The Priestess (and sister....)

This where I will be putting both my ideas of a new killer and survivor for the topic of conquest of the new world (The Americas). The killer is based of the appearance of the plague and uses the blood of survivors like Oni. The survivor is someone who I just want to throw together with perk ideas I thought were cool. I made stories for both that are pretty lengthy. Any criticisms for either or both are welcomed and thanks for your input!
This is the killer:
The Priestess
Name: Anacaona
Anacaona was born in a small village outside a large sprawling city. She was Aztec and was born with a younger twin sister Apozanolotl. During the birth, her mother died leaving her father, sister, and self to continue on. Life was tough for them, especially, when it came to money. They lived without food for very lengthy periods while making the most of every single object. Almost to the point where they would had to share clothes, all three of them. Eventually, her father sold Anacaona at the age of thirteen to a local priest to help both his daughters survive. In the end, Anacaona would resent him for that decision for the rest of her life. However, she adapted. Slowly climbing her way through the temple life to her freedom, education, and power. At the age of sixteen, she officially freed herself from slavery and became an apprentice priestess that would assist in sacrifices. Anacaona was, at first, disguised by the mutilation of people. Yet, she started to take pleasure in the pain and torture she afflicted. Even, proud when she can prolong their suffering for extended durations of time. When she turned eighteen, just before her official indoctrination as a full-fledge priestess, a group of Spanish explorers invaded the city and massacred its inhabitants. Anacaona narrowly escaped the city and tried to hide in her childhood home, with her father. Yet, when she arrived, she found her father beheaded and nailed to the front door by Spanish men. Anacaona scared of what do next carefully uses her apprentice’s arthana to cut out her father’s heart in the hope to bring him to rest after the invasion. She eventually returned to the temple to find everyone slaughtered and the building desecrated. The sight saddened her immensely. Hoping for the aid of the gods, she climbed up the cracked stairs to a massive alter at its peak. Anacaona laid down on its cold surface and stabbed her knife into her chest, clutching her father’s heart. Her sacrifice was ultimately unheard by anyone, except by one being. Who drew Anacaona into the mist and began giving her unlimited sacrifices. So that maybe one day, after enough blood is spilled, her home will be restored.
Ability: Father’s Heart
The very heart of the man that sold her. It radiates fear and despair. The vessel seems to attune itself to those who are feeling the same fear and agony that he once felt.
+When holding the ability button, the ability will charge for 5 seconds then reveal the auras of all survivors outside a given radius, the range is determined by the percentage of blood collected: 1-20% 60 meters, 21-40% 50 meters, 41-60% 40 meters, 61-80% 30 meters, 81-100% 20 meters.
-When activated the blood collected will drain as long as the ability button remains pressed.
-When using the ability, The Priestess’s movement speed will be moderately (-20%) decreased and will be stunned or blinded significantly (+50%) longer.
+When holding the melee attack button, The Priestess will charge her arthana then proceed to stab herself after both the melee attack button is released and the attack is fully charged. When this occurs every survivor within a given radius is damaged by only one heath state, the range is determined by the percentage of blood collected: the percentage of blood collected multiplied by .5 meters.
-All blood collected will be drained after the attack is used.
-The Priestess will be stunned for 7 seconds and hindered for 3 seconds after the stun.
The Blackened Arthana
A gold-handled ritual knife that was used to cut the hearts out of the sacrificed and slit the throats of the damned. It craves blood and thrusts for pain. Its once ivory blade has tarnished from its sins.
Teachable Perks:
+Grand Sacrifice=You are obsessed with one survivor. If you hook your obsession, you will receive a 10/20/30% increase in action and recovery speed. If your obsession dies on hook, gain the ability to kill one survivor. The killer can only be obsessed with one survivor.
-Your meticulous selection and devotion to sacrificing has caught the entity’s attention, granting you more power if you succeed.
-“Only the best blood will appease the gods” -Anacaona
+Hex: Broken Promise= At the start of the match, your aura will be revealed to all survivors closer than 30 meters until they complete their 4th/3rd/2nd generator. When your aura is hidden, all survivors receive the exposed status effect for 45 seconds. This effect is reapplied each time a generator is completed, when the 5th generator is completed all survivors also gain a considerable (-25%) decrease in all action speed.
-The entity allows you to make a special deal before that match that you don’t plan on keeping.
-“The promise of good will can easily be soured.” -Anacaona
+Precise=When using a melee attack, if successful, apply the hemorrhage and hindered status effect until fully healed.
-Your years of training to maximize pain and agony amongst your sacrifices have taught you where to hit for the most dramatic results.
-“Even the smallest prick can cause the greatest harm.” -Anacaona
+Cracked Icon [common]
-slightly (+3 meters) increase effective range of abilities.
+Worn Icon [uncommon]
-moderately (+6 meters) increase effective range of abilities.
+Dark Icon [rare]
-considerably (+9 meters) increase effective range of abilities.
+Polished Icon [very rare]
-drastically (+12 meters) increase effective range of abilities.
