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Otz Got 50 wins in a row with Hag and Legion.



  • Member Posts: 266
    edited August 2020

    Okay. Way to go x gamer otz. Im so amazed and stuff, 50 wins what a real champion.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    I hit rank 1 on Killer a few days ago. I have under 300 hours. I get matched up with people who have similar hours to mine, or 10-20x my hours. The fact that I can be in the same "rank" as someone like Otz is absurd. I'm nowhere near as good as people who've played for thousands of hours, yet according to the matchmaking, we're basically identical.

    All that is to say I fully agree. Red ranks is pure mixed bag. I can dominate for 10 games in a row on Trapper, who I don't even have to level 50 yet, then lose so bad someone legit says "wow rank 3?" or whatever my current rank is, because they're surprised someone at my rank could do so terribly.

    Now from the survivor side, take that same concept of red rank being basically random, and apply it to all 3 of your teammates in solo queue. You could all be the same rank and two of your teammates could comparatively be potatoes. What're the chances of all 4 of you having thousands of hours outside of SWF?

    When people say the game is survivor-sided, they don't mean under your average, everyday circumstances of a 4 solo queue players vs. a decent killer, although there's an argument to be made for the strength of a few perks, especially if all 4 happen to be running them.

    But where you determine balance is at the absolute top level. Because both sides are basically maxing out the game's potential to what is currently possible. And I gotta say, when Otz goes against a 4-man team that's giving it their all... he gets spanked a whooole lot. That doesn't mean he can't win or never wins against them, but total random partial-solo queue games and proper 4-man SWF games aren't even in the same galaxy of difficulty. The best survivors (from all that I've seen, not from my personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt) can pretty much scrub most of the killer roster clean of anything resembling viability unless the killer knows they're a 4-man SWF beforehand and can spec to counter appropriately.

    In many competitive games, the idea is to balance around the top-end because that means as players get better, their all start moving towards that top-end and the balance really starts to pay off. Things being unbalanced in the early hours doesn't really matter as much, as there'll be so many mistakes, misplays and just inexperience that the nuances of balance will rarely be felt by such players.

    All that said, as I pointed out, I myself am still very inexperienced. I'm not trying to make too many definitive claims outside of what I've seen from the best-of-the-best players, but what I have seen definitely indicates a survivor advantage at the top-end. I imagine comms plays a huge role in that, and even simple perks like OoO can really just make it unbelievably difficult for a killer to get anything done.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    When I hear of win streaks like this from players like Otz or Zubat then its not surprising. Players of that level of skill and vast game experience could probably get a 50 win streak with perkless Clown.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    What? What does that have to do with whether I graduated in a topic that includes statistics? That seems so random. I realize that 50 games aren't a perfect sample size in general, but 50 matches with one killer is not a bad sample size either. I just doubt that all 50 survivor teams Otz went up against with one killer were all not good.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Ok but does this Otz represent the rest of the killer players in a good way? Are there perhaps survivors that escapes a lot also?

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    Even just STUDENTS of a university in the topic, let's say psychology, use hundrends and sometimes thousands of samplesizes to prove one of their theories. And even then the "trueness" of a theory is valued by the number of times people tried to scientifically deny it (and failed obviously)

    I hope you understand that 50 is nothing to universally prove a theory now. That's science, no opinion, you can look it up somewhere if you want.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Ok yes the general tiles like T-L walls or the one pallet gyms are mindgameable, though the jungle gyms aren't really, at least as long as the pallet at the one pallet gym isn't dropped yet, that's true. However in my experience there are almost always a fair amount of the unique pallets on those maps as well, which can't be mindgamed. I'm not quite sure which scrap pallets on the autoheaven maps you mean, but I don't think that all of the rock pallet loops are mindgameable. I'm pretty sure that as a survivor I can see over most of the pallet loops, at least on one side, so I can see where exactly the killer is. They don't really seem mindgameable to me.

    I'm not sure thogh which pallet loops are long on Badham. I know there are a few pallet loops on Badham outside the main buldings that are too big to be mindgamed, but the majoritry of them are either small enough or have line of sight blockers to be mindgamed. The building pallets are certainly a pain in the ass, and are not mindgameable. But there aren't too many of those. So I personally still find the Badham maps to be better balanced than the original maps.

    Plus don't forget, the next update is reducing the amount of safe pallets in the house with the garage and basement from 2 to 1 and are adding a few breakeable walls, one of them stopping survivors from being able to use the window loop on Badham multiple times. I think after that update the Badham maps will be perfect.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Yea I agree the new changes will be nice, especially since the infinite’s will be gone, it’ll still be a pain tho following people through the main buildings and it just takes forever to catch up to people in those mazes. Personally I just find window loops far more enjoyable and counterable rather than pallet loops which is what Badham has a lot of. I would prefer to chase someone at shack rather than anywhere else on that map ngl. Oh and with the rock loops yea there are vantage points where the survivor can see the killer but there are also sides and parts where they can’t se much, so it is possible as killer to push them to the parts they can’t see over well and then mins game. Plus the rock loops are relatively short as well.

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