Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

It's about time you told us what the perk changes are.

Dear Balance Team,

Enough is enough, I've had the patience to wait through several killer and survivor releases yet you will not tell us a single detail to us about the perks you wanted to change about half a year to a year ago. Technician, Fire Up, Overwhelming Presence etc where all said to have been in the works and nothing has come out of it. Have they simply been put on the back burner whilst you crank out even more useless perks into DLC's?

I'm not certain if I can speak for some of the community but we are TIRED of waiting to see if any balance changes come through to perks that so desperately need them. It's fine to say "We're working on them." or "It's not on our priority list" but after complete silence about the changes something needs to be said so what of it? Give us something at the very least or maybe dedicate a patch or two to nothing but balance changes you don't have to keep pushing DLC's out all over the place when all the community want are bugfixes and a meta shift with perks being changed and revamped or tweaked in order to give some form of life to this 4 year old game.

I don't mind how you communicate the perk changes to us as long as you do it with some details as to what's being changed exactly or how you plan to go about it. Don't delay us or cast it aside whilst you bring out another 6 perks that nobody asked for.


A player who is done waiting


  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Dear game design team,

    Monstrous Shrine needs to be changed, the amount of benefit it gives even on basement builds is not enough to warrent a perk slot. The faster sacrifice time is negligable, the chance to escape being reduced is rarely ever felt/needed, and the larger chunk of time taken out by trying to escape is completely useless 99% of the time. It would be nice to finally see this neglected perk see the light of day again and not just be another useless 3 levels of perks I have to grind through in my webs. It would be nice to see changes to it sooner rather than later.


    A player who wants to use Monstrous Shrine.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    We said the same thing about their so called Hex improvement they were talking about years ago but nothing came of that, hex's still spawn in stupid spots. That being said though I think we're long overdue for some perk adjustment because of the sheer amount of useless perks, the lack of variety and in some cases all out repeats of perks who only change 1 line of their rules creates a really stagnant environment.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    For Hex improvement, what came of it was the new/reworked maps.