Why do killers say using good perks is toxic?

Ohh let me use deja vu. Dark sense. And stand still so the killer can hook me. Don't do gens 'casue it's toxic. Don't blind the killer with flashlight. Don't heal myself.

Why are items are in the game if u cant' use them?

Why can't you play swf without being called toxic? You know there are people who bought the game to play with friends. The other day i got facecamped by an instadown hatchet huntress with a mori but I'm not complaining about it cause,moris are really good offerings and insta down hatchet is a really godd add-on. killer mains can u stop complaining about meta perks? Thank you for your attention.



  • Endersan
    Endersan Member Posts: 54

    Yeah. And sorry if my post was rude.

    I'm just tired of seeing rants about ds, bt.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited August 2020

    Except that there's truth in there. Playing both roles, I know how much of an annoying, unbalanced thing SWF is (never been in a full SWF team, though). But, having the killer chasing you forever, downing you because he got Bloodlust, then possibly facecamping you because you made him mad by wasting so much of his time (which he could have used by hunting somebody else) is not fun, either. While playing survivor, I want to do everything I can to earn some points. I want to cleanse totems, I want to open chests, I want to work on gens, heal AND get chased. Not ONLY get chased, until I die because I turned 95. And I don't want to go down with a single basic attack either, because the killer had the perk that those who know will not be able to stop gens bring (NoeD). As a solo survivor, I almost always cleanse 3 to 4 totems, sometimes even 5 all on my own. But I can't go looking for totems on the entire map all on my own, in every single match. Until solos have a way of telling how many totems are still present in the map yes, NoeD is actually a crutch. And I think the same about DS and DH, some easy stuff that everybody uses. The difference is that, with like 95% of the killers I've met relentlessly chasing the same guy, then tunneling and camping him (and, before you say anything, this applies to both console and PC), DS becomes close to being "mandatory". When killers' behaviour will change, decent survivors' behaviour and perks might change as well. But until then, nobody likes being chased for the entirety of the game.

    EDIT: And please, be rational about what you say, and don't give me the same recycled answer "the killer's job is to kill, he doesn't have to care about your fun. As much as survivors don't have to care about the killer's fun blah blah blah". If people start to get tired of the game and its community, what do you think will happen? I don't think that hitting air gives any bloodpoints, does it? As much as kicking gens with no progress is not going to regress them.

  • Endersan
    Endersan Member Posts: 54

    My only problem is that everytime they see someone using ds they make a post about it. I never make anypost about tunneling,camping killers. So why can't they do the same? And if they don't tunnel=no ds no bt.

    They just have to change the way they play so we won't use ds and bt. In the current state ds and bt is necessary.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Killer who complain about perks are usually bad, just ignore them.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    Because SWF bust the game and has always done so. No one likes playing against them. This is universal. Go play in your own lobby in kyf if it's really about playing with your pals and leave the solo's alone.

    No one complains about healing yourself, using flash lights or doing gens. You're full of it.

    Killers complain mostly about DS because of the locker plays or the unbreakable plus ds combo that basically creates a can't pick them up and can't leave them scenario. I personlaly have nothing against DS.

    Instant hatchete huntress is widely condemned by the killer community openly as broken. They've been complaining about her Iri head being silly with the infantry belt combo for ages and she needs an add on update.

    Maybe actually look around the forum before you complain about what other people opinions are.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    DS and BT enable you to make risky plays without consequences.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    At the end of the day play how you like and ignore all the whining. Because all through my time here on the forums i have seen people complain about every aspect of what the other side uses, then these same people announce "Play how you like, its not your job to make things fun for the other side" when discussing their own side.

    It's all double standards and backpedaling and at the end of the day, the only people who can disallow a game mechanic, is the devs.

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    You can use whatever perk or item you want to use, no matter what anyone says. Killers don't like certain ones, such as the torches, or keys, decisive strike or dead hard. Survivors hate NOED, being moried or having nurses calling. It's about learning what works for you so ignore all the comments saying 'use this, don't use that' and try them out for yourself.

