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[PS4] Stuck in Character Lobby

I play on PS4, and over the last 2 days I've gotten stuck in the survivor selection screen after a match roughly 3 times.
What happens is I will exit the match results screen back to whichever survivor I'm playing, and will be unable to exit back to the main menu.
I can spend bloodpoints, go to the archives, go to the store, but when I hit the cancel button to get to the main menu it will make the auditory noise that I'm pressing the button, but it won't return me to the menu unless I restart the game.
It doesn't happen after every match, but if it happens after 1 match and I instead play a second match, the error persists (unless I physically restart the game.)
It only affected me because I was trying to switch to a killer challenge, but I'm not sure that I can recreate it on purpose.