Devs, are you changing Object of Obsession?

I don't even want to elaborate why this perk is broken in SWF, because we all know why.
Dev mentioned in multiple occasion that they want to buff solo survivors to the level of SWF,
then shouldn't this perk be the priority on your list of change?
If I want to find a perk that completely divides the strength of solos and SWF,
it won't be decisive, borrow time, dead hard, but THIS perk, I seriously don't get why devs never changed OoO.
My god, when loggin in to this forum it's all killer threads crying like babies about everything.
Nerf DS, BT, Unbreakable, Dead Hard OP :) , OoO, Maps, Pallets, Gen speeds.
Post edited by xenofon13 on12 -
To be fair OOO is actually problematic.
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I get bored of those complaints too but Object really should just be deleted tbh.
Plus at least it’s a break from all the Deathslinger threads.
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@xenofon13 maybe because they just tweaked broken things to not be broken, but there are still things in the game that there are too strong and makes the game feels unfun and unbalanced? and all of those perks you mentioned, if a sweaty team are runing it good luck have a fun and balanced game
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I haven't see OoO when i play killer like 9 months ago.
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Lucky you lmao
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It is problematic yes, but who runs OoO anyways.
And if they did, play them like every other survivor, or tunnel to death.
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I mean, I know how problematic it can be because I use it lol.
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It really isn't a fair perk. Gives so much information to a team, and yourself. You can prepare for a loop and completely know what exactly the killer is doing. Not a fair purpose.
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My first killer game as Demo today had a Object in it. While its lucky that you haven't met somebody with the perk for months, personal anecdotes are hardly reliable sources. There are many different regions of people around the world who play this game, and the metas for each are gonna vary at times. Oceania has a smaller player base, so more survivors here are likely to be SWF, even if its just a pair. Object is very strong with SWF, so Object seems a bit more popular down here as well.
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People have to be lying with these OoO threads. I almost never get a OoO SWF.
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I don’t really know why anyone would bother to lie about it. I don’t see them all the time but they’re not that rare. I’ve had two Objects in my matches the last couple of days and lucky me, I was playing Trapper in both.
It’s probably affected by platform, region and the time you usually play as well.
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OoO is broken even for solo que. It's such a ridiculous amount of info with almost no downside. SWF just adds superheated salt to the gaping wound.
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100% the only real survivor perk that is actually an issue
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Yeah I'd agree, hence why I said that perk was actually problematic, and none of the other perks they listed.
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I see OoO usually once to twice a day and little poor me always plays trapper or hag when i do.
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I like OoO.
Don’t use it often tho, even tho I mostly go solo.
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You know what is really stupid about OoO ? The perk icon light up when you look in the direction of the killer, even if they are Undetectable. So you can actually still use it like a long range Spine Chill against killers that are supposed to be the counter and risk of using the perk.
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While both sides do voice their complaints, you are the only one I’ve seen call attention to this indisputable Truth.
Doing so usually causes a feeding frenzy.
Jus scrolling through and perusing the 90k Discussion posts alone is evidence of all this.
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I also made several posts regarding Object, why it´s broken and how it could be changed. Unfortunately none of the DEVs responded. Maybe this thread will get a response from them, really hope so!
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Thank you for acknowledging this. You so often seem to argue in favor of the Survivor side even if it seems questionable, so getting that from you is a further indicator of how f*ed up Object is and raising my respect for you.
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that's disappointing to hear. looks like dev thinks OoO is fine
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OoO is the only perk in the game I dont have unlocked. My Lori is like level 14.
OoO is fine for solos, the problem with the perk is when its a group using it. Its actually problematic for solo survivors as many killers will tunnel the user out of game quickly.
It really does need a change. Maybe a cooldown? Devs like cooldowns.
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This exactly. It totally shouldn't activate the icon when no aura is shown, thats just stupid and totally contradicts the "counter" to ooo.
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Yea lets ignore all of the NOED, Spirit, and Deathslinger crybaby threads as well, huh?