    At the end of the day, the killer is supposed to try and sacrifice the survivors, the survivors are expected to do what they can to survive; it's going to cause conflict due to people's perception of good and bad perks, which leads to perceived or actual toxic behaviour.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I guess because the current meta perks can literally change the outcome of the match.

    SWF on coms is a little to strong and is being ignored by the dev's for unknown reasons

    They promised to make solo players stronger and all we got was kindred ignoring the fact SWF don't need to waste perk slots for this information, and are nerfing killers instead when they shouldn't be.

    Gen speed needs to be looked at but they won't thanks to solo groups that they refuse to buff.

    It all wraps up into a nice little ball of frustration and anger that turns to toxicity in time.

    On the survivors side camping sucks, hag can be deleted from the game and i wouldn't shed a tear, spirit needs to make a sound when she phases so she can't just stand there leaving you clueless and yeah, that's about it.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312

    People in general do this way too much, and it doesn't matter who they are: they're scrubs that can't seperate their dislike of stuff in the game from people using said stuff.

    "I think <thing> is lame/too strong" is fine, "<thing> is lame and you suck if you use it" is worthless scrub whining.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I agree like using JUST decisive strike or JUST adrenaline or JUST unbreakable is fine, but the second you combo them is the problem. It's not fun for the other side in any way to run absolute crutch or excessively strong perks to win.

    And no one can convince me dead hard is crutch

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It depends on what perks you use and how you use them. I'm sorry, but if you slap on DS/UB then you are genuinely toxic, because you are exploiting a well-known combo that gives you effective immortality for an entire minute after being unhooked. I have yet to see any equivalent that killers can run that is that level of obnoxious.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited August 2020

    I guess that games need to be a bit longer, for that to happen. If that is to happen, there will still be cheap players, playing exactly like they do now, on both sides. Though I hope things can change. But yes, killers generally cry about stuff their "playstyle causes". The toxicity that was brought into this game with crossplay made me use DS for the first time since year 1. I always refused to use stuff like DS and NoeD. But, as I said, killers are making it a necessary evil. Not to mention the spamfest that being against a Billy/Clown/Freddy/PH/Doc actually means.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Ummmm I need you to do just like a page or 2 of scrolling and you will find:

    1. Someone complaining about Desperate Measures (the new survivor healing perk)
    2. Someone complaining about gens, being "genrushed" (aka survivors focusing their objective)
    3. Flashlight complaints are rare now but they happened before and if you stick around long enough, you'll probably see them again,

    Doesn't matter WHY killers are complaining about DS. So what if they jump in a locker? Grab them and eat it. Who cares if they purposely run at you. That's a sign that they want to be hit and picked up. Slug them. If they hop on a gen and you find them, either slug them or eat the DS.

    I've played 4 killer games this morning so far. Someone had DS in every game and I never got hit with it. Do you know why? I target different people intentionally and I'm not trash

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I toxic people find perk toxic how they used like ds after be hooked the almost always go looking for the killer to get DS off don't get me started on head on that pperk is worse then ds.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Toxicity is a matter of behavior. Which is very funny and ironic to say here.

    No perk is toxic. No survivors, killers, items, addons, or offerings are toxic. You may disagree, think it's too strong... But you can't say it's toxic. These are mechanics very clearly instituted by the game.

    Where I can consider a notion of toxicity is in behavior. Things that are happening, but not really planned or requested. A killer adept at camping or tunneling. A survivor adept at 360, t-bag or harassment with a flashlight...

    If, in my opinion, there are certain things that have a real and much more significant impact on the game, all of this can be studied in terms of toxicity.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @Endersan @Technician19XX Anyway, I'm going to stray off-topic here, but I'd like to discuss balancement issues with the guys in here. I would normally open a new discussion, but I've been there, done that, and people in this forum tend to only criticize things that would be unfavorable for their "faction", without even giving proper examples or explaining why it would be a bad thing. And that is because, normally, there is nothing taken into account, other than their own satisfaction. Take your time though, because it's going to be a long ride. I'll split the points into survivors and killers, to give a better reading experience. Would like to hear some thoughts, especially from the two guys I mentioned, since they are among the few I met on these forums who have proven to actually use some rational thought and constructive criticism.


