Increase time alotted for Rift Completion

Seventy days [2 months 10 days] for four tomes isn't nearly enough, especially currently with the serious amount of bugs that the past 3 months has had.

There have been calculations that have been made in the past regarding just how much time/rift shards are needed to complete each Rift Pass/Tomes.

However with the current issues, Crossplay, Matchmaking queue's etc.

It's unrealistic and quite unfair.

As a veteran DBD player who has some time to grind, I find the various non-intentional obstacles that impeede a player progress too be far to intrusive.

Yes, free BP is nice. But it's not going to help the players who actually paid for their Rift Pass and have done all that they can to get all challenges done and to lvl 70.

Mathematically, each tome completion time has a max of 17 days to be optimally cleared [meaning to clear the entirty of the tome].

I'm not going to do the full markup of it, as you can find it here:

Tl;dr Please consider either boosting the amount of rift shards per challenge completion or increase the alotted time from 70 days to 90.

Thank you.


  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    I have done all the challenges in 1, 2, and 3. I'm tier 52. You need to get roughly 18 tiers each tome level in order to stay on track. I've back of the napkin calculated that by doing all the challenges you get roughly 10ish tiers. You have to grind the other 80 shares or roughly 1 shard every two games so 160 games.

    If you fail to get all challenges done you have to grind more. I would estimate it takes about 150-250 hours to reach tier 70. That's about 3 to 4 hours per day, everyday, in order to reach it.

    TLDR: BHVR is saying without saying it, buy tiers or be prepared to play DbD a lot each rift.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440
    edited August 2020

    Welcome to battle passes.

    In reality though, of all the games i play DBD has the fairest battle pass i have ever seen. You have 70 days to complete it, it has 70 levels. That is 1 level per day. If you ignore challenges completely, it is going to take ~11-12 games to get a level. But challenges from the rift typically give you 3-5 shards. So, if you did 1 challenge a day, and played 5 games, you are probably going to get to level 70 before the end. Games typically last, 10 minutes tops so you are looking at around an hour a day of playtime.

    On top of that, the rift costs $10 to buy the premium version. But here is the best part, if you get your rift to level 70 before it ends, they give you back that $10 so you can buy the next one.

    Now take a look at other games with a battle pass.

    DotA battle pass has an infinite amount of levels (although rewards repeat/stop at around 2k), and you can only get to about 150 before you run out of challenges and MUST spend money in order to level it up. I don't mean like, you CAN spend money to get faster, i mean it literally becomes impossible to level up for free without spending money. Now look at all the best rewards, they often show up in the 200-250 range with some more premium rewards being at 500+.

    What about Valorant? Looks pretty fair for the most part, but its a bit sneaky. Each level takes a little bit longer to level up. Which means that you actually need to play more than it looks like. Until suddenly you are at the end of the battle pass and still have 20 levels to go but wonder why.

    What about CoD? Generally suffers from the same thing that Valorant does. Every level takes more XP, so it is deceptive how long it actually takes to level it up. On top of that the challenges generally don't reward enough and you require more playtime to level them up.

    Also, all 3 of those games don't reward you with the currency you used to buy the battlepass. So you can't effectively get your money back for playing well.

    DBD is the ONLY battle pass i have ever seen that is balanced in such a way that i have the ability to finish it without paying money. On top of all of that, i only ever bought the 1st rift. The rest of them i have gotten for "free" from the cells i got from each previous battle pass.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    Thank you all for your post; however thorough they may have been and with a few good points being made; it doesn't change the fact that a truly fair system doesn't exist and reformation needs to take place.

    It's just another cashgrab that has changed it's costume.

    From Outright purchases to paywalls to loot boxes and now the new flavor is the giant timesink of Battlepasses.

    A play who spends money for premium track should have a constant boost system for every challenge completion to make it fair.

  • Doudou
    Doudou Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2020

    All i am going to say is the tome and grinding for the rift has made this game unfun for me to play and I dont plan on doing it anymore after this one. And it's not because I can't play every day, cause I can and have actually earned all 70 levels of the rift for the past 3 tomes. I just flatout don't enjoy it. An easier grind would be fine(especially with how some of these challenges are), but whatever. I know DBD isn't going to budge on this matter.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm at the 11th Tier of the Rift.

