So my friend and I were discussing spirit and..

I've always enjoyed her..I enjoy playing against her more than most killers as well, I think if you look at it as a new way to chase shes a crap ton of friend doesnt like her as much but even says it's a personal thing. So yesterday we were playing survivor and went against a cherry blossom spirit..that's the purple pl e addon that increases her passive it's not used much because spirit can't see it happening and it's up to chance whether it actually helps mind game a tile.

It's his least favorite addon for her and I agree because it's not even fun to use as you dont USE it..its just there..then..I had an idea, what if spirits passive phase only happened during her wind up?

So it would work like this..spirit is no longer stuck in place during wind up,, but her passive phase only happens while she is channeling her power, what this would do is make her flickering a conscious move to make by the spirit so she controls her flicker mind games so she doesnt have to commit to a phase , and it would help survivors know when shes possibly going into wouldn't just be a hold still mind game any it would make spirit decide whether or not to hide in order to not give the information away..I think this would add considerable depth to playing spirit at high level without taking away her core aspects..just a thought but I liked it the more I thought on it
