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General Discussions

Unbreakable and DS combo.

Member Posts: 1,488
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Ok so I know everyone has STRONG opinions on this. So, first if you refuse to think about a persons clashing opinion and just be belligerent don't argue here go to the other pages. Second, I want an open discussion and yeah things may get heated, but at least try to listen and be respectful to the best of your ability.

Now as to my stance on it coming from a person who has fairly decent experience in both sides, I can definitely say it has counters. Now I in no way think this combo is fair all the time, but I'll break this down as thorough as I can so please, bear with me. First since I prefer survivor ill use that standpoint.

Ok when I am in a match and a gen rush happens and then a killer snowballs with slugs and ultimately loses to unbreakable it sucks. I feel bad that they can't do anything. When they camp for the final kill and its ruined to ds and unbreakable yeah it sucks. But first, why camp for one? Whenever I have to camp endgame I ALWAYS trade, it gives more points and if you can continuously trade hooks the survivors slowly lose their hook states and they are forced to leave or die.

So in that case tunneling is just dumb and if you can slug them go ahead and watch their body and hit people that you can and well there isnt much to say about that because anyone with a brain knows how to defend a body, I hope. And then lets say its beginning of a match on mothers dwelling, since its BIG well if you down the recently unhooked at any point and can hook someone else do it.

That means this person has to waste unbreakable and save that person or get healed which takes off pressure. But if they aren't a swf 2 people have to get off gens and save the 2 and if its a swf that means 1 will and you can pressure the only generator. But maybe the unbreakable person says not to worry about him and so he wastes his unbreakable and he works on a gen. That is either barely progressed or not at all because its a big map and he will want to pressure gens as soon as possible. Now this guy is most likely injured and has to spend 60 to 80 seconds doing gens and more just to heal.

And while he does that you're downing the person as he wastes his unbreakable and his team pops their gen or is healing. So you have another hook and info on 3 survivors. 2 finished a gen or are healing and one got up and is pressuring gens. And saying you have no clue where they are isnt an excuse because anyone who isnt new knows how to check generators and use common sense and if they went farther away to work on a gen then they are either closer to you or have less progress in the gen then is good for the game.

So yeah I do understand that you have less pressure than before, buuuut now there is one less unbreakable and you dont need to worry about slugging and you've started constant pressure.

This is harder on a smaller map yes, but you have easier time getting chases and the reason you lose is either misplaying or failing chases and at that point UB and DS arent the issue your skill is or map rng.

I Don't remember a time where I was EVER screwed over by that perk combo and rarely by the perks in general. Because unlike the people who complain and wait out for ds and unbreakable, I go add more pressure and with the fact that you don't always go against 4 mans and swf usually isnt coordinated very well for the most part if you continue to add pressure they will stutter and fail. And if you go against a good 4 man you mist likely will lose. This is the best counter to the "small PP build, and it works unless the survs are better than you or you just suck or the map is bad, there are TONS of variables.

Now as a survivor ive tried the meta build solo and its pointless and not that strong. Oh haha I have unbreakable and ds he cant pick me up *picks me up* and is a good killer or a strong one then precedes to murder me and my team. Oh haha I unbreakable now I dint have it and he can slug me. Oh no ds is out this guy doesnt tunnel. This is the crap I deal with as a survivor when I ran that build. The perks aren't that strong until you're a swf and for the most parts swf is cocky and not too good and if your experience is not like that well I feel bad.

I digress my point is the meta build just kinda sucks it depends on a bad killer and a good team. If your team sucks it doesn't matter what you do. If the killer is good do you really think deadhard is gonna save you? No unless its for distance and even then if its a good killer your loops won't matter.

As for my opinion in this, I think its a pathetic build that doesnt have a place for the good survivors of dbd. If youre good you can loop and waste time and as much as it sucks to die just wasting the killers time is a big achievement. Dying doesn't always make you bad. But in general this build is used wrong or is useless because the players suck and I also believe if we had people stop tunneling and slugging for no reason when they arent forced these perks wouldnt be the way they are now.

Just in general dont run it as a habit its a small PP build because you want invincibility you dont want to "not get tunneled and slugged by trash." That usually doesn't happen in the same game. And for killers just play smarter and know how to apply pressure and try and force people to waste these perks. If you are getting gen rushed have someone waste ds and then tunnel them out if the game. I had a Wraith do that to 2 of my friends and well it sucked because he purposely ate ds then tunneled them out if the game leading him to win because a 1v2 is an instant win and a 1v3 is as well unless the pallets and survs are good.

So in general play smart and don't make a habit out of scummy plays unless you are pressured, because this build lurks out there and you'll get punished and then you'll be here on the forums crying and this issue wont be solved.

Sorry for the long article but I really want to try and help people out with their ideas on this and to discuss and if you actually got this far well thanks you actualy care about the health of this game and wanna get this issue dealt with instead of complaining

(If you want to complain about nonsensical paragraphs just shut up ive already edited this so people could read it in paragraphs and im NOT remaking this to fit the standards of some English class.)

Post edited by Komodo16 on

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