Killers, I need your help

I've been trying to make friends with killers all morning now but when I jokingly hide in a bush with my neon outfit or point and wave at them they usually just kill me. Any advice?
Maybe crouch walk up to them and t-bag it works on me at least
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ummm. Don't hide in bushes for starters, I recommend looting a chest then just walking up to them and offer it as tribute, has a 50/50 success rate
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I try plundering stuff. It never works ;-;
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honestly just depends on the killer, but most will not want to be friendly. you can run up to them and crouch while looking up or drop your item then watch for them to nod or shake their head, but if they don't want to play friendly then they'll let you know (aka hook you) pretty quickly. for me it really depends on the kind of matches I've had, what offering I played, or even how obvious the request is. just be ready to flee the negotiation table if the conversation doesn't go your way :)
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Did it go something like this?
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Why do i never got these kinds of survivors?? I only get t-bagging clicky - clicky.
If i met funny survivors like you I'd still be playing
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Your chances of getting a Killer to befriend you are much higher if you avoid playing as Claudette. I’ve found most Killers will show me mercy when I play him than when I play Claudette, which sucks since I really like her.
Second, as someone else has stated, crouch and crawl up to the Killer and offer them and item. That’s really the best way to send the message.
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Playing as killer, I only acknowledge that when the survivor just kneel down in the open and look up to my eyes. Other than that, it just depends on which survivor they are. If it's a Jane or David I might consider giving them a chance, everything else is just a kill zone, specially Near. Nea deserves no mercy.
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Snitch on your teammates.
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By this do you mean that you want killer to give you hatch?
As a rank 1 killer I'll usually give hatch if survivors aren't BMing (herein described as clicking flashlights and tbagging) and don't send me to Ormond or Haddonfield.
But then again not every killer likes to do that, so don't set any expectations that they're supposed to let you go or anything. It's their objective to hook you, after all.
My advice, as always, is to focus less on surviving and more on having fun during the match. If getting chummy with the killer is your thing then knock yourself out.
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No I just want to befriend the killer. Getting hatch doesn't really matter to me. Just the sheer acknowledge that we established a friendship.
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I downed an Ace yesterday. It was obvious he wasn’t very good so I left him slugged. Went back when he got picked up so I could chase his teammate, only to find him hiding in a corner with no way out. So I just stand there, looking at him, contemplating whether or not I should just let him go to do gens or slug him again. He turns toward a locker and points at it. I open it to find Claudette screaming.
I drop the Claudette and hook the Ace.
I camped him and let rest escape.
Snitches get stitches.
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Fast crouching usually works, do it after you pallet stun them (dont do this)
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This. Point out the Urban evading / iron will / locker abusing / calm spirit survivor when it's 1v2 when i play my Doctor and i will give you hatch :P
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Someone did that to my Spirit on Midwich. The snitch died. I then slugged the other and carried them to hatch. They were the last two, and not very good, and the final one couldn't find hatch for anything.
But yeah, snitch and I'll facecamp you. One of the few times I will do that.
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If you play Michael against me, I may tbag and flashlight click just so you could penetrate me with your tool and let me feel your muscles while you sling me over your shoulders.
Unfortunately, only few Michaels realize what I’m after when I do that.
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Well, you'd definitely get penetrated by my tool if you tbag and clickity-click my Myers. 😂🤣
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As a killer main, I use to befriend or acknowledge a locker snitch, but then too many lied to me and made me feel bad for trusting.
If you want to befriend me now, you gotta open a locker with a survivor inside, over and over again (locking them inside) and waiting for me to notice and arrive. You’ll be cool in my book and I’ll ignore you for the rest of the game and follow you if you motion me to do so. All of this is negated if your Claudette though, they gotta die.
I think playing DbD has given me more racist thoughts then life ever did. I hate black people in DbD.
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I don’t think we’re talking about the same tool....
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Oh, I know which one you're talking about. You just have to mentally RP it. Sadly, the game doesn't allow me to poke that way. 😂
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I will do my best to snitch on the ######### hiding in a locker on the other side of the map for the last 10 minutes who didn't do ######### all for their team and is just praying for an easy free hatch. I don't care if it gets me killed too as long as they die. Letting trash like that win for nothing makes you worse than they are.
You really can't. I had my own reasons for taking a liking to a particular survivor and letting them go and it's extremely rare.
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See, as a killer, that's different. It is highly unlikely that I am not going to see each of the four survivors throughout a match. I've had that odd match where someone hides in a locker for damned too long. Ironically, it seems to be a Kate in my matches. If someone shows me where that pleb is finally so I don't have to go searching every damn locker, that's different.
In the case I mentioned on Midwich, they were all participating. It was obvious they knew it was a loss when those two were left, so the one hid to try to get hatch or gate. I mean, they had 4 gens left still. The other snitched in the hopes I would give them hatch for it. Nah. Not playing that.
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Woohoo. You’re the Daddy I’ve been searching for!
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Now you just gotta find me in lobby. Needle, meet haystack. 😁
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Well, if you ever see a Claudette or Dwight come out from behind a corner, and slowly edges towards you, while rhythmically clicking their flashlight at you, attempting to use it as a morse code device, then you’ve found me. You’ll know for sure it’s me when I don’t struggle while on your shoulder, tacitly placing my hands on highly desired locations upon your body.
ok, that’s enough from me now.
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For the most part, I agree. But there are certain circumstances where I don't, i.e. if it is super obvious that one is just waiting for the other to die, not even trying to do the last gen, I will accept the offering and let the snitch go.
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I laughed way too hard.
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Maybe you just need to take it to a level of it being absurd. I was having a bad as hell day yesterday and I was super cranky and I opened a match with two dwights & a claudette that all had matching names--but the Dwights had matching Christmas sweaters and bright orange helmets and they messed up everything that they did and I was just like, I love & cherish these Dwights and their Claudette and I will never let any harm befall them.
At the end in the chat they were like, 'we wear the bells so we don't get lost' 'our helmets protect us' and I knew I had made the right choice.
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I died reading this