The issue with Deathslinger, Pyramid Head and Spirit

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

The counterplay to Deathslinger, Pyramid Head and Spirit relies on the player making mistakes. It has very little to do with the Survivor's actual skill. At maximum skill, the counterplay to these Killers basically goes away.

As a Red Rank Survivor, I can immediately tell if I'm going against a Rank 1 Deathslinger or like a Rank 6, because if you're able to counterplay them. It's a sign they're not as good. A truly top tier Deathslinger/Spirit/Pyramid Head won't let you loop them, will pretty much ignore pallets and will hit though jukes and mindgames that normally work somewhat reliably. Pretty much the only thing that works is your exhaustion perks and running early to delay the first hit as long as possible.


  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I agree which is why MAB on slinger. Is bs

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
  • Duniek94
    Duniek94 Member Posts: 19

    Slinger and piramid is easy to juke learn to loop better then u can play around them easy spirit is spirit u dont see her so if u are injured u are prolly down

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    No, you should not feel hopeless. It also should not be torture or "killer is the power role so he has to be strong" bullpoop. Its about fairness in a chase / in a game, very simple and logic. I am tired to bring this up since it should be common sense, but apparentliy not for everybody. So i just leave you with an example. Look at a killer like billy or oni. they are strong but not unfair in a chase. They have high potential to outplay and to be outplayed.

    And thats how it has to be.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Nah komodo you are a big noob just guess better 4head


  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So many people tell me how these killers have counter and refuse my 1v1 lol.

  • Duniek94
    Duniek94 Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2020

    Just watch sling when he is aiming and dont run straight for pyramid u hear when he m2 so try to change ur direction of run for spirit is spirit u cant see her so u dont know what she is doing if u are injured vs good spiit u are dead if not try to stay at the edge of loop and dont run

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ok I like you definitely lights the mood I appreciate thatm

  • BillIsBestBoi
    BillIsBestBoi Member Posts: 30

    Please no don't take deathslinger first billy now this please no.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    In my opinion PH is fine. If you predrop the pallet like Clown for example, then it's less likely he'll hit you with his ranged attack. After all, you won't be stuck in animation such as dropping the pallet or jumping the window. It's actually pretty hard to hit anyone with the ranged attack that's paying attention and not stuck in animation.

    Deathslinger is in a weird spot, because his counterplay isn't so much about not getting shot. I mean you can try and be unpredictable but I find that hard myself to actually pull of. It's more about holding the W key and when you eventually do get shot, trying to find something to get stuck on. Besides that, he's got no mobility so gens can go fast really fast. It's just a form of counterplay people aren't used to really as looping has always been saving grace before. Obviously stealth would also be a viable option just like any other killer aside from Doc.

    I don't know if this type of counterplay is fun or engaging gameplay (I personally don't, but then again some people may enjoy it. I hate stealthing but clearly some people do for example), but I wouldn't say that there just isn't any form of counterplay.

    Spirit is just on a whole different level really. She hardly provides any form of feedback to the survivor similar to Deathslinger and on top of that has very good mobility, making both the "W strat" or simply doing gens practically useless. Unless you have Iron Will helping you in a chase with her, I find it extremely hard to escape from a good Spirit.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm pretty sure Pyramid Head can be dodged.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Well considering his counterplay is common sense for shooters it's obvious

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822
    edited August 2020

    How do you break LOS? He has a 16m TR with Monitor and an 18m chain. He also has one of the crappy new TRs that sort of spins up slowly and makes it hard to gauge distance. By the time he shows up, he's probably to be very very close to you. If you're not right next to a pallet you can pre-drop you're not going to break LOS and he's going to get a very quick hit. Then there's the fact that many maps don't really have many LOS blockers. Repairing a gen in the corn on Coldwind? Unless you see him coming early, that's an easy hit. Playing on many of the Autohaven maps? Better hope he doesn't pop around a corner 20m from your center gen, because that's also an easy hit.