    I went from 120 hours in the past 2 weeks to.

    I'm just not having a good time, I'm so ######### over these hitboxes as well. Like...I'm done with these hitboxes. I won't be playing much until they're fixed, or until they bring their better servers because Crossplay put a lot more stress on their servers it's causing stupid Latency.

    Never have I played a game with such ridiculous hitboxes. Ever.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    It should honestly be extended for these reasons alone.

    Error 112

    That almost full day timeframe where it was almost impossible to even make a lobby as survivor. Like it really just wouldn't load so that was a whole day gone.

    Stuck in a rock glitch still exist

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440
    edited August 2020

    I have a full time job where i have to work from home. I also have a young child who is going to school from home. Between all of that i work, i take care of my kid and spend time with my family, have time after my kid goes to bed to watch netflix or play a game or something with my wife and i still have a couple of hours every night. On top of that, i play other games as well, generally i dedicate an hour or so on average a night playing DBD.

    If you can't find 7 hours a week to play, the battle pass is not made for you. Or, you can buy levels to keep up. That is your choice to make. The point i am making is that 7 hours a week is pretty fair, especially when you compare it to other games that expect you to play their game as a full time job in order to finish a battlepass.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    How long have you played DBD, and how many hours do you have in the game?

    I've played this game for two years, have over two thousands hours in the game, I'm at the point where I only play the game sporadically. I'm pretty sure a lot of veterans are in the same boat.

    Not everyone has a 9 to 5 job, a lot of people work in shifts. After doing a night shift you just want to go to bed, never mind playing a video game.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    You know you can take a break between the release of 3 and the release of 4 and still easily come to 70?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    I understand that, believe me, i do. But the point is if they made it any easier then what would be the point? If they made it take 1 hour a week, not everyone has the ability to do that either. at some point you have to make some kind of cutoff that says this is how many hours we expect you to play per week to finish the rift. The point is, that 1 hour per day, is really really ######### fair compared to what they could do.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    We don't need your life story in orfer for you to try to make a point that's just as half assed as your assumption based off no ones experience but your own.

    You missed the entire purpose and point of the thread.


  • Senpavo
    Senpavo Member Posts: 105

    I have already finished it (I only have the free rift, never bought cells) and uh...I didn't think it was that hard? I played A LOT, but I finished each level in 2 or 3 days. I need to finish level 3 but there's no point since I don't need the shards.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    No i didn't. You want more time. It's fair for me to bring in my own experiences because you did the exact same thing in your post. You brought up:

    • "Current issues" (whatever that means)
    • Crossplay
    • Matchmaking Queues

    Those are all based on your own experiences and not "anyone elses" either. Because i sure as hell havn't had any problems with "Current issues", crossplay, or matchmaking. In fact, matchmaking has been pretty solid since crossplay, so i dunno man.

    You also brought up this:

    There have been calculations that have been made in the past regarding just how much time/rift shards are needed to complete each Rift Pass/Tomes.

    So i was pointing out the actual math which shows that, you need to complete 1 level per day. Based on how many shards you get from challenges and playing games, that means you are probably going to have to play about an hour a day. If you can't handle that, then don't buy the battle pass. Or, if you want the content, buy some extra levels.

    Also way to completely ignore more other evidence i provided about how other games do it. Can you name even a single game that has a battle pass more fair than DBD? Go ahead, i'll wait.

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328

    No, it's not just you. They nerfed the progress with the challenges from last rift to this rift for like 6 complete rift tiers.

