Dead by Daylight Chapter XVIII - Deadly Shadows

Xfulminex Member Posts: 28


The Shadowman

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s

Height: Tall


Lester Shaw was once a popular Detective usually called by people even for the most difficult crime scenes. He became so popular due to his high capacity of understanding people's feelings and the ability to simulate in his mind all types of crimes. Whenever Lester entered the court, even if the presumed guilty said nothing until that moment, they would feel an incredible amount of pression, forcing them to, at some point, say they were guilty. This ability was instantly recognized by a man, Michael Shaw, who started following him from a distance to try convincing him that he was his father. Lester knew, after just looking at Michael, that he was not saying the truth, he was just trying to gain money out of Lester. After a day of work, Lester returned to his home only to find Michael sitting on the couch with a knife in hand. Lester asked what he wanted and Michael responded that he only wanted more money. Michael threatened Lester about killing his entire family, Lester didn't care about that, he just wanted to get rid of the anger... To this date, Michael body was still not found and Lester, after that night, disappeared into nothing.


  • Shadow Form: Press the active ability button to turn into a shadow, the transformation takes 1 second. Once you are a shadow, you cannot attack or interact with anything. You move at 4.4 M/s and have the "Undetectable" status effect. While in Shadow form, you can walk through walls. While walking through walls, you move at 2.2 M/s. You can turn back to the normal form by pressing the active ability button for 2 seconds. A distinctive audio cue can be heard throughout the whole map as you transform.
  • Shadow Grenade: Press and hold the power button to charge up a Shadow Grenade. Takes 1 second to activate. You can throw this grenade through walls. The more you charge the grenade, the further it is thrown. Whenever the grenade reaches its destination, the grenade starts its timer of 3 seconds. After 3 seconds have passed, the grenade explodes, injuring any survivor within a radius of 4 meters. Any survivor hit with the grenade are afflicted with the "Shadow" status effect for 30 seconds.
  • Shadow Weapon: When you hit a survivor that's afflicted with the "Shadow" status effect with your main weapon, your weapon becomes imbued with shadows. While the weapon is imbued with shadows, if you hit a survivor not already afflicted with "Shadow" using your main attack, that survivor is inflicted with the "Shadow" status effect for 30 seconds. Shadow Weapon has a duration of 60 seconds and deactivates after applying "Shadow" to a survivor.

- Power Add-ons:

 - (Common) Broken Revolver: Moderately reduces Shadow Transformation time. (-0.5 seconds)

 - (Common) Old Coat: Slightly reduces Human Transformation time. (-0.25 seconds)

 - (Common) Dirty Boots: Slightly increases movement speed through walls while in Shadow Form. (0.2 m/s)

 - (Common) Broken Parts: Slightly increases activation speed for Shadow Grenades. (-0.2 seconds)

 - (Uncommon) Ancient Revolver: Considerably reduces Shadow Transformation time. (-0.75 seconds)

 - (Uncommon) Clean Coat: Moderately reduces Human Transformation time. (-0.5 seconds)

 - (Uncommon) Rain Boots: Moderately increases movement speed through walls while in Shadow Form. (0.4 m/s)

 - (Uncommon) Medium Fuse: Slightly decreases Shadow Grenade Fuse. (-0.25 seconds)

 - (Uncommon) Monocle: Shows the landing location of the Shadow Grenades while charging them.

- (Rare) Brand New Coat: Considerably reduces Human Transformation time. (-0.75 seconds)

- (Rare) Short Fuse: Moderately decreases Shadow Grenade Fuse. (-0.5 seconds)

- (Rare) Strange Chemical: Increases the duration of the "Shadow" Status Effect by 20 seconds.

- (Rare) Bigger Bombs: Increases Shadow Grenades explosion range by 1 meter.

- (Rare) Mechanical Parts: Moderately increases activation speed for Shadow Grenades. (-0.3 seconds)

- (Very Rare) Even Bigger Bombs: Increases Shadow Grenades explosion range by 2 meters.

- (Very Rare) Electric Parts: Considerably increases activation speed for Shadow Grenades. (-0.4 seconds)

- (Very Rare) Biochemical: Increases the duration of the "Shadow" Status Effect by 30 seconds.

