Please Don't Die

BlackKat Member Posts: 22
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

I love this game because I love a good challenge. I am not, I repeat, not, the best at this game. But I'm decent. I have learned to be fairly stealthy and be undetected for the first part of the game, unless I try to rescue someone, which I've stopped doing.

Because Lately 3 survivors are on on the hook in the first 3 minutes. No gens. I'm working on a gen trying to get the first one done, and then there are no teammates.

People, please stop playing the hero and making unsafe rescues with the killer nearby. Don't encourage camping. Because all it does it get someone else on the hook and it snowballs from there. Focus on the gens. Only make a rescue if its safe. None of us make it if the gens aren't done.

Post edited by BlackKat on


  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I cant stand when this happens.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited August 2020

    That's exactly the situation I was discussing with my survivor friend the other night. The conversation went something like this:

    Me: "I'm a good killer, but I do play brutal. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a complete #########. I try to avoid tunneling, and I don't camp the hook; There's no point in camping... most of the time."

    Survivor Friend: (laughs) "Most of the time? You say 'I don't camp' and then follow it with 'Most of the time!' (laughs)

    Me: "Well, camping in general is a bad idea, but there are times where I'll carry a survivor to the hook only to turn around and see all 3 other survivors around me, because they followed me for that sweet insta-BT save. I know no one's on gens, everyone's already done half of my job for me by saving me time in finding them, so What am I supposed to do in that situation? It would be stupid of me to leave the hook, and just let them get a save without injuring or downing at least one of them now wouldn't it? They've essentially allowed me to apply pressure on the whole team without any of them applying any back. If you make a stupid move like that, I'ma punish you for it."

    Survivor Friend: "Fair enough, though they'll probably blast you for camping"

    Me: (Sighs) "Such is the life of a killer main."

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    this this this.

    Gods, I dunno how often I've been getting complains from survivors that I 'camped/tunneled' when they almost insta unhooked (often with 'heal under the hook with NO DS') or ran straight into me...

    like, people, give me at least the time to turn AROUND.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Or in DbD, you can die the hero enough times that you say "screw it," and just become the villain. 😂

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    It is frustrating when survivors decide to rush in and unhook when the killer is right there with you. Happens too oftern.

    It happened to me when I played a killer round, not once but each time I hooked someone. On the way to the third hook, I could hear them running and clicking the flashlight. Ended up with an easy 4K because they insisted on trying to pile in and ended up getting slugged or put on the hook they'd just saved from. They never seemed to understand that this tactic was killing them.

    Today a Nea decided to run up behind the killer as they were hooking me. Nea got a whack, unhooked me, I got tunnelled and then camped as the killer knew the two randoms were trying to rush in. Since I was playing with my brother, I could at least tell him not to try for a unhook. Sadly the two randoms got him killed doing the same thing. This has been typical of late.

    I have to wonder if it's to do with the rift challenge as survivors need 15 unhooks or protection hits - since they don't have to be safe hooks, I think some survivors are just focussing on the challenge and forgetting that we've more chance of survival if we play as a team.

  • BlackKat
    BlackKat Member Posts: 22

    Thank you! I just needed to vent and was worried I'd get some nasty reply back. I play killer too, so I can know what mistakes not to make as a survivor. And killers get the blame for survivor antics too often.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Can I please have your teammates in my games? I'd love to have matches that aren't defined by relentless genrushing.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Sounds like the average solo queue experience.

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    I’m all for saving teammates, but yeah you gotta play it smart. If a killer is a hard camper then it’s best to just do gens instead of letting it snowball