Why do killers say using good perks is toxic?



  • Endersan
    Endersan Member Posts: 54

    Infinite loops got removed.

    And I'm not telling anybody how to play i just said that we never make post every time we see a camping killer but you do if you see someone using ds.

  • Endersan
    Endersan Member Posts: 54
  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    First, I never said playing SWF is toxic. I believe it is broken but I don’t blame anyone for wanting to play with their friends. It’s just the Devs need to balance the game around SWF and implement some more built in communications for Solo. It doesn’t even have to be voice chat, it could be preset text bubbles or small objective markers similar to the beam of light that a glass bead and a map can set.

    Infinites may have been nerfed, but they are still strong loops that waste a Killers time if ran properly. Anyways, my point was when they were in the game, Survivors never considered how Killers might see it as toxic and unfun every time they ran to one, but expect Killers to consider what is fun for Survivors. It’s a double standard that needs to go.

    And yes, there are lots of posts written by angry Survivor mains that complain about camping and tunneling. But that’s not all, they constantly complain about Killers who buck the trend when it comes to looping such as poor Cowboy, who is next in their chopping block. They complained about Nurse and got her butchered, they complained about Spirit and got her nerfed (though she did need it) and the same goes for Killer perks.

    I see a complaint thread about NoEd more often than I see a complaint about anything else. The sad thing is, there is no reason to complain about it. It is easily countered, all you have to do is cleanse 5 totems while evading the Killer. Even if you struggle with that, your team can replace one of their 16 combined perks with Small Game or Detectives Hunch. But no one wants to, they rather come here and complain about it. People say bad Killers use NoEd, but if that was true, and the Killer was bad throughout the match, then Survivors should have had no trouble looping the Killer and wasting their time while their teammates powered through the gens and totems.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I can see how ds bt and noed are toxic but how is pop?

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    they are not just "good", they are plain overpowered

    look at ds + unbreakable lmao

  • JustBeingMyself
    JustBeingMyself Member Posts: 11

    don’t complain when a killer uses noed or something like that if this is what you’re saying

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    You are taking it out of context, the OP wasn't saying that at all.

    They were making a point at how the word 'toxic' is so overused in the community that anything you do in the game is now considered toxic. For example using perks like DS, NOED, any perks that are relatively strong, are now considered by some to be "toxic" because of how strong they are.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
  • JustBeingMyself
    JustBeingMyself Member Posts: 11

    Ohhh thank you I didn’t really understand at first, my bad.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    If someone thinks a perk is toxic, then they don't know the meaning of the word. Toxicity isn't anything except going out of your way to be a dick.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Ok let me clarify i can see why other people view ds bt and noed toxic but why do you think people consider pop toxic

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    The only survivor perks i have problem with are DS and OoO. DS is not anti-tunneling perk but anti-momentum perk for the killer and 60 second immunity. I would be quite happy if they just changed DS so that it deactivates for touching a generator. If you can repair gens you obviously aren't being tunneled..

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    yes DS is not anti-tunneling perk people say it is make the perk sound better.

  • Liddy
    Liddy Member Posts: 33

    Using good perks isn't toxic, it's the way you use those perks. Imagine unhooking a survivor and they run and sit on a gen right in front of your face because they have DS. Or they make you chase them just so they can jump into a locker when you're about to get them. It's stupid and obnoxious. I don't mind survivors using them but if they're gonna be like that then of course people are gonna complain. DS is almost never used as an "anti-tunneling perk" at this point.

  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162

    Its not the perks killers find toxic. Its the people. Take an exetremly toxic swf group for example. They don't need the perks to win. They just use them cause they boost them from being a 8/10 to about a 15/10. They are almost close to impossible to beat without playing dirty and being equally as sweaty.