- (Very Rare) Leather Gloves: When charging the Shadow Grenade, you charge 2 Grenades instead of one. You can throw only one at a time and have a 1.5 second cooldown between each. While you are handling one or more grenades, you cannot do any action.

- (Ultra Rare) Detective's Badge: You can throw Shadow Grenades while in Shadow Form. While in Shadow Form, you gain a Terror Radius of 12 Meters. This Terror Radius cannot be reduced/increased. "I'm no longer part of the real world, now i must prove worthy of helping this "Entity"... or i might end up getting tortured and killed." The Shadow Man

- (Ultra Rare) Iridescent Tooth: While in Shadow Form, Your movement speed while walking is reduced to 3.8 m/s while the movement speed inside obstacles is increased to 3.8 m/s. "This Tooth once belonged to a man, he was armed with the best weapons you could ever find. My squad was scared of me after i killed him with my bared hands..." The Shadow Man

Cosmetic Descriptions:

Weapon: Knuckle of the Damned - A single Brass Knuckle made of lead. People injured with it will suffer a long lasting pain.

Body Description: Detective's Black Overcoat - Your past gave you great knowledge on how people acts depending on their emotions. But now this is just proof that once you were a Detective, and nothing else.

Head Description: The Shadow Man - All that remains of a once great Detective, now helping the entity gather desperation from the survivors.

Mori Animation:

The Shadow Man puts his foot on the survivor stopping him from moving. He then creates a Shadow Grenade and throws it onto the survivor. He walks away as the explosion happens behind him.



Lethal Devotion:

You are anxious when thinking about the Entity's judgement after killing the survivors instead of sacrificing them. While the perk is active, If a survivor reached the struggle phase, you can kill that survivor by your hand. After killing a survivor, the nearest survivor in a range of 8/12/16 meters will scream, revealing their position. They also become affected by the Exposed Status Effect for 10/15/20 seconds. That survivor will also see your aura for 5/4/3 seconds. After killing a survivor this perk deactivates and will reactivate after 180/150/120 seconds. "The entity's waiting for results." - Lester Shaw

Blessings Eater:

They should not be helped by the Entity, you are the only one able to understand and worship such a beast. When you break an active Blessing Flower, you move 5% faster for a total of 5/6/7 seconds. Every time a survivor has his active Blessing Flower destroyed, that survivor will scream, revealing its location. That survivor will also be affected by the Exposed status effect for 15 seconds. "Why are you helping them? Am i not enough to help satisfy your hunger of hope?" - Lester Shaw

Entity's Will:

The Entity has chosen to give you an extra hand since you were showing high devotion. Whenever a generator is completed, all generators become blocked by the entity for 8/12/16 seconds. If a generator is being worked on when it becomes blocked, all survivors working on it in that moment will scream revealing their position to the killer for 4/5/6 seconds. "Praise the Entity!" - Lester Shaw 

"Shadow" Status Effect:

Survivors afflicted with the "Shadow" status effect appear identical to the killer in shadow form when looked at by other survivors. While afflicted by the "Shadow" Status Effect, survivors do not produce any sound for other survivors to hear (killer can still hear them, as they appear normally to the killer, but with a purple/black outline.)


Karl Dixon


Karl has born in a family of mechanics. His ability in repairing things and making them better became clear as he grew up. His father taught him about everything that needs to be known when repairing cars or bikes, ampliating karl's already enormous ability. When Karl reached the age of 18, he was instantly scouted by a high-level F1 car mechanic and was asked in participating as an official mechanic during a real tournament. During this tournament, Karl has shown everyone about his speed in working on the cars, and that resulted in everyone trying to scout him right after the end of the tournament. He decided though not to change. In the next tournament, a very weird fog started to materialise in the circuit, resulting in many fatalities. Over these fatalities though, only one body remains to be found.