    • Decisive Strike and Dead Hard should go, or they should be reworked so that DS is deactivated if you start working on gens or get fully healed (maybe one OR the other), and DH does not go off cooldown instantly while hooked, maybe even adding other 20 secs of Exhaustion. If it stays, it should also become somewhat more consistent, because I keep being hit mid animation since crossplay came out, while still becoming Exhausted. 

    • Hits through windows and on the other side of pallets should not happen, if the survivor is already running, which means he completed the animation and was out of the killer's reach. I even had players hit me on the other end of the pallet, which was already used, all while they got stunned and teleported on the side I was, but even further than where I was standing.

    • Flashlights, keys and toolboxes should be limited to one per match. This means that, of the 4 survivors in the match, only one can bring a key, only one can bring a toolbox and only one can bring a flashlight. Items in chests would still remain as normal, same for medkits. 

    • Survivors should be shown how many totems are still up on the map, possibly by placing a candle shrine in the basement, as someone already suggested. This could also lead to killers taking them by surprise and hooking them in the basement.

    • Gen rushing should be reduced by implementing something like parts to find, perhaps only for the last 2 gens. Somebody already proposed that, though he suggested to do that for all gens.

    • If the killer is anywhere near a certain radius of the hooked survivor, unless there are other survivors really close, the hooked survivor should not lose any health until the killer goes away. That radius means that he should not be so close as to be instantly ready to hit another survivor who comes in to unhook. The radius would be distance based, not terror radius based. Boom, got rid of camping (not a "strategy", since a strategy involves reasoning and planning). Of course, this would not apply to EGC.

    • This isn't really survivor only or killer only, but some maps, like Yamaoka Estate, have horrible and very few pallets. Those maps should receive some more of them, while still acting like what I described in the first killer point.

    • Exit gates should be farther from each other, so that survivors have at least a slight chance at escaping, if the hatch is closed and they are left on their own. Not really sure if that is something possible, but I'd like a system that keeps track of points earned. If you are the last survivor and did not, at least, complete a gen and a safe unhook, the hatch will not spawn for you. And I said spawn, so keys would not help. If it already spawned and you didn't do both of those things, it disappears. If you are quick enough to go for it with a key before the other survivor dies, though, you get to escape. Can't prevent everything, can we? Oh, and keys in the hands of a survivor who dies on the hook would vanish from the trial.


    • So, first things first, I feel like there should be no Bloodlust for killers. The presence of BL alone favors endless chases, which is what I also call tunneling (coupled with ending a chase to start another with an injured guy who was just unhooked). As we all know, infinite loops have been finally removed from the game, a while ago, which was mainly the reason for BL to exist. The removal of BL should also lead to less pallets, while still having no more than a single pallet in almost every area of the map, so there are no dead zones. But no areas with double pallets. This would mean, for instance, that there should be no areas like The Game's basement (but there, you have the basement, so those pallets should stay, to prevent tunneling at least a little). Maybe even show auras of pallets to other survivors the moment they get dropped, to give them some info SWF already has (I would also be into removing SWF altogether or limiting the party size to 2 people).

    • NoeD should get no move speed bonus and, as somebody else suggested, only activate on the condition that no more than 3 survivors have been hooked (if the survivor was the same one all 3 of those times, the same applies).

    • On the killer side, you can only use Ebony Mori if the survivor is on the LAST hook, if he has been hooked twice before that. If he got to second phase on his first hook, you will have to hook him. If he gets downed after the first hook, you cannot mori him. The same would apply to Pyramid Head's Final Judgement. Also, PH should not be able to have Moris, since he has one built into his kit. Moris different from the Ebony would retain their features.

