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Which Killers Do You Want Reworked?

Title. I want to know what people think. I'll explain my categories.
Complete Rework: Both power and addons are the problem
Power Rework: The problem is with the power instead of addons
Addon Rework: Addons are problematic
Minor Addition: Is fine, but could use something extra
Fine: You already know what this means
Here are my picks.
I'll explain.
Legion is Legion, I don't think I need to explain more. Death Slinger isn't fun to verse imo and his addons suck. Wraith is Wraith, I don't think I gotta explain more.
Freddy is incredibly boring, theres so much they could do with dreams but all we have is Bleeding Gens and Tar Blood. Spirit is extremely hard to balance. Nurse doesn't fit the mold literally everyone falls into. Blight has been played out and doesn't fit his lore.
Ghostface and Trapper are too reliant on certain addons. Huntress is outdated and some are too strong. Demogorgons suck and his brown is legit his best. Pig is passable, but she has too many that don't do anything valuable.
Clown could use something to make him better and more unique, cause hes currently just aoe huntress who can't injure with his power. Michael could use something more, cause his current ability is just slowly going from a bad stealth m1 killer to an m1 killer who can instadown.
Sorry for the long post, I wonder what yall think.
Nurse is the least fun killer to play by far. Staring at the ground every 5 seconds is just plain annoying. Even if you're hitting her blinks the stare at the ground stun thing is plain irritating, I can't imagine how the devs thought that would be a "fun" way to balance her. She could seriously use a revamp. The two suggestions I like so far are:
- Let you look around while you're in blink stun. At least then you can do something other than count your toes. If the devs think looking around while stunned is a bit of a buff then just slow down the blink refresh a teeny amount to make up the difference.
- Skilled Nurses never have to use Plaid Flannel but it's a great tool for new players learning Nurse. So just make it part of the base ability, that way the new players can see where they're blinking to without using up an add-on slot and veteran players won't get a significant boost in the process.
- Tweak her green Spasmodic Breath add-on, it's an interesting idea (trading blinks for movement speed) but in practice since it only turns her into a vanilla 115% killer with no special ability it's actually worse than using no add-on at all. Buff the add-on slightly so she's not -just- a 115% basic attacker, maybe give her 120% speed instead. (120% movement killer with basic attacks is at least a little more comparable to a base kit Nurse who can blink using an add-on.)
Blight looks good other than the PTB version was slightly buggy because of the hit box size and the double stun time when he hits with a Lethal Rush. Otherwise if those are fixed he looks like he'll be a pretty decent killer. Not top tier or anything but at least average or good.
Trapper could maybe use a slight buff. Having to walk all around the map to get his traps does slow him down quite a bit. Personally I'd like to see him be able to carry a couple of traps by default and refresh traps in the lockers, similar to how Huntress works. Also is it just me or does it seem like survivors can break out of his traps pretty quickly? He can certainly win games if he outplays the survivors but he does seem a bit weaker than most of the killers because of how much effort it takes to handle his traps and how luck driven escaping them is.
Pig also could maybe use a very slight buff. Maybe. My guess is Pig is probably the weakest killer overall, none of her three abilities are all that great. Her head traps are her best feature probably, they do slow down the gen speed a bit. The issue with them is she needs to be scoring downs to use them so they're a little bit of a "win more" type ability in the sense that if she's already downing people she's probably doing ok but if she's not downing people and needs help the traps aren't doing much to get her out of that slump. Meanwhile her stealth is functional but hurts her movement speed and her ambush lunge is very situational. It just feels like she could use a boost on something, probably one of her weaker abilities, to bring her up to snuff. (Again, though, that's a maybe, like pretty much all the killers you can win with her if you outplay the survivors.)
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Legion is the only Killer imho who needs a full on rework. He is weak and unfun to vs. Everytime I see him in his power I actually role my eyes and get annoyed when he hits me because it's just such a stupid power. Don't get me wrong, OG legion was total bs, but this legion is just boring and unfun to vs, even when I win it's a sour experience.
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Plaid flannel 100% should not be base kit. As a nurse main, I can tell you that this would make nurse worse. It takes up your screen and serves only as a distraction. Learn blink distance instead of asking for a literal nerf for good players.
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Only 1 i want to be reqorked is the ######### dr.they said they nerfed him,but the made him more worser.spam spam span spam his aoe.everyone cried about the dr. Needing a nerf bc of the shick being near and now he can aoe like previously unlimited.other than him they are fine
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Trapper just needs to have the number of starting traps increased by ~2 so I can use that addon slot for something other than stitched bag for once
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her ability is nealy useless compare to others.
need to slow down to sneak.
need charge time to charge
need down someone to set trap.
which cause her no gen pressure and no anti loop ability.
her m2 flying speed are too slow.
and make people sick to tier 2 csot too much time.
which is longer than m1 to down them most of time.
and the sick ability can just been heal +1 health state heal with in 3 sec is hurting her a lot.
which cause her need lot of set up time but can be healed in few sec.
and because of her puke flying speed is too slow.
her red M2 is not that kind of useful.
once you know how to play huntress.
you would be surprise how weak plague is.
just let the limit to stark be recharge with time.
