Fun Idea...(that'll never happen)

Whenever 1 Survivor abandons the others. 1 less Gen to complete. And so on and so forth. 🤷♂️
You mean 1 less gen when someone DC's? It can be massively abused
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They just need to do what the Mobile version did. Someone DC's, it creates a husk of the survivor controlled by the AI. At least then, the killer still gets hook points and survivors are no longer a man down.
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I think this would be fine in the early game. If 1 or 2 dc in the first few minutes I'd enjoy (as killer) not fighting a heavily outgunned opponent. But there'd have to be a time limit or else toxic teams failing to bully would dc at 2 gens left and guarantee 2 escapees just to be toxic.
If done right, I really like the idea. As a killer main I try to make matches fun and it's strange when they're 1 or 2 people down to dc's. I go easy on them but I feel like it's obvious and awkward.
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You can't just claim abuse. Explain to the rest of the class how could 1 less gen per DC be abused? They DCed. Meaning they're out. No points. But for the other survivorS it would be less work to deal with with the same amount for the killer as if it went normal as if the killer had a kill.
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I think that is coming to the other platforms.
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An early game system would be sufficient. But for how long. Considering mid game any one at least might DC.
A late game was my thought to be honest. When the killer catches up late. 5 gens still needed to be done. And mid game 2 DC. Little harsh for the two who stick it out. I dunno...
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So then the killer kills the husks off and gets points the same as if they were real players? I know a.i. has been technologically successful but wont the real player seem more noticeable than the a.i. and what if the real player survivors die off before the a.i. survivors?
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AFAIK you still see that the person disconnected before.
also, DCs because technical stuff are incredibly rare. it's usually people don't wanting to face a certain killer, or they are outraged they actually got found and downed. So, the game against the AI might actually be more fun.
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I agree. This would be the best solution.
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Definitely do that, and add a "Reconnect" button that replaces the "Find Game" button. If you reconnect and play out the match, no DC penalty, but if you don't your penalty doesn't start until the match ends.
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Take this scenario. Killer plays trapper or hag. Has a really strong 3 gen with good trap placements. Really difficult and almost impossible for a survivor team to win.
Now if one survivor disconnects tactically at this point, imagine how annoying it would be for the killer. He didn't take a lot of chases just so he can hold a 3 gen and then survivors easily get around it.