    • Spirit would have to be reworked in a way that does not make her "unfair" for survivors. She can be countered, not going to deny that, though it is mainly based on luck, guesswork and meta perks like Iron Will. Every killer should have a way to counter their power even without perks. I'm ok with her retaining her map pressure though. Maybe give her a much longer cooldown, if she is to remain like she is now.

    • Instadowns need to go, or be reworked in some way, depending on the killer, so that they cannot be abused (unless they come from perks, like Haunted Grounds or Devour Hope). Huntress would lose Iridescent Head. Billy would have to wait 1:30 (duration is debatable) minutes between a succesful Chainsaw slash and another, while still retaining the newly introduced overheat mechanic. Same for Leatherface, who should have 2 charges instead of 3 and a cooldown of 40 seconds (also on successful chainsaw hit), to make up for the fact that he does not have as much map pressure as Billy. Myers should have the EW III effect active for 40 secs instead of a full minute, and the Iridescent add-on Fragrant Tuft of Hair should make it last longer, not forever (like 1 min and 20 secs). Ghostface can remain as is, maybe get some form of increased lunge. Oni is also ok as he is. While is not an instadown, Freddy should see his power charges reduced to 6/8 for Dream Snares and 4 for Dream Pallets, so he should be some more strategic and not spam pallets everywhere.
    • In general

    If we are to keep crossplay between all platforms other than mobile, console should be brought on par with PC, as far as frames go. Especially considering the fact that the upcoming graphical update could make the situation even worse. Guess that's all, for the moment. Hope nobody sees me as being too killer-sided or survivor-sided, since I had enough points for both roles. Though I reckon that is going to be a huge gamble, knowing this community.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Why do killers dislike survivors getting 4 extra second chances when the main way to down a survivor is to have them make a mistake or mindgame them into making mistakes

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I am being rational when I say this, the Killers job is to kill Survivors. When you queue up solo you do so taking a risk that you will be paired with Potatoes. It isn’t the Killers fault that you’re the only one that may do totems and your teammates refuse to. NoEd isn’t over powered because it gives the Killer and extra boost in power, it’s strong because Survivors get tunnel vision and ignore the secondary objective.

    No player is entitled to have their opponent play as they want to. As long as the rules of the game aren’t being broken, there is nothing wrong with being chased the whole match. Isn’t that what most Survivors on the forums want? How many times have I seen it posted by people that the chase is the most fun part of the game? Let’s say you got chased for three gens, wouldn’t you say that you had fun and we’re able to contribute to the team? Why should the Killer be lenient with you while you’re on hook? It’s their right to face camp you since they put up with chasing you for that long. It’s just a consequence of playing Survivor.

    The only way to make Killers give up the strategies Survivors don’t like is to remove some of the stress from their shoulders. As things stand now, gens go way too fast. Saying just pressure them doesn’t work. There is no way a Killer will be able to hook 4 people 3 times each before the 5th gen pops when they face a competent group of Survivors unless they play one of the top 3/4 Killers unless they use tactics you don’t like.

    It’s funny how you blame Killers for making the game not fun but not mention how unfun Survivors make the match for Killers. Do you really think Killers have fun when they repeatedly get locked stunned? Or how about pallet stunned and blinded? Or how about getting blinded with a Survivor on their shoulder, losing the Survivor and all the time they spent to down them? Do you think Killers love it when after they chase someone and are walking to the hook, that the hook disappears because someone has a tool box? Do you think it’s fun for Killers to get body blocked over and over?

    You probably think that’s all fine and dandy because it’s just Survivors completing their objectives. Well the same applies for Killers. You are not entitled to search chests, heal, work on gens or help your team. Their goal is to make the match as difficult as possible, hopefully leading to your teams death. The only thing you’re entitled to is a “chance” at Survival.

    Don’t ask Killers to go out of their way to make the game enjoyable for you unless you’re willing to ask Survivors to do the same for Killers. So the next time you think to save someone by using a flashlight, consider how the Killer might get upset and make the game easier for them by not blinding them. Oh, you won’t, because you want your points, well then, don’t expect the Killer to do the same for you.