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you forgot to mention that survivors demand spirit be nerfed
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54938409350985 posts a day bitching about DS, unbreakable, BT, second chance blah blah and wonder why the devs don't listen to complaints regarding a perk that is used so infrequently and most times when it's used it's by someone who is not very good and is an easy kill.
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Here's my rework that I think is fair as both survivor and killer:
Any time that the killer sees your aura, you also see theirs for a maximum of 5 seconds. Has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
Unfortunately this is yet another counter to one of my favorite niche perks I'm All Ears, but I'm willing to live with that if it means the gruesome death of OoO.
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This perk deserves to be bitched about because it's the one perk that puts SWF miles ahead of Solo. I don't understand why more people aren't upset about this. I don't give nearly as many shits about the other meta perks in the game as I do this one.
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true rework it or nerf it or get rid of it.
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for killers not survivors
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Had two games with a 4 man using OoO. Spinechill is bad enough against solo survivors causing chases to take ages to start, but OoO is on another level since the gens are always empty when you reach them and the OoO user just tells them if you are going right or left at a loop so good bye mindgames.
It will never happen since balance happens at a glacial pace with these devs. It doesn't help that they only have 2 people working on it because the rest of the budget goes towards the art department and cosmetics to keep their investors happy.
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I can only speak for myself but i'm not upset about it because I rarely see it at rank 1. When I do see it, it is even more rare that the person with it is anything other than an easy kill. It barely ever gives me any problems.
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So because you don't ever come across the optimal swf squads running this, it's not a problem? It doesn't completely break the game? That's awesome you somehow never have this problem, but I encounter it about once a week depending on how often I play. Also just wait until they finally fix MMR and killer games actually get sweaty. You'll probably see it a lot more of it then.
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While OoO is problematic I doubt it gets changed because it’s only a problem in swf and this game is balanced towards solo
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If I see an OoO in my game, I will make that match as miserable as possible for that person. I don't and can't know if you're in a SWF group, but under rank 5 you should know that OoO puts a big target on you. It's basically a giant middle finger to the Killer whether you intend it to be or not, and so it will usually get a response in kind. While you don't see it ran too often (probably because people know it paints a big target on them and want to have fun games) you will eventually run into an SWF running it and boy oh boy aren't those matches something special.
I might get irritated at a team full of DS+Unbreakable or other meta perks, or a bunch of Blendettes or flashlight heroes doing their thing, but I still play the game as I normally do, sometimes people do irritating things in games to help their chances at winning. That's fine, whatever. But seeing that OoO at the beginning of a match really just sets off something different in my brain. Maybe if the damn thing showed me your entire team for free like it shows you my entire team then I wouldn't mind so much. Or maybe if SWF wasn't a thing. But that much info that you can convey to people who can use it for free with no downside is just tremendously borked.
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Perhaps you did not read the first sentence of my comment. So you encounter it once a week and each time it is a swf task force that completely ruins your experience? Sorry, I don't believe you.
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Feel free to tunnel I wish killers did that when I run OoO that's easy chases.
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Apparently I'm not clear enough for you. I said about once a week I come across a sweat squad with OoO, not just the perk OoO. Its a really big difference and you can tell if its a 4 man running it or just solo. Solo is not that bad, but it's still really strong, especially if you're playing the wrong killer on the wrong map. Why do I have to explain this to you? You're supposed to be a rank 1 killer.
And just because you don't encounter something very often doesn't make it a non-issue. I rarely encounter iri head huntresses anymore because people know not to run it, so does that make it a non-issue? I rarely encounter hackers, are they a non-issue?
The existence and possibility of the broken thing is the issue here, how are you not getting this?
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I enjoy an OoO user as Legion because I can chain my feral frenzy off of them and find the hidden blendettes!
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not really BT and DS have their things too. Using BT to bodyblock for example or using Ds to rescue another example.
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Not really, luckily I am an average killer and manage to avoid DS 99% of the time while also not usually being near enough the hook that someone tries to take hits because I'm on the other side of the map chasing someone else.
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As other posters have already mentioned, it's problematic in a SWF. Just have one person run OOO and tell their team exactly where the killer is at all times.
