Question for survivors, what makes a killer a "try hard"?

Excluding when the killer is using OP addons and an ebony Mori. Survivors, when is a killer try harding in your opinion?

When I play killer and I have survivors calling me a "try hard", often the match was actually quite easy as the survivors were far below my skill level. Not much I can do in that situation as those survivors are meant to be red ranks, and I can only play against what I'm put against.

When I'm put against a strong SWF/team that's when I have to try my best, and actually try hard. I may lose in this situation. However, I won't be called a "try hard" in this scenario, although I'll probably get called "trash" at the end or get a "gg ez".

I use to be a survivor main, but unless their using an ebony mori I don't see how a killer is try harding, as they're just playing the game.


  • mayhare97
    mayhare97 Member Posts: 28

    Eh, honestly, it really depends. I've seen people calling Killers "tryhards" just for playing the game and trying to win, just as I've seen Killers calling Survivors who try to do gens as fast as possible (a valid strategy, since, you know, that is their only objective) "tryhards" as well. I would take these things with a grain of salt, it's normally said by salty people.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited August 2020

    Killer kills me--> Tryhard, toxic, annoying, boring, no life, gen camper, hook camper, tunneler etc.

    I think I've included everything

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I think any killer can get called a "try-hard" when they win. The objective of the game for a Killer is to aim for the 4k, and for that to happen a Killer will need to work for it, especially against more skilled opponents.

    Survivors also need to escape, and will also need to work for it against skilled Killers.

    For me, the concept of a "try-hard" is laughable as it basically defines any competitive stance in anything that requires competition. It's just a phrase used against people to make the one who said it feel better about losing.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    I just been called a tryhard for playing legion with sloppy butcher, bbq,pop and thanato vs a swf with 16 meta perks, 3 flashlight and 2 ormond offering. At the end they used soulgard, bt, ds and their flashlight to prevent me from killing anyone.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Camping to death or slugging to get 4k. :^)

  • mayhare97
    mayhare97 Member Posts: 28

    Pretty much this. Calling people "tryhards" is so ridiculous to me. So what, the opponent should let you win and go easy on you every time? Yeah, exploiting the game and using questionable strategies to win is obviously a scummy thing to do, but most of the people I've seen using this insult are just mad that they were killed.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Just to add to that: Exploits - if anything but - is an example of people not trying, as they're after an easy win.

    I'm yet to watch any rugby, handball or other sporting event where the losing team accuse the winning team of being a "try-hard". If anything, their manager ought to wonder - were that the case - why that team did not try harder themselves! When put in that context, it's easy to see how ridiculous those claims are.

  • mayhare97
    mayhare97 Member Posts: 28

    Exactly. I thought we were supposed to try our best to win and take a fair loss graciously. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get called a tryhard in another online game either.