    And if the game dies, so be it. It’s up to the Devs to provide an enjoyable experience for their community, not the players.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    You’re fine, it’s just nice to vent sometimes. If you haven’t already, I recommend that you try playing Killer to understand the frustrations they put up with as well. It really would open up your perspective.

    Just be prepared for a lot of frustration when you do.

  • handfulofrain
    handfulofrain Member Posts: 317

    Same reason survivors complain about slugging, "tunneling", NOED, etc.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    All comes down to entitlement on both sides as survivors constantly complain about killers , their perks, Noed, slugging, camping, tunneling, and mori

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    I'm a Killer and I don't say that. I think the word toxic is worthless and has no meaning. I don't care what you use. Killers are going to do their best to kill as many survivors as possible, and Survivors are trying to survive by any means necessary. As long as no one is hacking, more power to you. While there are some whining/winging Killers, they are (in general) vastly outnumbered by the endless complaints of Survivors. I don't like hearing it from either side.

    The endless complaining creates a thick blankets of fog which obscures real issues, and makes it impossible to talk about anything. The word "toxic" for example seems to be whatever a particular whiner wants to complain about on a given day. I've been accused of camping merely for being on the same side of the map as a hook. Was I camping? No, of course not.

    That isn't to say I won't. I will camp, tunnel, or Mori to win the game. Sometimes those strategies work, sometimes not. Every game is unique. I'm still relatively new and learning. I try not to spend a lot of time worrying about which Perk is too strong or too weak. The DEV get paid for that; I don't. I'm just here to play the game. I am concerned with "out of game" things like the 5th Perk (Comms) for SWF. I think that makes things very difficult to balance properly, and will get addressed eventually one way or another.

    But again, I'm not here to tell other people how to design the game; I go to play it.

  • Endersan
    Endersan Member Posts: 54

    We use ds and bt cause killers are tunneling. Even tough i don't use ds and bt others do.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    It's not bringing or even using the perks that's "toxic" it's forcing the use of the perk. It's body blocking the killer because you have BT so they can't go after the unhooker, it's hopping on a gen in the killers face then jumping in a locker to force DS, it's flashlighting while a killer is breaking every pallet just to agitate them, it's having a friend chase the killer to you to head on them constantly.

    Toxicity is all subjective.

    As far as the argument of "Don't camp or tunnel and we won't have to bring DS/BT" is concerned, if players didn't constantly try to force the use of the perks most killers wouldn't complain except in the lose lose end game collapse scenarios. Many of us that play both roles don't have an issue with the perks existing or being used to avoid scummy tactics but take issue with them being "abused" just because they can be and the ridiculous synergy some of them have.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Wrong mentality, and the main reason why the game is in its current state. Players do not have to make the game enjoyable... This is so self absorbed. DbD has some huge issues, but those come from players much more than they actually come from devs. It is always players ruining video games, from cheaters, to campers, griefers and so on. If you think otherwise, you are delusional.

    There really isn't another use for flashlights, other than saving someone who is going to be hooked. Their futile duration makes them useless for anything else, really. But had you bothered to read my post, you would have noticed I suggested the limitation of having a single flashlight, together with toolbox and key. Guess you just rushed to the killer part, being the very same kind of guy I described in the edit note. You killers are incredible, anyway. If survivors rush gens, ignoring totems and chests, which would lead to a "loss" of time, you're not ok with that. If survivors want to search chests and look for totems, you whine all the same.

    One last thing; I don't expect you to be able to process this, seeing your already given answer, but I'll try to use simple words. Even if I was the flashlight kind of guy, or anybody else was playing that role, you are TRYING to blind the killer to save someone, who probably got tunneled. IF you manage to save that guy, 'cause sometimes killers get blinded, you get the points, but don't drop the guy anyway, you are not PREVENTING the killer from playing. If you get camped, there is nothing more you can do, other than try and give some more time to your teammates or die and go look for another match. And that is bs, especially if you are a solo player. What you are saying is, essentially, that it would be right for an FPS multiplayer game to have a single spawn point, and for the guys who survive to keep spawn killing those who keep dying, without a chance to do anything against that.

