Killer changes/reworks

I wanna do a post where people list all the killer reworks/buffs/nerfs that they want to see. Here’s mine:
Trapper: Iri stone nerf/rework, make it so every 60 seconds or so a random trap is teleported into his hand. Make trapper sack base.
Wraith: Make windstorm and bone clapper base
Billy: Well he just got a rework and I’m strongly against his overheat system but oh well guess that’s not changing any time soon.
Nurse: Nothing, she’s in a great spot atm.
Myers: I don’t know what to do with this boy but he definitely needs some sort of buffs or potentially a rework, he’s rarely used now.
Hag: Rusty shackles and mint rag need to go. They completely break her. Maybe removal of flashlights ability to break traps or an increased time.
Huntress: Exhaustion add ons/ iri head removal. Exhaustion add ons were designed for pre exhaustion nerfs and do not belong in this state of the game. Otherwise fine,
Doctor: Good spot
Freddy: I want the old Freddy back personally but with a few buffs and he gets to keep his teleportation. If anything happens tho snares need to go.
Pig: Probsbly just a few quality of life changes. Increased speed or some sort of benefit whilst crouching to differentiate her from the other stealth killers. Make it so that survivors cannot remove their trap in their first jigsaw box searched.
Clown: Needs a rework. Idk what though.
Spirit: Probsbly needs a rework as well although not as urgently. Definitely add ons nerf though as speed and activation add ons are broken.
Legion: Mostly fine, maybe an increased frenzy duration so that u can catch up to survivors who hold w to avoid being hit by frenzy.
Plague: Good spot, just removal of her vomit bug.
Ghostface: Decent spot
Demo: I think he just needs improvements to his portals, things such as: Survivors can’t break portals, a few portals start spawned at the beggining of the trial and ability to destroy portals like how you can pick up trapper traps. Maybe add ons rework, nothing that breaks his lunge though.
Oni: Good spot, however he could do without top knot and speed addons which semi break him.
Deathslinger: Rework, his power is boring and never should have been added. Breaks the game.
Pyramid head: Mostly ok, maybe a slowdown as he puts his sword in the ground or a slowdown/ cool down after he pulls his sword out to prevent him from just spamming it and baiting all the time. Similar to the way huntress has a cool down when she puts a hatchet away.
Sorry for long post but let me know ur thoughts below/ potentially changes that you want.
I'd never thought I'd see the day where Trapper and nerf were in the same sentence. 😂
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Trapper: ??? He's at best decent with his best add on, otherwise he's a ######### tier killer
Wraith: I agree
Billy: No change needed imo
Nurse: No change needed
Myers: Never played him but some of his add on make some really interesting playstyle.
Hag: I think she's in a good spot. She's not week and she's not OP. She have some strong add on.
Huntress: I kinda agree, she still have a strong learning curve before people get really good with her.
Doctor: No change needed
Pig: Can't take out RBT on first box the RNG on her RBT is meh. She need more movement speed when crouch so she can do some mind game at loop.
Clown: He need something else but I'm not sure what. Maybe a system similar to doctor where survivor yell randomly and give their position to clown. Or somekind of trap he can place that can't be deactivated and would do the same thing as his regular bottle. I'd keep his current power and add something else.
Legion: Same as you, he still will be an ass to play against but he's still wont be strong.
Plague: No change
Ghostface: The reveal need to be fix, otherwise no change.
Demo: Shread charging speed buff to 100%ms and/or maybe longer undetectable when using his portal so he can place portal far enough from gen so people don't really hear him and he can sneak up even if he make so much noise with his feet.
Oni: Don't know, never played him nor did I play many game against him.
Deathsligner: Meh, he have 0 map pressure, if you nerf his gun like longer time to aim (he already have ton of cooldown) you need to give him more movement speed and most of his add on are meh in my opinion.
Pyramidhead: Never played him nor did I played a lot against him but from what I've seen I kinda agree.
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Aha i mean when u put it that way... I just wanna see the removal of broken and op addons because i hate having addon reliant killers. Nerfing addons also means u can buff the base which is what i want for trapper boi.
