I'm done..
yes but there are still props that block vision on that map in those dead zones its not like theres the shop the 2 vehicles shack and then asolutely nothing inbetween and while i agree the map is in a desperate need of a buff the map alreadys offers 4 strong structures which all feature high walls not to mention the fact that a jungle gym or pallet gym which also include high walls dont exist ive played both sides on that map and the map while quite annoying to play as both sides on still wasnt a complete slaughter house as surv a could use shack i had the shop and i had the 2 vehicles, i still think they need a buff but still i think what you are saying is an exaggeration all structures feature high walls and there are many props to hide behind too
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While alot of you said is true about posts asking for nerfs for killers. The killer side dominates this forum. If its survivor favored killers will hate it well some. There are killers calling survivor side hit validation a nerf!
But it's fine it's fine for killers to be vocal but what isnt fine is when survivor ideas are shut down for being a survivor idea. The legion rework was needed not to kill him like rn. Legion was unhealthy for survivors and the game as a whole. I digress, the point of this post was simply to remark at the fact that once again killer players are running faster than Usain bolt to any post that helps survivors.
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sorry i meant to say there is na jungle gym or pallet gym able to spawn
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I'm not exaggerating I'm also not saying there is nothing but the deadzones babe generators you need to repair i so it's a guarenteed hit. The map needs a buff and so does the minimum pallet requirement it used to be 8 but they lowered it to 6 for some odd reason.
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If we would live in a perfect world, survivors like killers would be able to voice their opinion and the people would read it with common sense in mind. Would talk sober about the topics that come up here and so on, without attacking each other in any form.
But we live not in such a world.
My wake up call had come with the rework and show me how the things really work and similar experiences have many survivor and killer mains made since then and I bet even before.
The only thing that would break the devils circle, would be if everyone from now on would start to talk about such things serious without insults, that bhvr would listen to the side that want to have nerfs and to the side that want to have no, or a different kind of nerfs (something that they didn't usually) and the people stop running like braindead sheeps after the opinion of some streamers that only cry about certain characters and abilities to get more clicks on their streams.
Non of that will ever happen and because of it, you will see killer mains that storm survivor helping threads, as I as example have seen survivor mains storming into Legion threads and argue about what were not even possible.
It is sad that it is so, but it lays not in our hands to change that.
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I find the guess work of it fun. I guess you could say the counter is guessing correctly over your opponent. There is less predictability about it than say killer and survivor mind gaming the shack. After long enough the typical plays become predictable, where and how to moonwalk etc, so you start switching up your gameplay to catch your opponent off guard.
A killer ability like say the spirit's, adds a mechanic which throws predictability out the window from the offset. Now it's a complete guessing game, still possible to pallet stun her and loop her but you gotta choose correctly on little to no information till you've interacted with her a couple of times. The stakes are high and its hard to adapt to it but that's what I love about it. No other killer really does that. But there is a constant scream for nerfs and changes because of the way it works, the typical survivor plays of just loop this rock don't really work against her.
I often feel like when people talk about changes to killers they find hard to counter, when you read between the lines the thread is often "change this so I can loop it like any other killer". I think this is unhealthy for the game for both killer and survivor, but given the topic is a killer nerf its gonna get more killers expressing their doubts and it will seem like the thread is more killer biased.
But for all players the last thing I'd want is the game to be watered down into nothing but a loop simulator. I find red ranks often devolves into that very quickly as people know the strong loops and return to them endlessly. You either drop chase or waste time or utilize an ability that shuts that ######### down quickly. The third option usually upsets more people and we get the nerf threads.
As a killer main I am a lil biased here but I play enough survivor to know I don't really enjoy running a killer around the same bus for 2 mins either but I'll go back there to do it because it works.
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Have you ever considered that you could just be wrong?
I see this a lot in discussions, online and offline. One person (or group) claims something that is just objectively wrong, like vaccines causing autism or that 5G causes COVID-19, and the majority, naturally, presents them with the facts.
The minority group then comes up with rationales as to why the majority is wrong and/or misguided. Usual excuses are: "it's a conspiracy" (followed by either accusations that the majority "fell for it" or that they're somehow "in on it"), the majority is engaging in a "circle jerk", the majority is "biased" against them, and so on.
At no point does the minority group stop to think "Y'know, maybe I'm the one who's wrong", even though they objectively and demonstrably are. Vaccines don't cause autism, 5G doesn't cause COVID-19, and Deathslinger has counters.
The forum is not killer-biased, you're getting responses based on other people's experience, but you always find some excuse to dismiss it. At some point, you just have to consider the possibility that you are the one who is biased (and wrong).
EDIT: For the record, I'm not saying Deathslinger has counters because the majority says he does, since that's a fallacy (argumentum ad populum). I'm saying that Deathslinger has counters and that the majority recognizes that. Those are two separate things.