    I just hate the combination of stealth and a ranged attack. He's the only killer that has that. Stealth for the easy first hit, shoot/zone for the easy down if they don't happen to be near a strong pallet. PH is more annoying than him in a chase because ping usually isn't good enough to actually dodge his ranged attack and he's got the 115% movement, hitting through walls, no need to reload, etc., but at least with PH you know he's coming.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Most shooters have health bars not a 2 hit system so it's fair.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I heard Scott Jund hit the nail on the head in regards to Deathslinger. "You don't juke him, he misses you". And this also applies to punishment of the damned. I love PH and DS. But I don't play them as much anymore as they're so flowchart. Every chase is the same.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Thats true, theres not much you can do if out in the open. Although I normally run spine chill, pretty hard to sneak up on someone if they know your coming. And while he can certainly be great on outdoor maps, he blows hard on indoor maps. In terms of a standard loop hes not very good either, since its so hard to get a clean shot.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    Spine Chill is definitely a killer for him, agreed, and maps like Lery's will be tough. And if you're at a loop with a strong pallet, you can at least pre-drop it and run him for a bit.

    I just hate how common it is for him to show up and be like 10m away before you see which direction he's coming from. At that point it's a really easy first hit, and if you can't find a good pallet with your speed boost you're going to have like a 15 second chase. The deep wounds mechanic is just another layer of irritation with him.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Yeah, especially with M&A. Although I actually find it kinda fun, but I'm not trying to be competitive, so I'm definitely in the minority.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I was playing SWF the other day, A DS snuck up behind me and got the hit. I yelled so hard I fell out of my seat.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    I really only do SWF in KYF thanks to crossplay. I mostly SoloQ in public matches and that is atrocious. We don't bother doing SWF with public matches because, since crossplay, the survivor queue times in the late evening when everyone is available are a lobby simulator game. SoloQ, I get survivor matches at that time within 2-3 minutes, but the experience of playing those matches doesn't make it worth it.

    So, I just screw around as Killer in public matches. Right now I am seeing if like Deathslinger. He's still Level 1 because I don't put BP into a killer unless I enjoy how they play, or the perks are worth it (and his aren't for me and my builds at this time).

    I'm also still undecided if I like Spirit, so she's still sitting at level 1. I got her perks off the shrine over time, anyway. Ditto for Pyramid Head being level 1. Love Oni, though.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Its really a shame that queue times are so bad the actual games aren't worth it. My friends are very competitive, so KWF and SWF are entirely different sessions for us.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Ah, see, we all just play DbD very casually. I hit green ranks since I came back the day crossplay launched and was Rank 20 because I hadn't played in so long. I've dropped back to Yellow ranks messing around with Deathslinger, and don't care.

    About the only game we go into with a clear desire to 'win" is Overwatch in the six-stack full team. And even then, since it's just Quick Play with nothing on the line as far as rank and such, if we lose we lose.

    I just hate SoloQ because a majority of the time I am left to die on first hook, so never get to actually "play" a match.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited August 2020

    I normally stay around purple ranks, I've just been playing so long its evened out. I've had my fair share of fun with Overwatches custom games. The only other game we play competitively other than DBD is R6.

    Post edited by SCP_FOR_DBD on
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    I honestly never played DbD much before crossplay. I bought the game for Myers, Freddy, and Leatherface, the three Icons I grew-up on in the 80s, and could never get Killer matches unless I played very late at night. Well, I have a kid to get to school, normally, and then start my writing work day by 10am at the latest, so I prefer bed no later than midnight. So, playing late at night just to play Killer wasn't in the cards.

    I bought the game June 2018 on a Steam sale along with the DLCs at the time. I have just under 200 hours logged in those two years due to those queues. By comparison, I have close to 1,000 hours logged into Overwatch because I can always get fast queues there, albeit I started Overwatch on launch day in 2016.

    I've studied the game, but am just now finally able to play it when I want thanks to crossplay.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I'm glad the game is at least playable for you, I love multi tasking so a lot of the time I'm doing something else while playing. It still can get pretty annoying when I wait 20 minutes for a game only to get morid in 2 minutes lol. I've had my eye on this game since the beta, having all my childhood nightmares in this game was a very nice bonus.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Funny thing. I followed it in the beta. But then Overwatch came out in May 2016. Now, I'm not a shooter guy. Although I play Borderlands nowadays, I didn't play shooters before 2016, and besides Borderlands have only played Overwatch and a short stint in Paladins.