    For me this is the last rift i'm EVER going to try to complete. I will complete this one because I got really far because of the Skilled Huntress trophy grind.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    tbh this especific rift is kinda lame. not really good stuff here.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Honestly the way i see it, is that if you put enough time (4 hrs a day on average, though technically less considering daily xp bonus for both sides and archives allieviating this) you can get the entire rift pass again

    If you don't the more progress you do, gives you a cheaper rift pass next time (from like 15$ nzd to 5$ nzd)

    Theres also free tiers avalible to everyone. No progress is locked behind pay walls (unless you consider challenges with perks or killers, but at the same time, perks are avalible in shrine, and charecters come for the most part in copies of the game for switch/console, and pc players likely have them after the game being out for 4 years so like idk i don't see that as too to big an issue)

    I've purchased every rift pass with the previous rifts earnings, because i play a decent amount, weekly, however for people who don't i can understand it being a bit more of an issue. the reason i don't like battlepasses collectively is because it forces you to stress over multiple games, and gives you fomo if you can't say play 4 games at once. but for people who love the game, 4 hrs a day, to maybe 20hrs a week isin't to hard an ask. expecially when there getting free content, free story, free pass if they complete it, and free etc etc.

    I'd prefer it being easier to earn rift shards via more challenges though. Ie the rift isin't so much "easier" as theres tougher challenges in it that give more points, like say a "level 4-5" style challenge or two, in the first level of the archives, that is uber hard to complete, but gives ease for the down time between levels, and gives like 100,000 bp and a whole rift tier.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'm currently at tier 57 and it is a slog trying to get to tier 63.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    I don't think it's asking much to amp up the Rift shard reward for Premium Track members.

    I counted that it takes about 7,000 auric cells to outright by the track wwhich is like almost 60USD, I didn't do the exact math.

    That's insane. That' the price of a x3AAA game or a few games or tons of beer.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited September 2020

    tbh to me killer skins are lame you cant even see them. i can spend shards on killer skins but real money? hell no. i can do it with survivors, all of my killer skisn are from shards and most of my killers do have skins tho.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I think 70 days is enough but I don't see why can't we have 90 days for it because after 70 days we have 20-30 days before new rift.

  • Inferno427
    Inferno427 Member Posts: 232

    It's intentional. The rift repays you the 1000 auric cells if you complete it, so the only way bhvr makes money is if you fail to complete the rift and need to pay to get a new pass.

    They could easily extend the duration of the rift until when the next rift starts.

    My advice is, just don't think or worry about the rift and just play normally. Maybe play a bit more every now and then if you get the chance. Focus on having fun and don't worry about the cosmetics.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I'm on 57, I just unlocked Meg's dress. I haven't purchased any levels, I completed all the challenges and I don't think I played that much. So the system seems fine to me personally. Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of the idea of extending it, I think it sets a bad precedent. There are people that may have already purchased levels because they didn't think they could finish it in time and then you have to deal with that problem too. Just accept that you may not make it to level 70, there's always next time good luck.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    This is obviously for future rift's.

    This in no way sets a bad preceedent, that makes legit no sense.

    It would only benefit every player, reduce the time-grind wall and with the changes I suggested, impeedes no one and reduces no profits.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    Are you sure 1 hour a day is enough? I've really been going for this rift because I've never made it to tier 70 before, I've played 1-3 hours every day of the rift so far, and I'm at tier 43... And I have completed all but 4 challenges so far.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Actually it makes perfect sense if you understand the basic meaning of the term. The expiration date is already set, changing it sets a precedent. That precedent is basically that the amount of time can be extended after it's already been established. Imo that would be a bad precedent. Extending the next Tome is totally fine but changing it in the middle of the current Tome sets a precedent that I don't think is a good thing. You can disagree that the precedent wouldn't be a bad thing but you can't disagree with the fact that it does set a precedent.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    Hah. Maybe he paid his way throw the the rift. I am starting to feel like he did. Would make sense.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    I mean, i typically play an hour or 2 a night, sometimes 3 on the weekends. Sometimes i go stretches of a week without playing at all and i have yet to not get level 70 on a rift without spending money (other than "buying" the premium track)

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    i just do 1 rift level a day through play time, that's like 10 to 12 matches a day which can be done within 2 to 3 hrs and that is not including the rift levels i get for doing challenges. i buy the paid track once i hit level 70 you should only unlock the paid track in the rift if you know you will have the free time to complete it

  • deeziebaby
    deeziebaby Member Posts: 31

    Apex, fall guys, and rocket league say am I a joke to you?!

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    I agree. Apex Legends has more levels but a longer period of time and also rewards with coins for next battlepass.

    I think it's MUCH better then DBD Battlepass.