the community is more focused on the 1v1 and not the 4v1. I'm sorry but if every killer was able to be mindlessly looped, their would be no killer's for y'all to play against.
Mad that a lot of Spirit's run Stridor (even though Stridor was literally made to counter IW) go curse out BHVR for making chase music louder, survivors regular breathing and footsteps inaudible.
And as I been saying, Spirit is a product of what's wrong with looping and flips the script on survivor's and obviously most of y'all don't like that so I believe that looping needs looked at.
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How is it not relevant to the discussion ???
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His post is complaining about stridor spirit so i say that "I've looped multiple stridor spirits, its not that hard" which is essentially saying that stridor spirit is fine IMO, how is giving my opnion on what he said not relevant to the discussion?
Im gonna stop replying to you now because this isnt contributing to the discussion at all
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If OP is talking game health/balance with Stridor Spirit, than why is that every other day a post about Spirit is being made? The better question is why is Spirit being played so much?
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So just because im a better player then you and can actually loop killers im bias?
Its not an "attempt to be accepted" this is a ######### fourms do you think i care if people agree with me?
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Ok and your post ######### attacking me didnt contribute ######### to this discussion.
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Because i got better at the game
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Yea i learned how to counter spirit better.
Now please stop talking to me
Post edited by Respectfulnancymain on0 -
Ok bye👋
And just because i can counter spirits dosent mean i can beat Scott jund, hes one of the best killers in dbd.
Whats "your point" exactly btw? So far you've just been trying to attack me
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I ran a nurse around for 5 minutes yesterday, guess she's bad.
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I edited the comment :D
Read the edits
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Did you seriously just say that scott jund would play like an average spirit?😬
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He's still scottjund aka one of the best killer players, i probably wouldnt be able to beat him even if he played a normal m1 killer
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Have a good day too ig 👋
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Iron Will and No Mither counters a stridor Spirit! I personally wouldn't run it though.
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Boy most of what you said I could agree with, but LOOPING needs to be looked at?
We have found the most entitled killer main in DBD 😆
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The proof is literally right there! Spirit is product of what's wrong with looping! Survivor's hate her because they can't mindlessly loop her because they don't have the same advantages they have in a loop like 90% of the killer roaster! Most people play Spirit because her loop control. Doesn't that mean that looping needs to be looked into or am I drawing the wrong conclusion based off my experience?
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Spirit is a slower killer (I'm pretty sure which makes her much easier to loop, actually.
And nobody plays her for "loop control" whatever that is it's gen pressure.
And as a survivor main I can confirm: we don't hate spirit
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No once again you fail to look at things objectively and understand the 1v1 is the most fun part of the game take that away and its gen hook sim and survivors will leave.
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Stridor doesn't actually "override" Iron Will. You'll still be much quieter than if you didn't have Iron Will, you just won't be completely mute against a killer that primarily hunts using sound.
I had a group of salty survivors get mad at me for playing Stridor Spirit the other day. Thing was, none of them was even using Iron Will, so it was basically just a wasted perk slot.
There's this weird idea among survivors that certain killers like Spirit are just completely free 4Ks. As someone who plays every killer I guarantee you this is not the case. Think about it: if any killer had a 100% winning track record the devs would know and change them.
I do quite well against Spirit even without Iron Will because I know her ability and limitations quite well. If you're struggling against any given killer I recommend you play that killer for a bit. Spirit is def strong, but she's not the easiest to play and she's punished hard if she misses with her power.
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Hey here's a hint heal and don't run bam you've countered spirit
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I use it from time to time. Have won a few games because of it actually
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There’s always one of you in every thread it seems. Let’s make a deal, I’ll spare you the obvious retort, you stop being that guy. Sweet
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They already have nerfed her a few times and she's still OP. Also if you wanna remove stridor because it counters iron will, we should also remove spine chill because it counters monitor and abuse. Why have perks in the game to begin with if they aren't supposed to counter anything. 🤔
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I play spirit sometimes. Sometimes i run stridor. I still lose at a rate similar to other killers that I play. My point being shes not unbeatable.
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Iron will stop the grunt of pain by 100% and Stridor reduce it to 50%. I think you can stack iron will with no mither or even off the record
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I don't think 'nerfing the perk' just to 'nerf the killer' is an acceptable solution. Leave the perk alone and fix the killer. There are tons of viable options. Remove The Spirts sounds outside of a very small distance. Or just remove her sounds while phasing. Or remove perk abilities while phasing. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Stridor is an otherwise totally legitimate perk.
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Man, I genuinely love seeing people say "Just use No Mither and Iron Will then".
Right. Sure. So, we should crazily disadvantage ourselves against every single killer just to cover the, somebody said, 1/5 chance it'll be Spirit?
Nobody is listening to my point. Spirit is o.p. WITHOUT stridor. So, the devs thought it would be cool? to design Stridor to hear through Iron Will?
Look at my other posts. I've pointed out her BS details before. She. Is. OP.
The devs push through subtle little fixes for Killers alllllllll the time. Trappers traps don't move at all now when you reset them now. Wraith's shimmer can no longer be seen further than 32m away. So on.
I know they're always working hard to make DBD better. We all appreciate it. Now it's Spirit's turn.
Fix her.
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Well that's not what the explanation text describes. Very VERY misleading. The perk doesn't do what it says on the box. 0/5 stars
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But IW's description text is very misleading. Stridor doesn't mention this piercing of IW's usefulness either. Plainly it doesn't do what it says it does on the outside of the box. Get me?
Yes, your Freddy situation is comparable but not really. Pop works like it says it should.
Stridor and IW are both mislabeled, misdirectional, broken basically.
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Yeah, what you do using audio editing is also a huge problem, don't go congrats'ing yourself so quick.
I didn't mention it in my OG post but the audio editing is also some bs.
Do what thou wilt. We'll all know who won by "cheating" lol.
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"Why does stridor counter iron will" "why does calm spirit counter doctors"
"Why are stridor spirits so strong"
"Nerf spirit"
You guys dont really want spirit nerfed. You guys want easy predictable games. God forbid you have to use your mind a bit. No no. You guys just want the same tired loops. Over and over again. Like i can get behind nerf to iri hatches+belt. But stridor spirit? Chill.