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Yea sorta on the same page as you. Killers are definitely getting better and closer balance wise as the game goes on. Except deathslinger, god whos idea was that to add him to the game. Horrible to play cause u get genrushed, horrible to vs as its boring chases.
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I agree with you on that. Maybe base Trapper should start with 2 trap if not 3. That would help a tad bit on his early game and maybe add the Deep wound effect so that people who are far from Trapper actually waste lot of time. Maybe an add on that injure survivor who try to break his trap would be fun too->forcing injured survivor to do it or risk getting injured yourself.
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Legion, he is such a boring killer. Please give him the Freddy treatment, because he is such a boring killer to vs, and extremely weak to top it off.
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But he's a god at farming BP...
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Idk i actually really like the new legion. I find him very fun to play if you just want a chill round, isn't too bad strength wise and you can loop him like an m1 killer.
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Yea small buffs like that will definitely help him. Wonder if he'll be the next killer on the devs rework list. Although i got my money on huntress as she's the only killer without the standard addon form atm i think.
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Yea pretty much agree with this except for nurse. I think its great we've got a high skill killer who can dominate, so few ppl play her these days and the number of good nurses out of those who play her is even lower. But that's a convo for another day.
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Trapper: Sack base needed, iri stone rework has too big cooldown.
Wraith: ---
Billy: He just got balanced for rank 20 and overheat makes him so weak when noob stomping or running around the whole map.
Nurse: If you are good with her you are unstopable, the only thing that changed is that you can't anymore teleport across the whole map with one blink.
Myers: He is weak because of how weak he is early (ruin on him was a must), when its the most important to apply the pressure. He needs to stalk faster while in t1 or at least have 110% speed and maybe wallhack myers addon get -5% speed penalty.
Hag: Only pairing rusty shackles and mint rag needs to go, together they just make her appear instantly so she can hit without the delay.
Huntress: Exhaustion addons need to only apply a lower exhaustion duration, so its theoritically possible for survivor to regain this, if played correctly or at least have it ready for the next chase if escaped.
Doctor: ---
Freddy: Good freddy tend to make games take way too long, maybe just reduce the number of snares he can have.
Pig: Revert change with her tr to go back to 28m, increase crouching speed and make her undetectable for gods sake when crouching.
Clown: He needs a different projectile arc, right now he can have issues with throwing the bottles at long distance in indoors maps, also increase speed penalty, when got hit by the gas when bottles spread it around after breaking.
Spirit: Her problem is that, she can mindgame by just standing still, idk how to changer her tbh.
Legion: I think more about increased speed when killer instinct is active, even if duration would be lowered (as long as his range stays the same)
Plague: I think also of different projectile arc, where her vomit at the start would move in a more straight line, when fully charged, but fall faster at the end in such a way that her range stays the same (on larys her vomit has an icredibly low range due to the low roof)
Ghostface: ---
Demo: This change wouldn't make him stronger. He is a strong killer, but his problem is that he needs to set up his portal to start applying the pressure. I more aggre with the idea of 4scoreand, where he start with a few portals... but it would be way too rng dependend. I would rather suggest his shred apllying deeop wound.
Oni: din't play him enough to say anything
Deathslinger: I like his power :(... i only agree with higher tr, but not 32... 28 should make him fine, even when using m&a...
Pyramid head: Completely agree
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There is a difference between ability to dominate and just ignoring all the game mechanics.
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Yea i get that her ignoring game mechanics can be pretty annoying, but you can still counter her, even a good one. It's just that the survivor skill cap to counter her is way higher than when you are vsing any other killer. Everytime you dip behind an object you force her to guess if you are gonna keep running on or double back. Oh and pallets are suprisingly effective against her especially if shes on her second blink and you stumble into one. You can pull it right as she comes out of the blink and stun her as long as you read which side shes blinking to.
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When first trick works she still has one blink and can hit you.
If the second trick works its a bad nurse, you don't blink 2nd time, when its not a quaranteed hit and pallets make it so.
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The problem is, as experience shows, can buff the base does in no way mean they will buff it. So its just a nerf.