New perk: I've got you

So I was thinking, was in a match this morning and three of the surviver were slugged after about 2 minutes in. I think it would be awesome if a survivor could pick up another surviver in the dying state to move somewhere better for the heal or escape. Obviously it wouldn't be OP like right after the killer knocks them down, but when the killer chases a second survivor after downing the first one.
I mean...if it's to the point where multiple people are down, they should be ready to just be healed right then and there. If you get to the first survivor with the killer having time to slug a second or a third person and they aren't ready to be healed and picked up immediately, that person has given the game up and you're better off abandoning them.
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Idk how that would be useful.
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Could open the exit gates and hopefully carry one out with you, might not be super useful, but it would change some game play and add a little excitement, if not much. At least someone might not feel abandoned. Most killer movies have a point where someone is being helped around while they are chased.