Regression perk

palotheas Member Posts: 118
Just thought of a perk that may be too powerful on its own, or in conjunction with other perks, and wanted to see what other people think or how it could be changed. I've only taken like 5 minutes to think of it and will probably forget about it if I don't write it down now

So the base of the idea is a perk that automatically starts regressing generators, like when a killer kicks it. If it was a hex perk maybe it could just always effect every gen that isn't being worked on.
Or if it was a regular perk it could apply the effect to one random gen every 30ish seconds, and would stay on it until a survivor touched it like normal.

It would probably make the new change to brutal strength obsolete, and maybe be too much with ruin, but it would be a nice way to change a killers playstyle from focusuing on one survivor for too long to maybe constantly trying to terrorize all the survivors.