    My eldest son (now 27) got Overwatch for me as an early Father's Day gift because some friends and family were getting it and they wanted me to play. So, DbD completely fell off my radar until my now 10-year-old found out about it in 2017 and told me Myers and Freddy were in there (Freddy had just released).

    I still resisted getting into yet another game until June 2018 when the Steam Summer Sale made it too tempting. But I want to play Killer since Survivor side just doesn't appeal to me. I tried it, but unfortunately enjoyed counselor in F13 a lot more than Survivor here. But until crossplay, could never get killer lobbies.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I play a lot of Slinger. He is one of my favourite killers. I concur.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    The same happened for me, I had my eye on overwatch before it released. But got caught up with Smash 4s DLC. I didn't join till custom games were introduced.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Custom games, or workshop? Because workshop didn't come out until 2019.

    I'm asking because "custom games" was the name of the mode before the full workshop came last year.

    (Note: I'm probably taking a break from DbD for a bit. Played nightly since crossplay for 1 to 2 hours a session, and already getting a bit bored with the gameplay loop.)

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Custom Games, Sorry. I wish the devs would focus on the matchmaking, we have the playerbase, the algorithm just sucks.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Its called adaptation if its a doctor well i dont know what to do but if its a killer thats good in chase dont let him find you for as long as possible. Sprintburst helps if they find you if its s stealth killer know where the closest pallet is and keep your eyes open. Dont blame the killer because they wont let you play how you want. And if they are running a mori well they probably just had a bad game and are pi**ed rn so just move on when you die and dont s**t talk them. if you want to fix the community fix your self first

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    With doc, predrop pallets. Avoid rooms where you can get trapped(the car on autohaven, that office area on lerys, etc.). Know when to break off into another loop. Break LoS so he'll have to guess his shocks. Use lockers/terror radius to your advantage to avoid his blast. Bait his shocks to slow him down and gain footing against him. Don't ######### wait at pallets.

    Personally I love these killers that break the norm. Why the ######### would I want to run circles against every killer the same? The killers really should have variance in strength in different areas. I'm totally fine with Deathslinger's strong chase. He's got weak as ######### macro and pressure. I find myself escaping against Deathslinger most of the time. Back when I tracked stats for 100 rank 1 games, I escaped against every Deathslinger.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Yeah, it's the matchmaker that is making me take a break already. It's either stomp them or get stomped. I've very few games in-between, and it's already boring. I mean, I just stomped a team as a Level 15 Wraith of all things. I'm Rank 13 after losing some on Deathslinger, and they were a green, two purples, and a red. They got two Gens done, and then it was a 4k. Sigh.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    I love reading rank 10s tell people “just look for when he’s about to shoot” or “just throw the pallet early”

    ah, to be young again

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Damn man I didnt realize I guess all my skill that I have got from being a devout player of the game just isnt good enough huh? Dang. I guess I gotta. Git gud

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah you should just git God clown you are big big noob entitled survivor main trash only want surv buffs me killer need more buffs.

  • AtraXis
    AtraXis Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2020

    I love going against good slingers but it's probably just because I main slinger. I'm expecting their moves and I'm like damn I coudn't predict that when they spear me. I can get why most people don't like going against him though.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Pyramid Head: As long as you hold M2 it’s one big one sided mindgame against the other survivor. Throw pallet? Get hit Don’t throw pallet? Still get hit.

    Spirit: Using her power is again a one sided mindgame against the survivor. Especially if they are injured then they have no idea where you are yet you can determine their rough (or even exact) location. By the time you hear her footsteps you’re pretty much dead.

    Deathslinger: Being chased by him is one big mindgame thanks to quick scoping. Luckily he’s the most counterable by just pre-throwing pallets.

  • Chappy04
    Chappy04 Member Posts: 193

    the reason people hate these killers is because there actually good killers and are hard to loop because its not the classic loop left if killer goes right. think about the most hated killers and what there like in chase. oh wait there different and change up the gameplay

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    Deathslinger and Pyramid Head have no mobility, just do gens.

    Start talking about counterplay when DS gets nerfed lmfao