No Mither change/buff idea.

Mike2550 Member Posts: 16

So No Mither is a funky perk in my opinion at least but i do have an idea that could make it more viable and a nicer thing to pick. While still keeping its core aspect intact.

One problem i see is how the killer knows you got it the moment u go into the game and that honestly kinda sucks since some people can beline just for you. Some people suggest remove the icon so killer doesnt just know but the killer will know your injured regardless defeating the purpose.

So how about Instead of starting the match injured and the killer immedietaly knows u got no Mither, you start the match healthy. No mither is not active at the start, once you are hit by the killer then No mither is permanently active and you can no longer heal. Survivors now get the no heal icon like normal but The killer does not get this icon ever.

When hooked and saved or hell even slugged and you revive yourself, the killer will have to guess if your not being healed cuz no self care or team mates to help, or did you use unbreakable so they may even slug you again thinking you used it already. The killer will have to pay attention to the signs that you may have no Mither but they wont know for sure untill the end tally screen.

I think this change also helps with David as a character because he REFUSES to be healed in this current trial and its like his rivary to VS the killer head on. He will beat the killer and not have help from others. Really fits his personality in my opinion.