Demi Addon Rework Ideas/Suggestions
Hello, y'all! Vale here with an ideas post. I was just wondering(like most people are these days), why aren't Demo's bad addons being reworked to be good? Or his mediocre addons made to be more usable? So here I am with a post on a few ideas for reworking Demo's addons. Some of these ideas are thoughts(*) but others are dead serious ideas(^). Let's jump right into it! :)
(*)Sticky Lining Rework:
- Apply hindered for three seconds after breaking portal
(^)Thorny Vines Rework:
- When survivors break a portal, they are inflicted with a deep wound timer that gives them 15 seconds to mend
(^)Brass Case Lighter Rework:
- If a portal is broken then survivors in proximity to it(about 2-3 meters) are afflicted with the Broken Status effect for 30 seconds
(^)Life Guard Whistle Rework:
- Rework 1 Idea: Deafens survivors who come into contact with the portal for five seconds
- Rework 2 Idea: Applies hindered to survivors for three seconds when coming into contact with the portal
(^)Leprose Lichen Rework:
- Idea 1: Fully charged shreds can instadown survivors when hit from 8 meters away or more | Removes three portals
- Idea 2: Moderately increase shred range(+2-3 meters) | Moderately increase shred recovery time(+1-1.5 secs longer)
(^)Red Moss Rework:
- Idea 1: Portals are always visible to survivors | Apply the exposed status effect for 30 seconds to survivors who break portals
- Idea 2: Moderately/considerably increase shred charge time(+2-2.5 secs) | Demo can see the auras of all survivors in the Terror Radius when charging shred for 8 seconds
- Idea 3: Negates ability to travel through the Upside Down | Portals rupture and damage survivors(for one health state) within 2-3 meters if a portal skillcheck is failed | Portals spawn open
I hope that you all like my ideas for the addon reworks and hopefully you can all chime in with feedback on what you think of them! :)
(I hope that a few of the devs see this thread for ideas too since we all know that some of Demi’s addons need a rework to be made better or more usable).