My Simple Change To Freddy Krueger

Bring back his old sleeping animation. Have him put people to sleep, he's too powerful if we're spawning and for no reason his Chains and Jump Rope addons activate without him having to do anything.

Survivors get punished for simply existing.

Survivors should be put to sleep by his old sleeping animation, or be simply hit by him. But having the countdown timer for no reason makes no sense to his lore and it makes him far too powerful.

A simple change, a balanced changed in my opinion since you're taking nothing from his power away, you're only making him work for his addons to activate.

Thank you.


  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Its not a terrible choice, but I dont think its the right one. They really should just look at his add-ons some are too powerful (action slow down, survivors already sleeping when they get in) and some are just meh. If they wanna go outside this area then they should make a few adjustments to his power which is like a lot of different killer, Hag, trapper, plague, huntress, demo, pyramid head and others. Just slow him down when he uses his power.

    If he had to slow down a bit he wouldnt be able to use blood pools so free of charge. And this could be a potential buff to his mediocre alternative power the fake pallets, just make it so the add-on dont slow him down when creating fake pallets. So that there would be a reason to pick that over blood pools, because as it stands there are none. Or change one of his not so well made add-ons (like the regression penalties) into one that removes the slow down.

    With some of those changes he wouldn't be able to run as many slow down add-ons and still have the same power as before. He would still be able to teleport and pop gens (so he would keep his map control) but he would be less dangerous/obnoxious in chases to compensate, he would lose just a bit of an edge in one of those things because currently if played with those builds he has everything.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    I'd make Dream Pallet Freddy default. It seems odd to me to play an addon that makes him weaker. If Freddy had to use an addon to give him Snares he could only use a single slowdown addon.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    He would be then the weakest of set up killers (except demo), better change would be to reduce his amount of traps.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Ok bear with me for a second because I'm not sure I understood correctly.

    You say to remove the countdown and he should be able to put survivors to sleep by either channeling the dream demon the old way or by hitting a survivor, correct?

    Because even if I see the problem with the countdown as it is right now, I feel what you're suggesting is a straight-up buff overall.

    Currently, if you woke up, Freddy needs to either wait the countdown or hit you to put you to sleep. His problem is that meanwhile you're immune to his power, so he can't use it for anti-loop. With your suggestion, he can just start the falling asleep at will and after 7 seconds you're in the dream world. 7 seconds that he can use to spam his snares at the loop and basically get a guaranteed hit by holding you there.

    Am I missing something?

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Silly..very silly..he already has a bunch of wake up methods

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    makes no sense to his lore

    Falling asleep makes no sense... Okay.

    As gameplay wise, they could increase it by like 15-30 seconds? I think that would be good.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    "survivors get punished for simply existing"

    If you have played against a Freddy, congratulations! This is what it feels like to be of the Male gender.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    guess I'm the only one who think Dream Pallet are better then snares.

    I love it when they drop dream pallet on me when I hit them.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 418

    Freddy doesnt need anything change to his base kit the only thing that i can say he need changing is the block add ons need changing as they are rubbish especially the Z block.

    Also his power in the game does make sense to his lore, freddy doesnt drag people to the dream world they do it by falling asleep naturally basically survivors fall asleep passively, also micro sleep does allow small interactions for example allowing freddy to hit you. Granted in the movie the micro sleep aspect freddy is normally taunting his victims but game sense it means he can hit you which also makes sense since micro sleep is where you are half awake and half asleep so freddy can affect you to some degree.

    freddy is a strong killer is he overpowered though? my answer is hell no he is not. he just requires different tactics to deal with and playing a bit differently then you normally do, which i will argue is a good thing that we have killers that force you to play differently as if all killers have the same way to counter this game would die fast as wheres the fun if all you have to do is run loop drop pallet and run next loop or jungle gym rinse and repeat. Killers like freddy, PH, Doc and spirit offers a different way to play which is fun for killers and requires different way to escape from them and different tactics which for any survivor that dont want to just loop, drop pallets and head to next area for 5 gens is fun to see if they can adapt to this killer and still escape.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944
    edited August 2020

    The only thing i would want to see changed about freddy is his passive sleep timer.

    Make it stop as soon as you enter a chase with the freddy.

    Would be a reward for investing the time to stay awake.

    This would make freddy much more fair in my opinion.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 418

    freddy is fair to play just requires survivors to play differently and pausing the passive sleep timer makes no sense the idea is you are going to dream world one way or another. So make use of that info that you have 60 seconds (or 90 seconds with clock) to get gens done looping without worrying about his snares, freddy is all about managing his dream world and not treating him like a basic M1 killer when you are in the dream world which as freddy main i see ALOT of survivors make that simple mistake.

    freddy is strong but is he op or unfair the answer is nope he has counters it just down to the survivor and how they play his power is based around how survivors play and if they play smart they can beat him if they dont then say hi to the hook.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    As a Freddy main I think the passive sleep could go away, Freddy should instead have to work for it. That would be more balanced imo

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I'd be ok with this but the passive sleep also forces survivors to use clocks instead of just waking the other up while one is awake.

    I'd say just make the first sleep take 15~ seconds longer would weaken him without gutting him because of the interactions of awake survivors and asleep ones.

    Freddy is a lot harder to balance then most people give him credit for due to being nothing but an M1 killer without people asleep(No dream traps) since his teleport's cooldown is over twice as long if everyone is awake.

  • Torche
    Torche Member Posts: 36

    I don't like the timer either. I think survivors should fall asleep if they spend a certain amount of time inside his lullaby.