MM should not be punished by turn to tier 3 oftenly.
I don't know
he is kind of special one.
his ability doesn't help him to down someone.
but in the other hand it help him to have map pressure and gen pressure.
i think him would be fine?
he is kind of weak now
but with next DLC's perk.
legion would be stronger with ruin+undiying+surveillance.
so i guess we need to wait to see how well he would be.
all his ability do is anti-loop.
but even then his anti-loop is still weaker than other anti-loop killer.
i thought he need some buff to his smoke to make him viable.
bring back his charge time add-on
he need it to use his ability in a loop.
right now it is really not have a chance to use it in a loop.
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I don't think Legion is as broken as some of you do. I think there are a few things that lack common sense about him. For example, if you frenzy hit a survivor and then frenzy hit the same survivor you are stunned and there is literally nothing done to the survivor other than giving them an extra speed boost. It is just counter-intuitive and dumb. Now I'm not saying there is only one solution to the problem but the suggestion I would make is to introduce a new status effect for survivors. For the sake of argument I'll call it "Nerve Damage".
Nerve Damage - The survivor has a large penalty to active abilities until fully healed. (repairing generators, searching chests, healing, etc.)
This would give Legion players options. You might be better off in most cases just turning off your frenzy to go for the down. But maybe you just want to slow the survivor down a bit while you hunt a different survivor.
Wraith is mostly fine. If it was up to me, I would add a secondary ability with a timer that allows him to phase through small objects (1 meter or less). He would need to be in stealth to initiate it and phasing through an object would remove him from stealth. But I think it would be neat to surprise survivors by coming through a wall with no door or window such as the car repair room in Autohaven.
Deathslinger is mostly fine too. I wouldn't change his power at all. But I would also give him a secondary ability with a long cooldown that allows him to shoot hooks at long range to sling himself around the map.
Nightmare is in a good place. Spirit is too. I won't comment on the new killer till I have a chance to play him. Nurse I would like to see some tweaks. I want to see where I'm blinking to. I don't care what the veteran nurse players say. The skill floor to this killer is too high. I also want to see some intelligence introduced to the blinking so if you would blink 50% or further into an object it should 'push' you through to the other side.
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As someone who has played nurse a decent amount, yes this is a good change because less cucked blinks, the ones where you time it based on feelings and intuition but the game says you move 2 inches take it or leave it
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No it isn't it would nerf nurse if you mess up on a blink and blink lower or higher than that's your fault. Not the fault of the game. Nurse is fine
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Cucked blinks are usually due to the games wonky collision and mess with muscle memory which makes even experienced nurses miss blinks
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Which is still your fault if you haven't adapted to that
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just adapt to 35 maps at the same time with random collision hulls that you need to blink against individually 40 times to understand 4head
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I think you have made a fundamental mistake here, if something is too reliant on their add-ons....its not the add-ons that need to be changed. Its the power. Trapper as an example. Im guessing what you mean is that Trapper basically requires bag add-ons. Well how is reworking his add-ons gonna change that? Thats his power you need to change.
I would also like to say that while spirit has a very strong power, ontop of that she has some of the strongest add-ons in the game. And this where another issue I have with the way the "list" is setup. You almost need to if not have to rework the add-ons if you rework the power. Sure you could just change the power so that the add-ons wouldnt make them insasnely strong. But thats kind of the problem with trapper and Wraith. They are add-on reliant which is not something I think any killer should be. So if you change a power you have to also adjust or change the add-ons its almost always a necessity.
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It's called experience my g. Get used to the collision and adapt accordingly
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Even after 1350 hours my brain still tells me the cars collision on springwood are round while they are clearly a box shape, and you want it to adapt to the entire game, genius
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If you have 1300 hours than you should be able to be at least sort of used to collision. Most maps for me I don't have a problem with blinking and I don't have nearly as many hours as you.
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Bruh 1300 hours cant prepare you for how badly these devs clip things sometimes especially when you don't main nurse
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That's the issue I actually put many hours into her getting used to collision. She is my second main behind myers and ahead of trapper
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You just need more time into her
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well when you play literally everyone its kinda hard to put hours into learning all the nurse collisions
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That just needs fixing. I will never play nurse again if thats base kit. As a nurse MAIN, get good.
