Implausible Pain: New Chapter Concept

SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
edited August 2020 in Creations

This is my first concept chapter without a licence associated with it. Let me know what you guys think.

Map: Cult Base

A map set in Prague. The above part is the streets of the city. With some small interconnected tunnels showing a cults base of operations.

Survivor: Gary Hughes


A Welsh man living in the Czech Republic. Gary Hughes lived life on the run after being falsely accused of murder.

That was until a strange man from an organization claiming to know of a higher power spoke to him. He offered to hide Gary in exchange for recruiting him. Gary declined, the last thing he needed was to be apart of a cult.

From then on anywhere Gary went he was followed, not only by the police but also by strange people, whenever one of them was near Gary could hear strange voices, telling him all sorts of things.

It all came to a head when Gary awoke chained to a wall, cut off from society in a cold basement. He saw plenty of strange things, mutilations, strange flowers with a sickly orange tint. And a wall with a timeline of people who seemed to disappear without a trace. What concerned him most was a strange disc hanging from the ceiling, it seemed to lower his senses.

He heard the people chained next to him sacrificed over time. They always chanted the same thing, "Death is not an escape", it was the same thing the voices told him. Gary had to act fast, the night before he was to be sacrificed he broke his cuffs.

He ran only to be met by the stranger who tried to recruit him. The fight was long and bloody. They held nothing back, smashing and clawing at the other.The fight ended when Gary threw a lantern that set the walls on fire. The smoke was horrid, obscuring the mens vision, choking the life out of them. As they lay dying, the smoke turned soothing and became thicker. And Gary awoke once more, in the fog.


Iron Intentions: You waste no time in your bid to escape. Gain the ability to tell survivors what you plan on doing, Unhooking, Healing, Repairing, ect. A small icon will show up next to your stats and the other survivors will receive a noise notification. This will go on cooldown for 30/20/10 seconds at a time.

Determination: You won't ever stop until you've won. Gain one stack for every generator done. Each stack will reduce your noise by 15/20/30%. "I will get out of this! Just you wait..."-Gary Hughes

Break Out: Upon being unhooked the hook you where on will be blocked for 30//60/90 seconds.

Killer: The Scholar

Lore: James Crow was a gifted child. He was always very smart. But he never wanted people to know. His parents hated him with every fiber of they're being. The one time they ever complemented him was because of his smarts. He despised it, the manipulation they pulled made him hate them more than they hated him.

One day after a particularly nasty fight James made a plan. First, they would underestimate him. He made the worst decisions and watched the hatred grow. He even gave his parents a doctored report card with worse grades, if they knew how smart he was it'd be harder to control them.

His plan was simple. James made discs to distract them and put a trap over his parents fuse box. While they wondered about the noise and why the lights were out, he left. It wasn't till the next day that he knew his trap exploded and killed them both.

As he aged James became very successful. People would do anything for his work. Aside from the fact someone had broken into one of his warehouses, he never had to worry. His life had finally turned around.

However, one day he was approached with a very strange request. A man had asked for an updated version of his old discs. No one should have known about that, No one. The man unnerved James, especially what he said after a deal was struck. The deal was simple, he agreed to give them what they wanted on the condition they never spoke about it again.

James thought that was it, but unfortunately he never noticed someone slip past him. He decided to stay in his house for a while to get his head right. As he opened the door he quickly realized the power was out. James went to check the fuse box. He wasn't prepared for the explosion that followed. James awoke in a strange place, filled with fog. It was just like the man said, Death is only the beginning.



Movement Speed: 115%

Power 1: Discs

The Scholar will start with 3 discs. He can place one at any time. But he will have to find others scattered around the map, similar to Trapper. Placing one will emit a 32 meter radius. Survivors in it will suffer the Oblivious status effect. These spots will also be covered in fog.

Power 2: Generator Trap

The Scholar will start the trial with 1, he can refill from lockers. Placing one on a generator will make it regress slowly but give it an extra hard skill check. Failing it will explode the generator regressing it massively and injuring the survivor. Its applies extremely fast so you might even be able to do it mid chase.

Addons: I won't go into detail, I'll only outline the iris. The rest could be based around how many Discs and Traps he could hold, How big the radius of the Discs is, How punishing and hard the Traps are, ect.

Prototype Discs: The discs used to escape his parents. Your discs will emit a terror radius themselves and make all survivors look like the killer. It will also greatly increase the terror radius discs emit, from 32 to 40.

Tampered Circuits: A circuit with the kill switch removed. All generator traps will require 3 small skill checks to disable the trap.


Rokos Basilisk: Upon hitting a survivor they will be Oblivious for 60 seconds. After the 60 seconds all survivors in 16/24/32 meters of the survivor will be exposed for 60 seconds. It can only be applied to one survivor at a time. It goes on cooldown for 90 seconds at a time.

Cartesian Demon: All injured survivors will see hallucinations. These can be random fake skill checks, hearing a fake Terror Radius, Or even a red stain. These will occur every 90/60/30 seconds.

Prisoners Dilemma:(This is gonna be very complicated, so stay with me) If 2 survivors are hooked the perk will activate, results will be determined after 90/60/30 seconds (It will pause if the killer is within 32 meters of the hook, to discourage camping), many things can happen. If both are rescued the 2 will be broken for 60 seconds. If one is rescued but the other isn't the one who wasn't saved will be broken for the rest of the match. If neither are rescued they will be broken for 2 minutes. It can only be used once per match.

Let me know what yall think.

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