New tricks for old killer

How about some new tricks for old killers like giving the Wraith an attack from invisible that applies invisibility to the Survivor for everybody but the Killer which grants him an aura,

One idea I have for trapper is the ability to preset all of your traps on the map so you would go into a private game with the Killer select trapper and preset all of his traps before the match so you can start out without having to set up all of your traps


  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    As a Trapper main, no thank you. I would like to start the match with the ability to carry 2 traps, and/or retrieve traps from lockers instead of having them spread all over the map. Still limit the number of traps, but let me get them from lockers.

    Maybe a trap tracker telling me how many set and disarmed traps are currently in play. That one is not big, but could help me decide when to switch gears on chasing vs setting the field.

  • HierDoctormain
    HierDoctormain Member Posts: 10

    I like your idea as well although I do like the ability to choose that option are pre laying down all my traps

  • HierDoctormain
    HierDoctormain Member Posts: 10

    If they ever get the bot thing working right having a special ability for the hag that causes her traps to come alive and attack the closest Survivor

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    yer lets see noed dh blood warden combos would make hag op endgame like you would just slug or hook set traps outside and inside gates and just insta slug everyone

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    My problem with preset traps is how strong Trapper becomes. It also takes out a significant portion of the cerebral side of tricking survivors.

    If Trapper can getb4 to 5 traps set in an area before you knock out 2 to 3 gens, you are in trouble. Part of what I love about running him is how fast he can snowball a match.

    Much of my best trap work comes around mid match when I have had a chance to asses the survivors and anticipate their behavior. Pre setting traps will start the snowball right away. Good Trapper players would be brutal.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Those kind of additions could take the game down a path of a 4K matchly outcome potentially 90% of the time.

    Ppl probs wouldn’t wanna play Survivor anymore

  • HierDoctormain
    HierDoctormain Member Posts: 10

    Here's one how about instead of free traps you can throw a trap out like Freddy or throw it at a survivor