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as not a nurse main but good enough to 4k 10 games in a row piss off, fixing all the collision is harder then adding something that just tells you if your blink is cucked or not
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It's not hard to play pubs or get a group of friends to practice with tf
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Of course its not hard but Id rather just play someone else instead of doing that 4head I don't main nurse so why put 50 hours into learning the devs bad clipping instead of just enjoying another killer
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Right now, I feel like most of the killers should wait on being reworked until the next update, because I think that Hex Undying is going to put a lot of killers in a really good spot.
The only changes I think should be worked on ASAP are the killers that are addon reliant, the worst offenders being Trapper, Wraith, and Ghostface IMO.
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Then don't try to make changes to a killer you don't play a lot. Also you said you played her "a decent amount" and 50 hours isn't a lot yet you are implying you played less than that.
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Legion desperately needs a complete overhaul, the other 2 are dumb. Meant to also put hag in the full rework tier and Deathslinger in the power rework
I want Freddy's power to be more interesting, and pyramid heads to not force me into a single way of paying which is just holding M2 at pallets and windows and zoning survivors. I want to actually use it to predict people through walls but that's not possible with its slow speed and restricted turning in his power that feels garbage to use.
Doctor's Discipline addon when combined with a range add-on is stupidly good and shouldn't be a thing. I would say he needs some tweaks to make him less spammy but Idk, without certain add-ons he's fine. Huntress add-ons are outdated as hell. Iri head is still somehow in the game as well as exhaustion add-ons. Wouldn't mind her add-ons getting changed.
Most of the stealth killers and Trapper need just a minor change imo. Myers is kinda pathetic right now and needs some changes to his ew3 to make him more aggressive in a chase, because right now there's little point to playing him over GhostFace.
Then the rest are fine. Some need a TON of bug fixes like Nurse and Oni but I didn't really factor that into the list.
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You sound dumb, I play everyone, I know everyone, I have muscle memory for everyone, I know nearly every number behind every killers addons and powers, I have probably played close to 100s of games with everyone and 1300 hours I have probably played close to 4000 games or more, just because I don't main it doesn't mean I haven't played it to death already and have experienced firsthand or seen others have blinks that just don't work for no reason, but what I haven't seen is people experience blinks that just don't work while using plaid flannel nor has it made me learn nurse slower by using it or mess with muscle memory while literally only using it to not have cucked blinks.
I know its a good change because I know what it brings along with it and how it would make the nurse experience better overall to newer players and casual players that know how to play nurse but don't know collision well enough to not get cucked blinks a few times a game
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Sorry, I should have been more clear. By all those things I mean a problem needs to be addressed and its related to the category I put it in, So addon rework can mean they're addons are necessary or addons are worthless. Spirit should be in complete rework, thats on me. Power rework means the power is causing the rework, not that the only thing that needs to be reworked is the power, because as you already know thats kinda impossible.
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If you know how nurse works than you know she is a high skill floor/ceiling killer. She isn't made to be how would I say it, kind to newer players with her. She is meant to be a high risk high reward killer so adding that marker would 1 mess with already experienced nurses that don't need it and 2 make nurse a low skill floor high skill ceiling killer which would either be utter crap or unnecessarily strong. She is totally fine in the condition she is now. She is the killer embodiment of hex perks, there is a high risk with her power and a high reward as well. Something you don't understand about a killer you so called play a decent amount
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I mean her power literally stuns her whether she hits someone or not. And that stun could lose a chase if the survivor is good enough or the nurse loses track
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Having cucked blinks isn't high risk high reward, its stupid needing to know every follicle on the maps 4skin collision just to not have the game screw you over for having muscle memory is dumb
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Overall she is completely fine and no changes are needed. If you want a marker use the C O M M O N add on
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Yeah it is the cucked blinks are the risk because if you mess up or it gets cucked you could lose a chase. If you don't get cucked or hit a person with the blink you get a down or you get someone halfway down
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Killers should be removed from the game.
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No, they just shouldn't be able to do anything but get murdered once the gens are done, now THAT would be balanced.
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Amazing deduction. In fact let's make survivors the killers and give them weapons to beat on the killers instead. Perfectly balanced game right there.
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or thunderdome spin this ######### 🤔 4 players enter, 1 player leaves....
new game idea, if someone makes it, gimme some credit
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Ahh ok fair enough, I can see what you mean then. Thanks for clarifying.
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It would be a cut throat game of pool, but the concept transferred to a horror themed game
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It's wasted screen space. No good nurse wants this because it hinders them. Not everything needs to be balanced around low ranks.
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Wraith doesn't need a power rework, just give him purple windstorm base and remove the awful lightburn mechanic and I think he would actually be really good!
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Trapper needs a power rework, his power needs to be tweaked but his addons are fine.
