JACK THE RIPPER - Fan Made Chapter

DrSlaughter22 Member Posts: 26

Fan made Chapter:

-Cries in the night-


This contains some mature and unsettling content that some may find disturbing. Read at your own risk.

The events in the chapter are fictional, as the identity of Jack the Ripper was never really discovered.

This is my own take on the Ripper.

Full Chapter concept, including a new killer, survivor, along with their 3 teachable perks, and the new map.




New Killer: The Ripper


- London - 1888

John Williams was a surgeon deep in the poor part of town, His business practices were a bit unethical, but he did what he had to do to pay the bills. He reused needles, watered down medicine, and did little cleaning to his saws and scalpels. The only people that went to his clinic were the patients that couldn't afford other doctors.

When immigrants from all over started coming to London for a better future, jobs became scarce, and the streets became overcrowded. Some of the people that John would see in his clinic stopped coming. Most of them lost their job to someone that was younger, in better shape, and would work for less pay on an assembling line. The bills began to pile up, and John was getting desperate. The dark whispers in his ear began to get louder and louder.

One night, John went out and looked for his first victim. He found a young man on his way home from work. He robbed and killed him in an alley. It was someone he had never seen before. Someone that has never been to his clinic. He must be the reason he isn't seeing patients. He probably took one of their jobs. This man was the reason John's business was failing. He had it coming...

The dark whispers began getting louder...

It felt right. It felt just. He carefully removed one of the dead man's organs, and kept it in a jar in his office. A perfectly preserved kidney. It was his trophy.

The police didn't have the means to find out who did it. London was too crowded, and this murder was nothing they have ever seen before. They had no leads at all, so all they could do was question the people living in the surrounding area.

The following night, he began to hear the dark whispers again. It told him that he had to take another life. He obeyed the strange voice obediently. He managed to lure a young woman into an alley with a necklace and some fresh grapes. He killed her with a smile, piercing her breast with a single powerful stab. John then surgically removed her ovaries and put them in a jar of their own. He had a new calling. A painfully wide grin corrupted his face.

The police were once again shocked at the sight. For months he murdered innocent people in the streets and the police could do nothing about it. They began to call this strange murderer The Ripper due to the cadavers missing internal organs and other body parts, some were violently ripped out after the first incision.

On a night darker and more foggy than usual, John stalked the streets, looking to take another innocent life. John wasn't alone this time, and someone witnessed the murder he had just committed and ran off before he could be silenced. John sprinted after him but to no avail. He had been caught.

The next morning the police came to John's clinic, but they never found him. The building had been burned down and there was no trace of John Williams. Some suspect he burned down his own clinic and left town to avoid the law, but they all can agree that life would never be the same again. Many impostors claimed to be the ripper, but those fakes with never amount to the true gruesome ripper.


<The Ripper>

The Ripper is average height,

moves at 115%,

And a 28 meter terror radius.


The ripper lurks in the shadows and can catch his prey off guard.

The Ripper has 2 forms.

In his first form, he has a 28 meter terror radius and moves at 115% movement speed.

The Ripper can stalk his victims to build his power. When his power gauge is full, he moves into his second form. All survivors can be stalked to fill up his power gauge similar to The Shape's power.

In his second form, he temporarily moves at 125% movement speed, has a 32 meter terror radius, and has an increased lunge. The power lasts for 20 seconds after fully stalking survivors.

The ripper has a secondary power. Hold down the second ability button to build up an extended lunge. He is slightly slowed when charging the lung. The Ripper grabs his blade with both hands and leaps in a straight line stabbing downward, causing the mangled status effect. The hit box is more narrow than most killers, so you must be accurate where you aim. (This ability is similar to demogorgon's shred ability but slightly shorter) When he is in his second form, the lunge will instantly down a survivor instead of causing the mangled status effect.



<Tampered progress>

-When a generator is fully completed by hand, it explodes, injuring survivors within 1/2/3 meters. Survivors that are already injured are put into the deep wounds state. Generators completed by a toolbox will not injure survivors, but if one survivor is repairing a generator by hand when it gets completed, it will still explode.

<Forbidden Fruit>

-when Survivors are searching a chest, they become oblivious, and their aura revealed within 64/72/80 meters. Survivors become oblivious for 20 seconds after picking up an item out of a chest.

<Isolated by Shadows>

When a survivor is within 3/4/5 meters of another survivor for 10 seconds, both survivors suffer from the hindered status effect.

This effect persists for 15 seconds after moving away from the other survivor.



The Ripper wears upper class attire. A black top hat, gloves, boots, and a trench coat that flows in the wind. He has a stern look on his face that changes to a painfully wide grin when he's about to down a survivor. (within 5 meters of an injured survivor in a chase) He carry's around a knife and/ or surgical tools with fancy gold engravings. Dried blood and rust is visible on the old blade.




New Survivor: Dennis O'Connor


Dennis O'Connor left home at the age of 19 with his new wife Ellen for a new start, and a better future. There was nothing left for them back at Ireland. They moved to London, where Dennis got a job as a black Smith's assistant. He was young, strong, and perfect for the job. He worked mornings, his wife worked nights as a seamstress. Together, they were able to work move into a comfortable place they called home, slowly buy furniture, and there was even talk about having a child. They couldn't be more happy together.