+Corrupted Icon [Ultra-rare]
-drastically (+12 meters) increase effective range of abilities.
-moderately (-1.5 seconds) decrease to charge time of abilities.
+Dirty Hilt [uncommon]
-slightly (-.5 seconds) decrease charged melee attack charge time.
+Dark Hilt [rare]
-moderately (-1.5 seconds) decrease charged melee attack charge time.
+Black Hilt [very rare]
-considerably (-3 seconds) decrease charged melee attack charge time.
+Diluted Blood Wine [uncommon]
-Any action that gives blood (i.e. successful melee attacks, successful charged attacks, and bleeding survivors) will provide 50% more blood.
+Used Blood Wine [rare]
-Any action that gives blood (i.e. successful melee attacks, successful charged attacks, and bleeding survivors) will provide 100% more blood.
+Pungent Blood Wine [very rare]
-Any action that gives blood (i.e. successful melee attacks, successful charged attacks, and bleeding survivors) will provide 200% more blood.
+Dark Sutures [very rare]
-Considerably (30%) decrease the amount of blood that Father’s Heart can hold.
-Slightly (+2 meters) increase the range of the aura reading ability.
+Father’s ring [ultra-rare]
-When using your aura reading ability, be able to lock your ability to reveal only one survivor’s aura for an twice as long with no distance restrictions. The aura reading ability will go into a 15 second cool-down and no abilities including the charged melee attack will be useable during that period. Blood will be unable to be collected as well.
+Mother’s Placenta [ultra-rare]
-You are able to disregard any negative effects of using your aura reading ability, however, you are unable to use your charged melee attack and the duration of the ability is halved.
+A Rotten Heart [ultra-rare]
-When using the charged melee attack, anyone outside it’s range will have to complete a difficult skill check. If failed, their aura will be revealed for 10 seconds and be inflicted with the exposed status effect. You are unable to use your aura reading ability while using this add-on.
+Sister’s doll [ultra-rare]
-Any survivor that harmed by the charged melee attack is given deep wound and mangled status effect if they were not put into the dying state by it.
Other stats:
Height: Average
Speed: 120 | 4.8m/s
Race/Ethnicity: Native American, Aztec
Terror Radius: 30 meters
A girl of average height covered in ceremonial scars and markings. She has a normal face but a large stab wound over her heart.
Basic= Torn, traditional priestess clothes and the black blade arthana
Prestige= Fully mended traditional priestess clothes and a ivory arthana
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This is the survivor:
Name: Apozanolotl
Apozanolotl’s story begins as her sister is sent to a temple as a priest’s slave. Everyday after that, Apozanolotl secretly visited her sister. Growing with her and learning some of what her sister was studying. When Apozanolotl wasn’t with her sister, she would play in the great jungles outside her village. Learning everything about it: where to look for food, where not to go, and most importantly how to take advantage of her jungle surroundings. Some within her village say that once Apozanolotl enters that place, you can only find her if she wants you to. On her eighteenth birthday, Spanish invaders began killing her neighbors and friends while Apozanolotl was foraging within the jungles. When she returned from her journey she found her father beheaded, nailed, and had his heart ripped out. She was devastated, but it was short lived. The murders that massacre her people were drawing closer. She ran, hiding the jungle. Either evading their attempts of searching or harming them before they see her and disappearing. Eventually, the pursuers left, allowing Apozanolotl to search for her sister. Apozanolotl was too late. As she made her way to the temple her sister resided in and reach the top, Apozanolotl saw her sister’s suicide. She saw the mist that began dragging her lifeless body. She saw the heart in her sister’s hand. Apozanolotl followed her sister into the void-like mist only to wake up in a foggy realm. That was both familiar and not at the same time.
Teachable Perks:
+Making do=Any item used by you lasts 50/75/100% longer, however with a moderate (15%) decrease in that item’s action speed.
-Your experiences of starvation, conservation, and frugality has taught you to make the most of what you have, to the point where it’s excessive.
-“It’s better saved than sorry”-Apozanolotl
+Cheap and Savage=When you stun the killer or disable any of their belongings (i.e. cleansing hex totems (not dull totems), disarming traps/abilities, and etc) this perk will gain a token; with a maximum of 3 tokens. If this perk has 3 tokens and you are picked up by the killer, all tokens are removed and the wiggle action is moderately (25%)/considerably (50%)/significantly (75%) completed and will stun the killer for an extra 3 seconds. This effect does not stack and the stun that caused by this effects does provide a token.
-The methods you used to evade and even subdued the lingering invaders helps you in the stickiest situations.
-“When it comes to survival, you must be willing to do anything.” -Apozanolotl
+Mysticism=If the killer uses one or more hex(es), this perk will light up and you will receive a 10/20/30% increase in totem cleansing speeds. Any hex totem you interact with will reveal the hex attached to it.
-Your visits with your sister has given you some knowledge of the unknown
-“What little I know of magic, I know of this.” -Apozanolotl
Basic=A worn female tunic, a old hair pin, and leather ankle cuffs
Prestige= Clean female tunic, silver hair pin, and silver ankle cuffs