Question for console players (survivors helping the killer)

Kjetrr Member Posts: 43
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Sorry, my English is broken. Also, not a 'console player bad' thread.

Since crossplay went live I've had four games in which a survivor directly helped the killer (pointing where another survivor was hiding, running around the map with the killer searching for the other players, etc.). I don't play often, so four games actually are a lot for me.

Three of the four times I was a survivor (only once was affected directly by it because I am terrible at the game and went down early on) and the fourth time I was playing killer and they tried to lead me to the other survivors (which made me kill them instead and let the last two remaining survivors go; maybe it is the nursery school teacher in me but I hate it when people snitch on someone else).

Everytime the 'offending' player was a console player (obviously don't know which) and I have never encountered it before crossplay. Obviously I know that not every console player is doing something like this and I in general enjoy the crossplay feature but I just got curious if this is some kind of 'thing' that is commonly happening on consoles or if I just had incredibly bad luck (wouldn't be the first time).

(Also, what do you guys do if someone is doing that kind of stuff?)


  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Ummm. This almost never happens to me, but I'm also probably on a different server to you. I've also been playing on Xbox since the Legion came out.

    There is an old saying of "snitches get stitches" that I like to follow. If someone snitches, hook them and give them a singular whack on hook as they scream. They'll either get the message or disconnect.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    It's probably ps4 players. I'm on ps4 and I can't even count the times this has happened to me as killer. Its never happened as survivor as I usually flashlight save at least 3 times in a match, so they dont want to kill me 😆 What I do is slug them to death while I farm with the other survivors.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    I've had randoms do this to me on numerous occasions, pointing out where I'm hiding.

    I've also had players try and point at where other players are when I'm a killer. I tend to hit them, hook them and if they get rescued and do it again, I camp them. No bloodpoints for you.

    I had a survivor get peeved that I camped their Claudette and I was like what? You want me to go to where she's pointing to get you or another survivor? Or do you want me to take her out so the game is fair? She had empathy and 2 of the other survivors both times were injured.

  • FambinoBambino_
    FambinoBambino_ Member Posts: 135

    This is not common at all, PS4 player here

  • Kjetrr
    Kjetrr Member Posts: 43

    Thank you for taking time to answer my question. I have come to the conclusion, that it probably is more of a 'server issue' than a 'platform issue'.

    @Caleaha That last story really reminded me of the one game where I was playing survivor. One random complained about the killer and I had to explain to them that, no, the guy wasn't cheating (he had no aura perks equipped so it probably must have looked shady to the random when the killer came walking straight towards them), but that he had a little helper.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    If I am the killer, I just ignore what they could be pointing at (except in certain situation like a player trolling, or if it is pointing near a bugged spot).

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    What about selling out a teamate that's doing nothing all game but hiding in a locker and not helping refusing to move only when the birds show up would it be bad to tell the killer hey here they are kill them for not playing

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    Before cross play came in, this happened to me several times. I've been pinned in place, chased by the survivor who was obviously in communication with the killer, who then stood there pointing at me while the killer hooked me and had suvivors run killers onto me repeatedly. All were reported.

    Now we have cross play and I get screwed over nearly every match by PS4 players and those from other platforms. It's making the game near impossible to play. I liked cross play initially but now I'm considering turning it off - problem then is there's so few killer players I end up matched with people way above my skill level when I play killer. Cross play at least fixed that issue, briefly.

    Unfortunately it seems there's people on every platform ready to throw their team mates under the bus - sadly, now we can't rely on randoms, my brother and I have been less likely to put ourselves in harms way to help random players, especially when we see them being bad team mates. I don't know what the answer is.

  • SmileBigGrin
    SmileBigGrin Member Posts: 8

    I haven't had this happen to me, I normally run with my friends or play killer so I haven't really encountered this yet. I've been playing for over a year and haven't ran into it before cross play. Xbox here.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    That was it though. The Claudette, it turned out, had empathy. So anyone hurt she can see. And trying to lead me to them, uncool.

    When I'm running empathy or dwight's perl, I do my best to avoid others when the killer is chasing me, unless someone offers to try and get the tunneller off my tail. Then that's different.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    The other day i played a game on midwhich vs a sweaty PH, was me and a buddy with 2 randos.

    The game gets going and we get 2 gens done, my buddy is dead and so is one of the randos leaving just me and 1 more rando.

    Well while im busy doing a gen trying to make some progress the other rando is just hiding in the bathroom stalls waiting for me to die. Long story short i evade the killer for a pretty long time my gen was at like 75 and he was searching hard in my area for me.

    The whole time my buddy is telling me that rando is just hiding in the stalls and after about legit 10 minutes i gave up trying to finish my gen and just found the killer and brought him to the rando.

    I usually wouldnt do that but if your not trying to help out the team and progress the game and your just hiding like a b1tch waiting for hatch id rather we both die than your worthless selfish A55 get the hatch.

  • Kjetrr
    Kjetrr Member Posts: 43

    In that particular scenario I guess it is kind of justified, probably because I consider just hiding to be just another type of 'betrayal' (is there a less dramatic word?)

  • sonia_delos
    sonia_delos Member Posts: 13

    If I’m the killer and I see a survivor trying to throw the others under the bus, I target that offender for being a snitch too. If I’m the survivor and one of the others tries to help the killer, I try and avoid everyone before I see how the killer is reacting. If he’s taking the help to his advantage, I just try my best knowing I’ll probably die (it’s just a game 🙄 what else can I do). If he takes the help but doesn’t go for a total kill kind of thing, then I just go with everyone getting as many points as possible.