    Enough is enough, our conversation got stale already, peace out.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Mainly because survivor say the same about killer. You yourself brought up insta hatched, which are just in the game as flashlights are. The number of threads about noed are also neverending.

    SWF is another problem, because it completly unbalances a game build around a lack of information.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    I'd be interested if you started a whole new thread on this because it does kinda take away from the subject at hand. Plus I feel like most people here are pretty lazy and won't even read that whole thing because it's pretty long

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    the killer being to close to hook hook don't lose heath been done in a ptb didn't work survivor did someone make it not work forget what.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    It was done just like that. If the killer is close to hook, it starts working that way. I added to that the fact that it stops working if another survivor is also close or if the killer is in a chase, much like the emblem points loss for killers works now.

    As I said, I could do that, but people would just get in to bash at me and criticize everything because it doesn't get along with their ideas or their "playstyle". Just like that guy already did in this very same discussion.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    1 or 2 survivors would just keep going in and out hooked person arena making the killer see them so he stay in arena and 1 or 2 survivors be doing gens.

    how this work for survivors you ask? well survivor find the right place to be so there both would be in the arena that at same time killer stopping the hook altogether.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    They make you feel bad for using good perks in a desperate attempt to make their future games easier. Survivors do it too sometimes, but usually more often with the killer they're using than the perks.

  • Endersan
    Endersan Member Posts: 54

    We payed money to play together. So we will play together.

    And I said that I don't make posts on reddit about insta down hatchet and camping killers. But I always see rants about ds and bt. And it becomes super annyoying after a while.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    I can't see much of an issue there. It would mean that 2-3 survivors are not working on gens and that you know where they are. This is to solve camping, anyway. If would make it so the killer leaves and goes to look for somebody else. If no one is trying to camp, things would go as normal. And if someone makes it so the killer chases them around the hook (resulting in the hooked guy losing progress), there still are 2 people not doing anything. It feels like you didn't understand my proposition as meant, anyway. I said the the hooked guy would stop dying if the killer is into a certain radius from the hook, and NOT in a chase. If there are survivors near the hooked guy, he would keep dying as normal. And you're acting like everyone is SWF, anyway, which isn't the case.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    edited August 2020

    what I'm trying to say is survivors will find the radius sweet spot so there not close to hook but killer see them on both sides of the hooked survivor make the killer go back and forth make sure timer never gos down this been done before in a ptb it didn't work ask anyone survivors will find that radius sweet spot so they wouldn't be in the radius but the killer would be going back and forth.

    edit also if they did try this again I don't camp till EGC this idea would make EGC so survivor sided it would hurt.

    Post edited by NekoGamerX on
  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    its because people are hiprocrits wahhh dont use noed it counters my adrenlin

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Camping and Tunneling IS toxic tho. Perks arent unless used in a toxic way.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    I don't think using OP stuff is toxic, it is just using what is more optimal to win. However, this doesn't mean these OP stuff are healthy for the game. They need a nerf. Until then, it is the dev's fault for DS/Keys/Moris/BNP existing and being used, not the player's.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2020

    the problems are not the perks the problem are the nasty insane combinations survivors can make. there arent lots of nasty combiantions killers can make and every one last of them has huge counters i cant say the same with unbrekable + ds and lockers + ds for example...

    the nastiest thing killlers have is Noed wich has a huge counter by doing bones and even if survivors decide to not cleanse most scenarios is just gonna give one kill, one. unless of course you complain about POP wich is not anything else but a bandaid agaisnt terrible game design same with bamboozle with the old infinites. i mean ive seen people complaining about BBQ even if after all the nerfs it got is just a farming points perk at the moment and only really usefull for around 4 to 5 killers at most.

    killers dont have anything nasty now, everything got nerfed to the ground, i wouldnt say old ruin was nasty either. survivors by other hand can have a full equal set of 4 nasty insane combinations plus that SWF if they decide to.

