Why are killers so overpowered

milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Yeah I think I might have jumped the gun on my first ever comment sorry

Post edited by milwaukee354 on


  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    I've seen pro players barley make it out and they're also complaining

  • sakha
    sakha Member Posts: 66

    this is serious letter.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    As you can see by the replies you're getting, you're just new. Survivor is the relaxing, chilled out role. Killer is not as strong as you think it is. Watch some good survivors on YouTube and you'll see.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Super bait...

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited August 2020

    Ignore people calling u noob. Its more of "no experience".

    For starter players. Survivors feel painfully weak because alot of many reasons:

    1. dont know how to get chase
    2. dont know how to teamwork/coordinate with others
    3. dont know map
    4. cant combine 2nd chance perks

    Stop Prestige characters because it waste your Bloodpoint (BP), pick a single main survivor character, level up all character to get their teachable perks first, then grind all BP into your main character to get perks combination.

    Meg has Sprintburst, Dwight has Bond, David has Deadhard, Bill has Unbreakable. Use these perks then start to get better from there. After awhile you get enough shard to buy more characters.

    I suggest u to get Fengmin 1st for Lith, really usefull in chase. Not requires injured like Deadhard, can not control like Sprint burst, map depend like Balance landing.

    Then getting Kate 2nd for Windows of opportunity, helps u alot to know where to go in chase.

    And it may requires u to buy Laurie for Decisive strike, obviously.

    • Check Shine of secret every Wednesday to see if u can get those perk without have to buy a character

    Lith, DS, Windows-Of and you're good to go. Survivor's gameplay is mainly go around chasing. Not M1 on Gen or Survivors.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Then you wouldnt mind if we play a match together ? You are the killer of course and you gonna give it to us survivors and show us who the real boss is?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    At first, especially when you don't know the game, survivors seem super weak.

    As you learn and get more perks available, quite the opposite occurs.

    Killers also need to be faster than survivors (with the exception of the Nurse, but that's a different story.......)

    This game is brutal for new players. Give it some time and practice.

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    people think playing killer is harder only because they feel a little more stress than surv, the killers in this game are all almost unbearable to face, sadly the devs don't really care, surv escape rates are tiny compared to killer 4k rates, i mean just play the game and you'll see playing survivor sucks, a killer can tunnel and camp you and finish your game in 2 mins, yet survs are too strong, pffffffffft

    some advice, the only way to have some sort of fun in this game is to play in a 4 player SWF group, playing solo will just annoy you

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    This is your fourth day of playing?

    If you want we can head into a custom game, you as killer me as survivor, and I can show you that killers aren't that op and you can do quite a few tricks?

    You just gotta learn the ropes, trust me; many people here will say killer is weak, it isn't that bad, but they're very far from being OP.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Holy wall of text. Please, use paragraphs in future.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    DBD is not the kind of game that you can pick up in a hundred hours. Keep at it, rank up, go against better killers when you have better skills/game knowledge/teammates.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Let's not scream at the person whose been playing for four days as if it isn't a natural thing to think when starting out as survivor.

    @ OP although at first it seems hopeless and you won't be escaping much if you stick with it you'll unlock perks that can help make you a lot stronger (although be careful about relying on them too much), and you'll soon start finding ways of keeping chases going despite the killer's speed by using your environment to your advantage and knowing + exploiting each killer's weaknesses. Most agree that the most frustrating role to play tends to switch after some experience.

  • oooK3NJ1ooo
    oooK3NJ1ooo Member Posts: 81

    ######### 4 Days oO and you are complaining about how strong killers are? Learn the game!

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Coming from a Rank 4 survivor who mains survivor and has played a little over a year. This is completely false. The killer's job is to kill and they are faster to catch their prey, if the survivor was faster they would most likely win a chase.

    Even if a killer doesn't run a tracking perk, survivors leave scratch marks while they run to help the killer track them. There is no perk that lets killer see the survivors auras the whole game either, if you mean Barbeque & Chile, it was in the shrine of secrets this week and only activates when a survivor is hooked. Easy counter, hide in a locker.

    But Oni tracks people because his ability allows him to see the blood bubbles of injured survivors. Huntresses sometimes throw a hatchet randomly at the start, just for fun. Or because of sucky RNG, she spawned right by a survivor.