Plus it completely counters a killer like Trapper who needs to set up around the map. If Trapper ever got another buff and became meta at higher ranks where survivors are more likely to know how to use OOO, it'd be used a LOT more since it completely negates his power.
The perk definitely needs a rework.
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Honestly they did change it, but made it worst by doing it.
Before the change OoO would only activate if the killer and survivor would look at each other when outside the tr.
Then they changed it to what it is right now, survivors get info regardless if the killer looks at you or not.
Making it perk with zero counter as killer unless you play a stealth killer.
On freddy it is even worst if they never wake up they have infinite info, cause it will show your aura regardless of how close you are.
So no mindgaming there and the only 2 things you can do is to either leave them alone and ignore them (which is gonna be a problem when all 4 are using it tho, which is painful to deal with i can tel you) or brute force your way trough everything.
But by doing that will cost you so much time, that mmwhen you get 1 of them the game is over or close to be over.
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Nope, it always activated when the surv looks in the direction of the killer, it was never a requirement for the killer to do the same.
But this would actually be a favorable nerf to the perk, imo. If it only activated when both look at each other, it would weaken the information gain (which is much needed, esp when used in swf) and add a counter for the killer. To not overnerf it, we could still keep the icon flashing whenever the surv looks into the killers direction, but the aura is only shown if the killer is facing the user.
I had another suggestion for adjusting ooo some time ago: Only the obsession gets the ooo effect. If you are not the obsession and have this perk, tough luck, your perk is useless. If the killer can still see you I'm not sure about. This would prevent multiple ooo auras at the same time and adds some more interaction to the obsession switch mechanic. Killers could rob the ooo user his aura by getting DS stunned or using Nemesis / Furtive Chase. Survivors could get it back by using For the people. I think that would make some nice dynamics.
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The problem is, chasing and downing an OoO user can be considerably more difficult, since they usually cannot be surprised (unlike stealth killer), so no easy first hit, and they are usually good loopers. If you don't want to throw the match entirely, you often do not have the time to chase that one. Patience is key in this scenario. Let them do a faraway gen and get steadily nearer to you, instead of chasing after them. In my experience,
I get way better results when just ignoring the OoO for half the trial and store up my revenge for them to use later. When I imidiately chased them, I usually gave up to much gen pressure and got the gens flying. I would get and hook the OoO eventually, but if the team is well coordinated the will get that one unhooked and out of the trial, so in the end you achieved nothing, not even revenge. If the OoO is a noob player, ok, then just punish them as you like ^^.
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Trust me, it has been that way.
It also said back then the perks activates when both killer and survivor looked in each others direction.
Maybe not in these exact words but i do remembered it.
Why they decided to change it into this i have no idea.
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That is the best way to do indeed.
I do it the same way and make sure they're close to me and than get them.
I always try to make sure I push them where they're out positioned making it easier for me.
Recently had a 4 man swf where 1 person switched last sec to a key.
At that 'm i knew they were gonna try everything to make it unfun for me.
Especially when I saw them choose the farm map.
And as I said, as freddy OoO is just a pain when they don't wake up.
Managed to push that person to fake pallets and got her down.
Later I intercepted her trying to go for an unhook.
She panicked at went in the corn hoping I would lose her.
Got her down, but since she was recently unhooked I left her and hit everyone who I saw going for her.
She got picked up but only for 1 sec, brought her to the hook and she dc'd.
After that the whole team went down very fast, because they lost all info from their friend.
So whenever I get the chance to dispose the OoO from the playing field, I sure will take that opportunity.
I always love getting hate mail after that game complaining I tunnel them, like what do you expect when you run that perk?
Ofcourse I'm going for your ass when I get the chance, especially if I know they get unhooked without bt, then your ass is mine for sure and I make it as fun for you as you wanted to make it for me
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OoO suckks sweaty balls if yhou happen to play a killer that has to set up or stealth base. which is basically almost a third of the whole killer roster.
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Instead of nerfing SWF they should nerf OoO. SWF is already extremely strong on coms and if they also run OoO it becomes easy mode against most of the killers. Solo players get very little benefit from OoO