  • Pricefield
    Pricefield Member Posts: 112
  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    It is only toxic because you say it is. More often than not, it works because Survivors play right into it. Most Killers really don't have a choice but to tunnel and camp with how fast gens currently fly. There is no way to win as a Killer against a high ranking competent team without using those strategies, unless you're a top tier Nurse, Billy, Spirit or Freddy.

    In all seriousness, we all know that the majority of the Survivors never consider how a Killer may feel when they play against them, nor do they try to give the Killer a 'fun' time. Why should Killer do so? People complain about it because it makes the game more difficult for them and they don't want to bother.

    If you don't consider running into a locker or getting on a gen in the Killers face with DS active, Body Blocking with BT active, saving DS for EGC for when a Killer has no choice but to camp or tunnel since gens are done or rushing to the strongest loop every time you get in chase all as toxic then you are a hypocrite. Sure, you'll tell yourself "but that's how you're supposed to play, take every advantage in order to Survive", well then, why can't Killers do the same? Why can't they take every advantage that they want to?

    Want to counter tunneling and camping? You have plenty of options. First option is to play a Blendette and not get caught in the first place. Second option is to learn how to loop and waste as much time as you can. Third option is to use the many meta-second chance perks that Survivors have access to. Fourth option is to make friends and play as SWF so you can coordinate your perks and rescues. Killer camping? Rush gens and leave. Did you get camped at the start of the game after going down in 10 seconds? Learn to get better at lasting longer and to be more aware of your surroundings.

    People think they have a right to tell the other side how they should play when in fact they don't. This goes for Killers too- they have no right to complain about the strategies that Survivors us as long as they're not hacking or exploiting a bug. As long as it is within the limits of the rules that the Devs have decided on, everything is fair game.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Your comment REEKED of victim complex. Also I love how you ignore how I said "Perks aren't toxic unless used in a toxic manner." And btw saving DS for EGC isn't toxic because you already lost at that point, you had the whole game to get a kill and you didn't thats 100% on you and saying they saved it means they were already tunneled once so now its just pure punishment at this point lol. There's nothing a survivor can do that will make the killer literally stuck in place for 2 minutes then lose and depip no playstyle or perks will do that.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Ah, so taking advantage of a poorly designed perk is ok, but taking advantage of a weak Survivor isn’t, got it.

    The game is designed to give Survivors every advantage to escape the Killer multiple times throughout a trial. It’s on them if they get caught and camped.

    There is something Survivors can do that can make the Killer depip and waste time. It’s called playing SWF and getting good.

    As the devs have stated multiple times, tunneling and camping are legitimate strategies. It’s just not fun for the Survivors so people like you try to shame Killers from using those strategies by calling them “bad” or “unfun”.

    Again, you, nor I, have any right to tell people how they should play, nor should we judge them for their choice of play style.

    As far as me ignoring your perk comment, there wasn’t much of a discussion to be had there. Killers have perks and powers that promote camping. They’re just doing what the game is designed for them to do. Insidious and NoEd exists for a reason, and for mobile Killers like Hag, Make Your Choice is also designed for them to camp a hook from a distance. Then you have Bubba, who is literally designed to camp. You also have Basement Trapper with bloody coil.

    Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it bad. But because You and you’re team are not good enough, you opt to attack the Killer.

    Tell me something, when infinite loops were more prevalent in the game, did Survivors ever stop and consider how Killers felt every time they ran to them? No, because it gave them the advantage in the match, Killers feeling be damned. It wasn’t fun for the Killers when they had to go through loops that they knew they had no chance in catching up with a Survivor, yet no Survivor ever though that strategy was “toxic”. Why the double standard?

    If you want to blame anyone for camping, blame the Survivors who keep falling for it. Devs even tried to implement things into the game to discourage it but Survivors took advantage and abused them, so blame them for it, not the Killer.