Legion needs a full rework. Both their power and add ons are horrible and need a freddy treatment. Scrap everything and start from scratch again.
But those 2 aren't who i mainly want to talk about so I'll go into someone who i think needs to be shapen up the most.
Myers needs a power rework. Not because he's weak but because, Imo hes the most outdated killer in the game. In every patch he just gets worse and worse and he cant keep up with the new balance changes in the game and it's sad to see because he is my favorite movie slasher. The way gen speeds are now and the new meta is, he's just not fit.
His rework would consist of a power rework and maybe an add on rework depending on how his power is worked on. Something needs to be done about his early game because he's by far the weakest killer when it comes to pressure. And his tier 2 and 3 also just need to be tweaked to be stronger. His power comes in his insane snowball potential but it's just currently not possible with the unbreakable DS meta so something extra needs to be added to him.
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Real question here. How many times have you been lightburned in the last month?
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Alright so let me first start off that NO killer should ever have their power completely replaced for something else. Just shouldn't be done.
Now... There are some Killers that need some larger changes... Here's what I want in approximately the order of magnitude of the changes.
1. Trapper.
Make Brown Bag base kit (start with 2 traps, hold max of 2). Playing Trapper while only being able to carry 1 trap is just impossible. Dbd is way too fast of a game for Trapper to have to make ridiculous numbers of trips to get his traps where he wants them. The other thing that needs changes is how Survivors free themselves. 2s for 25% chance is just overall dumb. It needs to be changed to 100% chance after working on freeing yourself for... somewhere in the ballpark of 8-10 seconds.
2. Wraith.
Yellow Windstorm made base. Other Windstorms nerfed to be the same total speed. Yellow Windstorm made into some other add on. Seriously Wraith without at least yellow Windstorm is just... bad.
3. Pig.
If they can somehow remove the RNG from her Reverse Bear Traps, that would be fantastic. I'm not sure how to do that without letting her tunnel like mad... but yeah. Also, she's got about 7 addons that either encourage her to tunnel helmet people or actually actively harm her. Pig definitely needs a addon rework more than anyone else.
4. Legion.
Losing power bar on successful M1s and picking up a survivor while in Frenzy don't need to exist anymore. Also Frank's Mix Tape and Stab Wound Study need to do something else. They're about getting downs with Deep Wound... but that play style doesn't exist anymore.
5. Demogorgon.
It actually needs less work than you might think. Most of its addons sound fantastic on paper... they just do next to nothing when you use them because their numbers are way too low. Power wise, the only thing I'd change is let Demo look around while it's travelling the Upside Down. Nice QoL and fixes one of its addons that in theory sounds great but in practice doesn't work.
6. Spirit.
Spirit just needs a tell for when she activates her power. All other powers have one. She needs one too. No this doesn't break all of Spirit's mind games. After Spirit uses her power, she's still invisible and really fast. The Survivor doesn't know which direction she's going and she can actually still stay put in her husk... she just can't mind game for free by pulling her hands off the controls.
7. Huntress.
Iridescent Head + Infantry Belt. Needs to be changed, don't know to what. Maybe Iri Head does Deep Wound and only -1 hatchet? Idk.
No mention of Ghostface because I've never played him, so I can't really comment on his addons. Maybe he needs a similar change as what I gave Wraith? Make his power take less time to come back but nerf the recharge addons? Don't know.
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Since I don't play Wraith that much, not at all these days. But when I do people don't try it that much since the Wraith infinite stun bug was fixed.
Also I must say that if I see more than 2 flashlights I just don't bother and equip Franklin's Demise or just dodge the lobby.
Lightburn is not a good mechanic, Wraith is a weak Killer, it doesn't make sence why he should be hindered like that.
Also Nurse does have the same mechanic for some reason. (From the gameplay perspective, lore is something else)
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Clown and Legion... they feel like absolute garbage to play and play against. no one can truly have fun with them.
Pig could use an addon pass. but her ability should be left alone.
Everyone else just needs little number changes and quality of life passes here and there.
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Clown. I love him but he's clearly outdated.
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All killers are frustrating to play. Pallets, windows, pallets and windows... Nerve killer, nerve killer, nerve killer = no interest, or if you want to be angry..
I don't know if I'm going to stay on DBD, because I'm 100% sure the red rank doesn't care about the killer, they know how to play, if they want to get out they'll get out whether you're good or not, if you win it's because a survivor made a mistake, if you lose it's because they know how to make you go around in circles, loopS !
They talk about Spirit nerve?? I don't understand, because there is nothing supreme about it?
They talk about nerve Freddy ?? Uh oky, what are we going to change? His teleportation ? Its traps ? They are already useless without addon...
Why don't we change the speed of all killers, 3.8 like the nurse...?!
All killers need rework (buffs), all !