You learned how to slow down the beast in the most effective ways. While this perk is active, you can run to a pallet or a breakable wall and perform an action for a duration of 6/5/4 seconds. At the end of the action, that obstacle becomes reinforced. After reinforcing an obstacle, the perk deactivates for 180/150/120 seconds. If the killer tried to break a reinforced obstacle, the break action will take twice as much time. "Surely being a mechanic told me a thing or two about how to make things better." - Karl Dixon

Blessing: Light Shroud:

The entity gave you a new tool to help your survival. While the related Blessing flower is active, you enter a bleedout timer of 8/10/become injured instead of entering the dying state when the killer hits you while you are exposed. "Not today bro, i still have lot of things to do in my life." - Karl Dixon

Blessing: One more time!

Your newfound hope allows you to go over blocked ostacles. While the related Blessing flower is active, you can vault and use blocked obstacles when you are healthy. Your action speed when using a blocked obstacle is reduced by 20/15/10%. After using this perk, you become injured. If you are hit and become injured while vaulting, you enter a bleedout timer of 15 seconds. "Just one more time!" - Karl Dixon

What are "Blessings":

Blessings are a new type of perk similar to the Killer's Hex totems. 16 Blue Flowers will appear throughout the whole map. When a flower is linked to a survivor and his Blessing perk, that flower becomes active and starts showing blue particles flying around it and on top of it. The killer can interact with these flowers and stomp on them to destroy them. The action takes the same time it takes to close the hatch.

Introducing... A new item!

(Very Rare) Dixon Labeled Toolbox:

15 Charges (Enough for breaking 2 totems without add-ons). Allows the "Cleanse Totem" action with the toolbox. Reduces the time taken by the "Cleanse Totem" action while using the toolbox by 50% (Down from 15 seconds to 7.5). Slightly increases the Generator repair speed (+10%). Slightly increases sabotage speed (+10%). "A toolbox labeled as 'Dixon', these tools look kinda new and are really useful for breaking things apart." - Vigo's Journal

Introducing... New offerings!

Killer Offerings:

(Common) Hopeless Soul:

(Hidden) Increases the amount of totems spawning into the map by 1.

(Rare) Hopeful Soul:

(Hidden) Increases the amount of totems spawning into the map by 2.

(Very Rare) Torn Shroud:

(Hidden) Decreases the minimum distance between generators by 4 meters.

Survivor Offerings:

(Uncommon) Gold Shroud:

(Hidden) You start the trial with a chest 4 meters away from you.

(Rare) Benedict's Shroud:

(Hidden) You start the trial with a generator 4 meters away from you.

(Very Rare) Iridescent Eye:

(Hidden) Whenever you start the trial, you can see auras of all Generators, totems and chests for 8 seconds.

Introducing... Bloodweb reworks!

Offerings cap mechanic:

From now on, there will be a cap in how many offers will appear in a single bloodweb. With the increase in available offers this is needed in order to be able to obtain all items, and not only offers. The cap will be set at a count of 5. The chances of them appearing are as follows: 0 offers 5%; 1 offer 15%; 2 offers 40%; 3 offers 25%; 4 offers 10%; 5 offers 5%.


Perk Levels rework:

From now on, in the bloodweb you'll only be able to get perks at tier 1. Once unlocked though, a perk can be upgraded inside of your Loadout menu by Holding Right Click on it. Leveling up a perk requires a total amount of bloodpoints equal to 7.500 for upgrading from tier 1 to 2, and a total of 15.000 for leveling from tier 2 to 3. Once a perk has reached the maximum level, it can be upgraded one more time to make it an "Iridescent perk". Upgrading to an iridescent perk costs 25.000 bloodpoints. Iridescent perks are only purely appearance modifiers, making the perk have an iridescent outline and background. When used in-game, iridescent perks will be animated and will have a unique appearance when active (example, dead hard becomes active when you are holding the "RUN" button. While it is active, instead of just lighting up, it starts glimmering.)

That's all for today

Making this Chapter Idea took a very long time. If you want to know about how much time it took, then i can tell you it took more than 2 months. The idea started wandering in my mind around April-May, Me and a friend of mine started to work on it since June 16th though. Now, and only now in 31st, we finally ended working on it and started to publish it. It took so much time because we were thinking on how to balance out add-ons, perks and whatever. If you have any idea on how to make this chapter better, then feel free to tell us in the comments. Me and my friend here Prizrak will be happy to read them whenever we can. Have a good day people!