Talbot Grimes The Alchemist should be a legendary skin for Felix

BlackMercury Member Posts: 172
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's confirmed that Talbot did act as both a survivor and a killer in the trials, even before becoming the blight. Two versions of the same person from different times or worlds can exist within the entity at once, in fact that's happening constantly with every time multiple people play the same survivor in a trial. Talbot could easily be a survivor and a killer, and Felix's perks could also suit him quite well.

Visionary - Talbot found a way to summon himself into the entity, and actively pursued a way out. That's pretty driven. Sensing generators would fit his ties with the entity and seeking escape quite well.

Desperate Measures - Talbot's a chemist with medical experience, also being empowered by people being injured sort of reflects his darker nature.

Built to Last - Talbot's certainly proficient with tools seeing how he experimented on the killers, being able to repair them makes plenty of sense.

For all the previous lore we saw of Talbot, he was the human alchemist. Being able to play him as survivor would be a pretty neat way to play the alchemist as he was before going feral,


  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    I always thought this would be cool for some of the more human killers too, spirit, wraith, maybe even suzie. I think for some reason though they don't want bad guys as survivors, and Talbot WAS a bad guy even though im not sure he realized it. Which is a shame because it would be a great way to get people like Patrick Bateman and Annie Wikes in the game without trying to figure out how they could possibly be killers on par with literal monsters. I'd also like to see Rin's dad. I mean you could argue that those characters wouldn't be into helping others but when im helping people as a survivor it's usally because it's also in my interest lol. I think Dweet once said something like "I need you to survive so i can survive"

    You could also argue that killers like Michael Myers would not put up with people running around a pallet over and over again and wouldn't give a damn about a hook no matter what the entity did to him. If he's willing to do the song and dance then Patrick can do a damn gen

  • JosephThomas2004
    JosephThomas2004 Member Posts: 16

    Plz DBD do this I would make him my second main!