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Level up Laurie for decisive strike or Nancy for inner strength?

I’m having trouble deciding who to level up next. I do have the teachable self care so I’m not sure about inner strength. Please help me out!


  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    If you want to go with meta, Laurie. If you want to make some creative builds later on, nancy

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    You won't believe how many killers will tunnel and camp you, so DS is the first to go perk. Put it on and never let go of it.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,691

    If you have Detective's Hunch, I'd go with Inner Strength...DS is a great perk, too, but I actually don't get to use it as much as I thought I would (unless I'm using it aggressively).

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If you don't play like a moron, you don't need DS in most of your games. However, Inner Strength almost always gets use if you play well, and you also get Fixated and Better Together, two very nice perks.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I believe DS is overall more useful as a lot of people tunnel, especially if they see no obssesion, Inner Strength is good for solo players but its more situational and is a bit worse the more people running it (4 players with Inner Strength will make them all go for totems, leaving you with fewer totems).

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    In terms of time saved in a match, Decisive Strike potentially gives you an additional chase worth of time (say 30 seconds), maybe two chases if you can heal after escaping. Inner Strength also essentially gives you a chase worth of time back when you heal from injured to full. Inner Strength can be used potentially multiple times but it does require finding a totem each time which are a limited resource and it’s possible other survivors are cleansing totems as well so you may only get to use it once. Inner Strength also has the slight downside that you have to go a little out of your way to find a totem for its first use. Decisive Strike simply happens when you get picked up within a minute of being unhooked, which may or may nit happen during a game. The upside is you don’t have to do anything special beforehand, the downside is you don’t have much control over it (you can play aggressively to entice a killer to down you while you still have it but that’s usually not a great idea probably.)

    So they’re both really good I think, at least from the perspective of a killer main. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe a question to ask yourself is, how often do you like to cleanse totems? If you find yourself cleansing totems all the time then Inner Strength fits your playstyle. If you prefer to smash gens and ignore totems go Decisive Strike since it won’t really require you to play differently (unless you maybe jump into a locker during a chase with it or something,)

  • Izo_Quartz
    Izo_Quartz Member Posts: 250

    If you don't like getting tunneled off the hook and want to ensure you have some form of protection, get DS

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    short story, go for nancy. Inner Strength is useful in almost every match where DS is only useful if the killer doesn't consider it a threat and it turns you into a Tunnel Me Elmo doll after you use it