What if whispers was base kit?
I don't mean a thing that lights up precisely at 32 meters from survivors. I mean the noises the entity makes when whispers is active. Those noises come in intervals and are not as precise for tracking as the perk lighting up.
Do you guys think it'd be too much? What survivor perk would you say should be base kit if this were to happen?
I think it could be pretty cool to have the entity whispering in your ear that there are survivors in your general area if its not super precise, but it might kill stealth for survivors which is not ideal either. Anyways what do you think?
Whispers is way too powerful when used properly to be a base kit ability.
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Do you think itd be just as powerful a tracking ability if it were as I described and not the perk lighting up? Cuz to my knowledge the perk lighting up is what makes it so precise and powerful. The entity noises are not as precise, it would just give you a rough idea of where survivors are. But I don't use whispers much, so if you think it'd still be too powerful I'd take your word on it.
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Most experienced players using Whispers use the noise to triangulate.
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No. If whispers was base kit, guarding exit gates as killer would leave the survivor with no chance to open a game once the hatch is closed when they otherwise would have at least had a chance.
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Might as well make exit gates spawn right next to each other.
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Even a neutered Whispers is likely too powerful for base kit.
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Fair enough. Thx for the input everyone! ^_^