A random idea for an extra power to clown (yes I play clown a lot)

Psychobeastz Member Posts: 164

So the reason I started this discussion is not because I am saying I want free wins or anything like a guaranteed 4 man every game or whatnot. I simply think adding in an extra effect or something like a side power to him would be nifty and essential in certain scenarios. I will admit I enjoy playing clown a lot even though he has a lot of downsides, but of course I am not going to get to that since this discussion is more about adding in something extra rather than debating his overall gameplay.

Here is some ideas I thought of which I think may be fun rather than people thinking its op or ya know what they say broken: (Hopefully that is not the case)

1. For those of you who understand clown can time his bottles beforehand or on time to prevent survivors from fast vaulting windows. Now I think the same should apply to pallets as well. I do understand this may be problematic to implement in this game or it may me seem like he is guaranteed to get a hit. This is however just an idea and not something I will definitely fight for and start picking fights.

2. This is more of a fun idea rather than just being a completely dominant killer in game. This idea would act more like an add on rather than base kit, but might as well give my opinion on this. I think giving him the undetectable status effect when he goes through his gas or when he is in it will be pretty nice. Now I understand there is faults in this and may lead to him being a complete powerhouse (although that is not my intention). I think this idea is rather fun and pretty much and extra bonus to his gameplay.

3. He has a power similiar to freddy in a way, but the drawback is he can't activate it constantly. I think giving him the ability to just point to a gen and rather than teleporting he should make fumes or similar to his bottles pop up around gens just to get some awareness. Though of course the survivors get intoxicated and scream, I think it would help him get some decent information. This power can be either bar based (similiar to spirit, legion, and nurse), or it can be token based like how you get it every minute just like doctor.

Now as I said before these are ideas so mind you, I am not trying to pick fights or push my ideas as if they mean something. Just saying these are all cool concepts and would affect his normal gameplay. He may be more interactive and environmental based. Of course anybody is free to comment and offer suggestions on the ideas I have or anything you guys would like to say personally.

I apologize if this is too long and may seem like its not simplified, or does not have enough information. I also apologize in advance if I translated something wrong or if I word it the wrong way. Please do let me know and I will try to correct it, but other than that I hope you all have a great time and enjoy your games :)