    Learn how to juke, mindgame, ect. Don't call killers underpowered and just try to get better at the game, I'm not calling myself a god at the game, but damn, you sound hella bad at it.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    Please take an example on so many other people here in this forums and press from time to time return, after you have write something.

    Like Mekochi as example.

    This wall of text is for my half asleep status at the moment just too much :).

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138


  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    edited August 2020

    My favorite part of this post is when you said "What has this game become" when you've been playing for 4 days.

    You also display a lack of knowledge of several game mechanics. Therefore, I think this post warrants the following image:


  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    I was speaking from a perspective of watching other people play I've watched a few videos since I've made that last comment and think i might have jumped the gun but I think you're a little to butt hurt are you ok grammar police lol

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Well, imagine you would like to read a text like yours...

    How would you prefer to read it? With, or without paragraphs?

    I think that has nothing to do with being "the gramma police". It has more to do with that you force a wall of text on the people, that is hard to read because of the non existing paragraphs.

    Most negative comments are exaggerating, but this is it not and also: Where is the problem to press sometimes the return key? Is your keyboard damaged? I don't think so.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Play more, get better, you got the potential, beautiful mind! <3

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    1 he is not overpowered

    and this game is 4v1 its supposed to you win in an 1v1

  • LSDiv4
    LSDiv4 Member Posts: 1

    NO you didn't. Im sorry but Ive played this game since like 2018. It's alot more difficult as a survivor than it used to be especially with all the noed users. they also got rid of the feature where you can look straight behind you holding a certain button. And the only way to really evade a killer is to properly loop now and you really think people know exactly how to do that when they try the game? Ive had rank 20 killers with no perks simply use noed after we complete 4 gens just to take us all down in the end and camp. IM TIRED OF NOED USERS. Ik what yall are gonna say "ThEn Do ToTeMS". excuse yall but you don't have to rely on others. And that's the biggest problem w this game. No mic feature and no way to communicate. Just thrown in there with hopefully someone, ANYONE, that's dependable. And frankly people that are experienced are tired of it so theyre quitting. all of my friends barely get on. and when we do we only play a couple matches before we call a hiatus again. Im tired of you all saying being a survivor is not hard when i see most of you using cheap tactics and tricks to win matches. As im typing this im being carried to a hook by someone who camped everyone else. And yes I turned off crossplay, so im talking to you computer players aswell. There should be a penalty for camping and there should be a proper way to communicate with teammates in game. If that happened i would be ok with noed and this game again. And btw if you look at the survival rate vs kill ratio you'll see my point. Here are some facts to support it, enjoy;


  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Let’s clarify for people who are a bit confused about this game: survivors used to be the power role and the dominant force in 2016 and 2017. Survivors haven’t been the dominant force for 3 years now.

    What was true years ago, is no longer the case.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    You call this customer service? I demand to speak to your manager

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Because devs wanted 2k on average but these forum full of killers made them changed this to 3k, and the tears and complaiments didn’t stop, so probably we will end with 4k on average

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479
    edited November 2020

    It has been a mixture of several things. Streamers and famous youtubers made it “cool” to make videos bullying killers and humiliating them out of existence. Word spread and it became a running joke that killers were afraid of survivors and not the other way around.

    As time went on, a succession of heavy nerfs have been hitting survivors nonstop since release, together with broken and easy to play killers. At this point, playing solo queue with random survivors is painful.

    The only way to play with competent people is going into a SWF squad that you know you can rely on.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • nina1121
    nina1121 Member Posts: 127

    The amount of pressed killers hating on new player is disgusting

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Wow you right having communication between teammates would be a great idea I wonder why with only swf

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Survivors haven't been the dominant force in three years lol, guess I'm playing the game a little to late and it being a little to old huh

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Wow 4k on average I've had allot of those games, so maybe I came to the game a little to late?

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316

    Wow that's sad such a great game i guess it can't just be played and enjoyed, this is the only game where their seem like its sides survivor mains vs killer mains, I always wondered why killers would smack a survivor when he's hooked, I'm like my guy I can't feel that in real life are you really that mad that's why I make it a habit to say gg to killers because most people that play killer seem mad in real life lol

  • milwaukee354
    milwaukee354 Member Posts: 316