Just a shout out to a good dude


I just wanted to post a shout out to a guy named LSTER for being a real one. Had a game on coal tower against his ghostface and he had no kills when the gates were powered. After the last gen popped and my adrenaline activated I ran past a hill tile and got stopped in my tracks at the bottom of it. He ended up getting 1 kill before he found me spinning in circles with crows over my head. He could've let me die to the entity while he tbagged or hooked me for his 2nd kill but he released me and let me go. It's not a big deal but I appreciated it. Especially since most people are so toxic. So LSTER if you see this thanks for giving me a little hope for this community.

P.s. Has anyone else experienced this bug where it just locks you in place? It seems like it's always the hill tiles
