__Lukas__ Member Posts: 32
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Anybody care to give their two cents on anything they’re noticing with the new hit validation? Any improvements?


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    "2nd game: I think I might have went against a hacker.. I literally couldn’t hook the guy.. I was standing on the hook and spamming the button to hook and the game was just refusing it.. i have no idea what caused it.. is it hit validation or was that guy straight up hacking? Has anybody encountered this issue?"

    Yeah, that guy probably had around 1000 Ping when you tried to hook him. So Hacking/Cheating.


    Did 1 Survivor game and 3 Killer games. In the Survivor game I am pretty sure that 1 Hit would have hit me before, at least I got hit like that multiple times, this time it didnt hit.

    The Killer games (1x Pig, 2x Huntress) I did not notice any difference. One Hatchet did not connect while a Survivor was doing a 360 around me, but it could have been possible that this would not have hit anyway.

    Playing on 30-50 Ping usually.

  • Jed_Olsen
    Jed_Olsen Member Posts: 256

    Played a few survivor games, first two games got downed by two very questionable hits, I mean the killer was likely to end the chase both tines but were well off with their hits

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I haven't played very many games with it yet but it seems good. At the very least, the status quo is maintained, at best, I'm not getting hit with hits that shouldn't have been connecting.

    It's kind of thing that's hard to notice whether it's working or not it because if it's working you shouldn't notice it.

    ie. "If I vault this window the killer shouldn't be able to make the hit in time" and it doesn't happen, maybe it was the server side hit validation, maybe the killer ping is just good, the point is that it only fixes things that shouldn't happen in the first place, meaning if it works correctly, rather than directly noticing an improvement, you'll stop noticing things that shouldn't happen because they aren't happening.