Please remove OoO from the game

Killer is already frustrating enough i don't need a sped clicky clacking at me for the entire duration of the match because hes near a structure and a jungle gym while I'm stuck playing his "fun" m1 killer.
It's really the most annoying thing to go against, and pair it with a sweaty SWF and you'll be holding W for half the match because they all know exactly where you are.
Remove OoO from my list so I can replace it with Unbreakable.
Just deal with it, next game. OoO is very rare to face. And yes, I'm solo.
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OoO needs some kind of rework I'm sorry it ok for solo but broken in swf group.
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Jesus PC players are sweats
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Hope you enjoy the free facecamps that usually come with OoO
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Funny enough, I've been running OoO for a month and a half now and I haven't received any facecamps.
It's made looping, mindgaming and playing solo so much more fun.
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im agree especaisly on SWF, also i think it shouldnt work against Freddy is like a permanent wallhack.
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Killers get all sorts of perks that show exactly where survivors are, why can't Survivors have OoO? Balancing the game around SWF is ridiculous. Killers would be way too boosted and survivors would be way too nerfed if they did that.
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Because them knowing where the Killer is at all the time is a extremely powerful advantage?
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Pursuers(Killers) are allowed to know where the people they are pursuing(Survivors) are but not vice versa because the person being pursued(Survivors) just has to escape not actively catch the other unlike the pursuer(Killers).
Aka the killer has to do more then the survivor does in a chase hence why they are allowed to get more information.
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That's some interested invented logic you have there. But it's not true. Perks like Alert say hello.
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I use Object as a solo player and it's really a powerful tool for me. Too much information and no fear.
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That's only if you bring Sole Survivor with the entire team dead, otherwise the killer can see you too.
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Here's the thing though if you have used alert(Like I have getting adapt fing min) is that it rarely if ever goes off in chases as you usually see the killer kicking it anyways and see them chasing you.
Alert is mainly helpful for letting you know when a killer has kicked a gen sense you can't physically see them most of the time when they do thus letting you see the aura.
Also "Im All Earns" says hello as well.
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If we're being honest here, and we're talking about SWF depip squads, then you've already lost the debate. SWF don't use these perks because they're communicating to each other, they know where the killer is at all times and don't need OoO, they don't run it. It's really more of a solo survivor perk.
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Please tell that to the SWF with names like 'campme' and 'tunnelme' that ran it to scout my trap locations and disarm them, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear that.
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I'm All Ears is a killer perk, so I fail to see your point since you were already arguing for killers having such perks? If you're talking about aura reading abilities in a chase ,Alert will proc in a chase everytime you force the killer to break a pallet, it also lets you know where the killer is on the map whenever they break a gen or pallet anywhere on the map.
If you want add on's that help you know where the killer is in a chase then you're going to bring a key with blood amber. Which is exactly why survivors should get aura reading perks too, the killer wants them to help locate survivors, the survivors want them to help avoid the killer or juke them in a chase. It's not a one sided coin.
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OOO is really good in solos I love running it.
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The survivors names don't really matter, just like killer names don't really matter. If SWF brought OoO to counter the trapper that's a very specific encounter and build.
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Why was the escape/kill/point/rank section not included?
You can tell that was a SWF because they're running meta perks, but what would you have the devs do, nerf all the meta perks? Balancing the game around SWF is a horrible idea.DS has already been nerfed extensively because of SWF and people still want it nerfed.
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The DS change was a side grade as DS became better for people who weren't the obession because the killer could no longer juggle you to prevent DS from activating.
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The original DS was far superior, every survivor had DS at all times, and you didn't need to be the obession for the perk to activate, the wiggle nerf came later which allowed killers to dribble survivors to a hook. Fix one thing, break another.
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4 escape. Im too used to play fair because I dont want to ruin solo. Most of the time I just eat up DS, and most of the time survivors dont use DH effectively. Its my fault to make too much mistake and try to be fair while Im using weak killer (eventhough Trapper is my main), weak add-on vs a team like this.
Learned alot.
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It doesn't really matter that the killer can see me. I have the control switch here and I can choose when I want to look at him and when I don't. As a survivor I only have one threat and with this perk I get 100% information of my threat as opposed to the killer who only get 25% information. Also since I can control whenever we can trade auras, I can use it to my advantage and bait killers into thinking I go one way but I look away and run the other way. Also I maintain massive distance even without sprint burst and don't have to worry about low TR killers because I always know where they are and when they are coming for me.
Now give it to a SWF and the effect is magnified.
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Give SWF anything and the effect is magnified, flashlights, toolboxes, BT, adrenaline, it doesn't matter what it is.
The game should not be balanced around SWF, that's a mistake.
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My point was to explain why it's such a strong perk even for a solo. I know perks like BT, adrenaline magnifies the effect but the factor is nowhere as near as OoO with a SWF.
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nahh serves u right for playing freddy. Plus it probably wouldnt affect the game that much considering how powerful he is.
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Killer might have some aura reading perks yes, but they can be countert by other perks or simply hiding in a locker.
OoO has zero counter for the killer unless you're playing a stealth killer.
Try playing as freddy vs a 4 man swf all with that perk.
I can tell you from experience, that ain't fun especially when they stay asleep.
Meaning they can see you at all times, even when you're next to them on the other side of the wall.
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Man what is that build? No wonder 4 people escaped.
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Can we move away from a balance point of view and address simply how unfun OoO is?
There is no other perk from neither side that wants me to smash the DC button like OoO. I find it extremely frustrating, unfun and also kind of uncomfortable being looked at by someone across the map from a safe distance who can read every move I make and predict what is going to happen next.
It has actually come to a point where I wouldn't even care if they "buffed" OoO so only the surv. can see the killer and not the other way around. Because if I didn't know I'm being watched, it doesn't really bother me.
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OoO would never be like it is if it came out today. It's an extremely powerful perk in good hands and a obnoxious and un-fun perk to go against in a swf team. Right now when a killer see a OoO at the start of the game he sighs just like survivors do when they see a hidden offering by the killer.
Without completely changing how OoO works, there could be two possible reworks that follow the current perk philosophy: if it can be very strong, introduce a cooldown (surge, thrilling tremors, I'm all ears, trail of torment, dragon's grip...).
The perk would then state as follows:
If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your Auras to each other.
This effect applies only if you are outside of the Killer's Terror Radius and the killer is not Undetectable.
The effect will activate for 6 seconds.
As the Killer's Obsession, this effect applies to a maximum range of 56/64/72 metres. Otherwise, it applies to a maximum range of 44/56/64 metres.
OoO has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds every time it activates
(The times that I've picked are taken 1:1 from I'm All Ears, they can change, but the concept would still remain this)
The result of these 3 changes are that OoO is still remaining a valuable perk, but it cannot be used to constantly harass the killer.
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I can safely say 99% of killers would rather face the small pp build than OoO.
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NGL I camp every OoO user i see especially if i play hag, the perk is not fun to go against and literally gives a swf info on where the killer is at nearly all times.
Running that perk in your swf is worse than the killer running NOED, you guys hate that clutch perk yet you use a perk that gives you constant info for your whole team which can completely destroy certain killers.