  • Endersan
    Endersan Member Posts: 54

    I don't us ds cause if u don't t-bag you won't get tunneled.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    DS can also be countered though (down them, pick them up and drop them for several minutes to allow for cool down), which I think most killer realize by now... or I hope. When I play killer I don't care if someone has DS, if they have the perk then good for them. I rarely get people acting toxic and DS only applies when then survivor is the last hooked and then downed again so DS can be triggered. Which means you are downing the same survivor multiple times in a row. When I play killer, which is a 50/50 split for me if I down you by accident again right away and pick you up. I am assuming the responsibility for my actions even if unintentionally I have just tunneled someone and that is me being a jerk. I normally don't have that issue as I hook survivors and then leave them to be rescued by their team mates as I want to play the game fairly. I hate campers as a survivor and refuse to be that person while playing killer. If you keep triggering DS, you are probably attempting to down them and sacrifice the same person over and over which will leave you open to DS.

    When I play survivor I'm not a fan of NoED but I get why killers use it, I don't complain about it being toxic because it is their right. The perks are there so you have the best chance to kill and survive, they have both strengths and weaknesses. When you intentionally do things that are unsportsmen like, griefing, or such they you deserve to be reported. Perks being used correctly are not an offense so realistically if you are complaining about them being toxic you need to get better at the game. I'm not the best, I potatoe skill checks as a survivor and some maps as killer make me so turned around that survivors can run circles around me. But that is my own failing. It just means that someone is better at the game then I am and I need to get better.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    I agree that combo is OP, but I don't think it's fair to criticize someone for using perks that synergize well. I would call on the devs to nerf one or both perks instead so that the synergy isn't so devastating.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm not criticising people for using perks that synergise well. I'm pointing out that if someone feels the need for literal 1-minute immortality, they are not the kind of person I want poisoning my life.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    can't tell you have many time this happen to me both thing.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    Well fair enough lol. I don't like to run those sorts of combinations because I tend to avoid anything that annoys me when I'm playing the other side, but I won't fault other people for using combinations that are in the game.

  • Opekyn
    Opekyn Member Posts: 83

    The underlying issue is BHVR is an amateur studio pushing a professional product; the game itself and many of the choices made are pretty reflective of the fact. In direct answer to your question - Killers get upset because the game mechanics make the role needlessly stressful, and "meta" perks (DS/DH/Adren/UB/BT) only add to the stress - rewarding poor play on the survivors' end. A real fix to the game would be to give survivors something other than just generators as an objective, but BHVR is busy doing a pretty good job so far. There are a few tweaks that might help the game in the current format.

    • Decisive Strike - Have it deactivate on entering a locker (pausing the timer), and disabled when you begin repairing a gen. Additionally, there needs to be a debuff preventing DS and Unbreakable being used together.
    • Dead Hard - The perk is fine, BHVR just needs more hamsters for their servers. A part of being killer is baiting out perks like DH.
    • Adrenaline - The perk is just really powerful and does too many things. It gives an improved Sprint Burst (okay?), heals you a health state (alright), wakes you up against Freddy (I mean, f* that guy - right?), heals to full off hook (because of science reasons?), and ignores exhausted state (seriously?). Easy fix - have it pull 2 of those powers randomly from the pool, dependent upon game conditions.
    • Unbreakable - Fine by itself, stupid with DS. Disable using the two together, make it an obsession perk, and give it a built in Flip-Flop to compensate.
    • Borrowed Time - The perk is strong because it allows unhooking in the killer's face, and BHVR hasn't budgeted properly for hamsters. Frankly, I would be fine removing this from the game entirely and allowing it by default - provided activation required the rescuing survivor to be outside the terror radius when the other survivor was hooked.
  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    because the western world is infatuated with this word toxic, and apply it to literally anything that could possibly make them a little uncomfortable.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited August 2020

    If you use ds you are unable to recover which pulls people off gens which slows down the game and destroys the synergy between ds and unbreakable while also destroying standing on top a survivor to wait ds out because they can't pick themselves up

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Using good perks isn't toxic. Using good perks with synergies (like DS, BT, Unbreakable, OoO) in a SWF isn't toxic, but most of the time these survivors act toxic as they feel OP. Which they are.