One tragic night, Ellen was killed on her way home from purchasing fabrics for a new dress she was working on. This destroyed Dennis. He fell into a depression that he couldn't crawl out of. He lost his best friend, the person he loved the most, his soul mate. After several days of staying home from work, depressed in his lonely bed looking at a picture of him and his late wife, he was fueled with hatred and revenge. He vowed to find her killer and put him behind bars, or even killed if it came down to it. He began walking the streets at night, keeping watch over the streets of London. A few months later, when he was hunting for his wife's killer, he heard a loud scream in an alley and ran to investigate. He seen a man dressed in black carving into a young woman, but she was already dead. He approach to get a better look at the killer, but accidentally kicked an empty bottle. The shrouded man set his gaze onto Dennis. He stood up, covered in blood. He started approaching him with knife in hand. The shrouded man then went into a full on sprint. Dennis ran for his life. He did not want to meet the same fate his dear Ellen did. He ran till he collapsed to the ground. His lungs were on fire. He felt the ground he was now laying on. This wasn't the pavement we was accustomed to, it instead was moist dirt and grass. He wasn't in London anymore. He was in an unfamiliar place. A thick fog covered forest.

After that night, he was never seen again. The few acquaintances he had in London assumed he was killed by The Ripper just as his wife did...


<Teachable Perks>

<Evil eye>

You know evil when you see it. And when evil sees you.

-Whenever your aura is revealed to the killer by any means, the killer's aura is also reviewed to you as well.

(This works with all aura reviewing perks and killer add ons)


You are determined to make it out alive. You demand justice!

-When you are injured, passively heal one health state once every 3 minutes.

You also get healed by others 5% faster

The timer is reset if you are hit, down, or hooked.

This perk is not active when in the dying state.


-After being in a killers terror while not in a chase radius for 1 minute , the perk activates.

When you get into a chase, you are effected by Haste. You get a 5% boost to movement speed for the next 45 seconds.

Afterwards the perk is reset.

You do not get progress for the perk while in a chase.

"Not today!"

-Dennis O'Connor



Dennis appears in dress pants, a button up shirt, suspenders, and dress shoes. He has short ginger/ brown hair, and stubble/ short facial hair. The sleeves are rolled up so they don't get in the way of his blacksmith work. Minor grease and sweat stains are viable.




New map: The Slums - London

The streets of London at night can be dangerous. It's cold, dark, and rats can be found running through the alleys eating trash. In the center of the map, you can find John Williams's Clinic. A cramped two story building with various organs preserved in jars. The basement always spawns here. The slums is a compact map. Its relatively small with several accessible buildings, usually 2 stories. Cramped alleys with lots if twist and turns, and dead ends, and lots of trash and boxes. There is a main road that cuts through close to the center of the map. Exit gates always spawn at each end of the road.




The true identity of Jack the ripper has never been discovered. There were many people that were possible suspects, but there was not enough evidence to convict anyone. Some claimed to be the ripper. Nobody knows to this day who really was the murderer. This was my own fictional take inspired by the actual killer, Jack the Ripper. Some people thought that it must have been a surgeon because the way he would cut open the victims appeared liked he knew exactly what he was doing, how to do it, and where the organs were. The only reason I would even think of including a real world type killer is because it is more inspired by the killer, instead of actually pulling him out of history. Similar to how Ed Gein was the inspiration for Leather face.




I would love to hear what you think of my fan made Dead By Daylight Chapter, and hopefully the developers of this marvelous game sees this!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Please give feedback! What would you change? What seems too strong/ weak?

(This is the first thing I posted here)

With much love,



  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Even though i'd be down for a Jack the Ripper theme it be very hard though due to the fact this guy really did exist and may not be what people would like for there have been many adaptations of Jack the Ripper and people can get very entitled on who he was. Cool concept though

  • DrSlaughter22
    DrSlaughter22 Member Posts: 26

    I think it could work, only if they change it up enough. Also consider that theres characters based off of real people, such as Letherface being based off of Ed Gein.

    Like its definitely tragic and he was a murderer, I get that 100%. But if they change it enough it can work.

    They could change it like how they made the Ghoast face their unique character but it's still ghost face.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah that could work it just has to be done in a certain way, plus imagine the wide arrange of cosmetics that could work for this guy, since no one really knew who he was, he could've been literally anyone. A butcher, a barber, A fisherman, and so on, it could really play with the fantasies and the beliefs of who we believed Jack the ripper was and allow us customize the Ripper into who we think he was.

  • DrSlaughter22
    DrSlaughter22 Member Posts: 26

    Very true. The top had and trench coat is just what we imagine we was wearing. Behavior can do anything they want with him if they went through with it. Plus in a recent poll they asked if real life could be integrated into dbd.

  • Superstar_Saga95
    Superstar_Saga95 Member Posts: 90

    I believe a killer based around Jack The Ripper wouldn't really stir up much controversy, since he was a killer from a century ago, and not a more recent serial killer, like the Zodiac Killer. Also the name Jack the Ripper has been used in different places, a hunter in Identity V, and a nickname for Raiden in Metal Gear Solid. So they could do something similar to GhostFace, and just use the name and make a completely different character with a different backstory.

  • NivlacACE
    NivlacACE Member Posts: 78

    His power seems too similar to The Shape, just a slightly better version. You stalk survivors to get into a new temporary phase that allows instant downs.

  • DrSlaughter22
    DrSlaughter22 Member Posts: 26

    How I see the power, would be more of a mix of Legion and myers/ ghost face. When he stalks, he would be able rush down a survivor, but the power wouldnt last long at all. Not nearly as long as teir 3 myers, but I totally get what you're saying. I was aiming for similar but different enough. I also didnt want to make an overly complicated power that would be difficult to understand through just reading the idea.

  • SadCyclops
    SadCyclops Member Posts: 118

    i really like your perk ideas even if i think that the gen injuring perk is too strong.

    the killers power seems pretty boring, tho. dbd doesnt need more stalking killers ...