Question for all the players what the point to have a cooldown in a hex perk?

Hex perks supposed to be thoes strong perks that can be dostoy easy and lose it for the rest of the game ( even tho only 2 hex are worth using right now). So by adding a cooldown you make the perk proc less time becauses most hex perks will last about 2 min max and with cooldown of 60 sec that's mean you can use it at best 2 times in the wole game in oeder to have a mediocre effect.


  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    What's the point to have a token sistem in a hex with a niche effect that alerts player before even start working? (Huntress Lullaby)

    The answer: No one wants it but the devs put in anyway because we "need more bloodpoints wasting perk in our bloodwebs".

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    cooldown on a hex is the dumbest thing ever they are supposed to be temporary and the sprint burst from the smack gives you like 20m anyway. I hope its removed.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I totally agree. The cooldown on it is completely unnecessary for a totem perk that can be destroyed within seconds of a match starting. It's the PTB so they'll probably change things, but yeah. Remove the cooldown and I think it will be in a better place.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    @supersonic853 @CheyeneKL

    I belive they doing that to test the water and see if the players are ok with that and if they are they will give us more uselles hex perks that do nothing in the game. But i am sure the will not remove the cooldown in order to put it there it's must go throw a lot of people and if is there there most of the devs will leave it there.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    Perhaps they feel 2 uses in a match is the desired effect. I would rather get instant use from a perk instead of a perk that i have to get 5 tokens on based on conditions a little out of my control, that gets cleansed 99 percent of the time before reaching even 3 tokens

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Congrats you watched Scott’s video. If the survivors get 20m after getting hit, why does it matter if it’s on cooldown or not since they won’t stay at that loop anyways?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I think BHVR is out of ideas.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    What does that have to do with an unnecessary cooldown?

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    This perks affect is already useless in most secnarios, having a cooldown just makes it stupid pointless and a waste of a slot.

    Hmmmm, would I rather bring ruin, corrupt, pop, BBQ, whispers, sloppy, Thana, Devour, Torment, STBFL, PWYF, etc. Etc. OR a perk that allows me to block pallets in an area the survivor will no longer be in once I trigger the condition for activation? Oh wait, it's also a hex with a cooldown..

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited August 2020

    BHVR "We need to think of a new perk? How about combining a Hex perk and a CD?"

    "How original" -.-

    It's pretty obvious the people making these decisions don't actually play their own game. Otherwise they would know something would never be used or something would be broken. Old MoM for example.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Honestly the cooldown are WORSE on Hexes, but the need to add cooldown to perks that don’t require them or justify them at all is getting stupid.

    Perks like PWYF and quick and quiet need cooldown but then you get Zuni Tactics and windows of opportunity for example, those would barely be useable perks without CD

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    cooldown does sound dumb.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    If it also blocked windows, I could actually see it being worthy of having a cooldown. Sometimes you don't really have much to run to from a loop. But the most use this perk will get is during late game, when pallets have already been used at adjacent loops. Unfortunately, the longer the game goes on, the more likely it is that your totem got cleansed.

    I suppose another use would be to prevent pallet saves on people who go down on a pallet... but that requires them to already be injured once you hit them there, because the perk will more than likely be on cooldown (either down them within 10ish seconds or chase long enough for the perk to go off cooldown).

    It's just so situational that I only see it being useful as a pub-stomper. Bot level players will get wrecked by it.... but they're gonna get wrecked by anything in a chase.

    If the range stays the same, the cooldown needs to go. I think that even if they increased the range for it to be useful, the cooldown should be heavily trimmed, if not removed completely. It's a hex perk... it deserves to be stupidly and annoyingly good

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It does feel like the effect should be stronger since it’s a Hex with a cooldown. Maybe if it preemptively blocked pallets periodically during a chase? So while you are chasing someone, every 30 seconds the first pallet you are within 10 meters of becomes blocked for 15 seconds. That would make it so the survivor can’t drop the pallet during that particular chase segment. It would be much more dangerous but still could be removed by destroying the totem.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    The best this you can do with the perk is to make it not hex perk make the cooldown 90 sec and say for the next 20-25 sec the first survivors you hit will have an aura (12 meters) that block all the pallets.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    An interesting possible alternative would be you have an aura that, when someone tries to drop a pallet within 10 meters of you, it is instead blocked for 10 seconds and the perk has a cooldown of something like 90/80/70 seconds. It would be a little like have fake pallets, they go to drop the pallet and nothing happens.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited August 2020

    No clue its just bhvr handicapping killers like always

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    short answer: bhvr just want to slap a cool down on everything

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    So because the new Devs don't have any idea how perks should work we have to see this monstrosities ?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    To remove posssible synergies from it. STBFL wouldve been good with it. Now they removed that aspect by simply adding a CD to prevent people from snowballing with it.

    They made a perk that could be a non-hex anyway even worse.