Things this game needs more of

Yesterday, I played for nearly 10 or so hours straight because I have no life and I think my friends smell worse than I do.
During this time, I had two matches that did not take place in a cornfield. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
Corn needs to be added to to all indoor maps. Furthermore, all grass assets should be replaced with corn assets. Hooks should be covered in corn.
The soundtrack to the game should be completely remade by Korn.
Cornholio needs to be added as a Killer (actually do this).
All offerings need to be replaced with Creamed Corn.
So, what are your suggestions of things the game needs more of?
Before we answer this, allow me make an important inquiry:
Did you sleep before or after the 10 hours of playing?
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I live life dangerously.
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Another important feature is to nerf Clown, buff Spirit and sell a 1 million dollar cosmetic that allows you to destroy the game as Trapper by giving him the exclusive ability to spew fire all over the map with his mouth and melting everything.
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Heavy Metal needs to play when he does that.
That said, what does the game already have that you want to see MORE of?
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Kool aid man as a killer.
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More death moves more blood add amputations more ways to kill them all😁 hahahahaha
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Noed activating all game and DS being used every time you're picked up.
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All killers bring able to crouch. Are they friend or foe? Who knows!
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Trash needs to replaced with ramen packages. Fire barrels should be cooking ramen. The whole map should be really artistic sanded down ramen. Toxic players should be salt packets.