Would you buy legendary skins if they were cheaper?

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
edited September 2020 in Polls


  1. This poll is the Second part of a two part connected poll question about Legendary skins and the thoughts and feelings of the community on them. If you have not answered the first, please do so prior:

I spent a long time writing an analysis of the legendary skins that currently exist in the game, going over whether the price was worth the product and quality, whether or not they actually live up to a "legendary" standard, and if not how I would have improved them to meet that standard.

Unfortunately something happened and I lost the entire thread (and thus my time. I really hate this site sometimes). It'd take too long to re-write the whole thing so I'll just put the poll question up. T_T

Sorry for the lack of elaboration for the question. I just don't have the energy to deal with the garbage mishaps of these forums.

Edit: If you select Other... as your reason please explain

Would you buy legendary skins if they were cheaper? 55 votes

I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$
SnakeSound222GibberishSeiko300MiriamGFeraMistPaces007Walker_of_the_fog_96AhoyWolfilluminaegiScary_Punk_GhostbjorksnasSlashstreetboyDerZuntorkKaiokeNCrypticghoulSenpavovermillyRockatanskyCheeseAntonOxiTape 21 votes
15$ or not, I wouldn't buy these skins
AcromioGHERBEARRULESShrimpTwiggsVolantConch1719ZerLukasTheRockstarKnightObsoleteYuno12345Boosted_DwightFFabeqRin_is_my_waifuAwkward_Fiend[Deleted User]Pior_MortecrossiNivlacACEJunsuinaRepostRipostealex9erlostboyScaryCat 21 votes
[Deleted User]TapeKnotDimekAven_FallenTaigaDr_LoomisRaven014anonymous31337OBXSCP_FOR_DBDMeltingPenguinsBriccsMeMotherOfRaccoons 13 votes


  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    15$ or not, I wouldn't buy these skins

    I'm not a fan of purchasing cosmetics, so unless there's really one that speaks to me AND it's less than 15, then I'm a no go

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Depends on the skin. I bought the lisa one because I like Silent Hill. But I probably ain't gonna pay for Minotaur Oni unless they make the skin not suck.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I wouldn't get them in any condition unless they have a shard price for non licensed characters. I get it, licence holders need a way to earn money, but non licensed characters should never have auric cell only prices on any cosmetics. At all.

    I don't mind if they are completely different characters, that is the point, but the nea set has no reason to be a set. The lack of polish on that one shows, especially on the back of her head.

  • Senpavo
    Senpavo Member Posts: 105
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    I never bought cosmetics (outside of one outfit for claudette with shards), but when I get the chance I want that Lisa skin. I absolutely love Silent Hill and I'm glad Lisa made it on DBD (sort of.) But 15 euros/dollars is...a lot.

  • ScaryCat
    ScaryCat Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2020
    15$ or not, I wouldn't buy these skins

    I can't imagine myself buying any cosmetics for anything else than the in-game currency. I've done so once, only because part of the money was going to a charity (that was in a different game, though). So I suppose I'd only buy them if it was more than just a skin with no real benefits. And that skin would need to appeal to me. Otherwise, I might as well just contribute to the charity directly.

    The prices would need to go under 2$ for me to buy them as they are now. 💀

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    I´d also appreciate if they had a more unique appearance. Just a slightly changed model without any new animations or sounds (looking at minotaur oni) is NOT enough to justify such a hefty price.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,257
    15$ or not, I wouldn't buy these skins

    I just really don't like the idea of legendary skins. I get it for licensed characters, as it allows us to go further into those licenses (which they are doing with Silent Hill because Konami clearly realizes there's a gold mine here). Tapp could become Matthews or Rigg (who he should have been to begin with, but whatever) for example. Amanda could become Hoffman or Kramer himself. I still wouldn't buy them despite my preference because I don't like spending money on cosmetics in any game, but I can understand doing it for them.

    Legendary skins for original characters, regardless of whether they are Auric cell only or can be bought with shards, should never be considered. Sure, with Felix it might give us his father, but then it just takes away from Felix himself. And then you have the Killers that actually matter. I don't care how cool the minotaur skin for Oni is, at the end of the day, it just Oni in a costume because there is no difference. The Minotaur uses the same kanabo, absorbs the same blood, uses a xiphos that looks oddly like a katana, does the same Japanese honor stances Oni does when hitting a Survivor, and the list goes on. It's not a minotaur, it's just Oni pretending to be Greek for a day.

    And on top of that, because the skin exists, we now have ZERO chance at getting a REAL minotaur Killer. While I don't feel like a minotaur would have made a great idea for a Killer, now we'll never know if it could have worked because Oni is playing dress-up over there. That's the worst part of this: Legendary Skins take ideas for what could potentially be great Killers and Survivors and puts them on already existing characters, regardless of whether or not it makes sense to begin with.

    And that's why I don't like legendary skins and will NEVER support them in this game. They take away from the actual characters (ESPECIALLY original characters) that we have already and ruins chances at characters that could be really cool.

    If you support legendary skins, good for you. I can't, and never will.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I would like a suited Leatherface but not at a ridiculous price.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    I absolutely agree, and I'm so sad, because I mentioned these things in the original description for this thread and then I lost everything. So unfortunately I just had to put up the poll question without the rest of the analysis and my thoughts on the subject.

    But I did write a brief overview / summary of just a single part of what I said originally, on the other connected thread and because it applies to what you're talking about I'll copy and paste it for people to read on this thread here too (since it was originally part of this thread in the first place anyway).

    Part of what I would have said / posted on this thread was that there's no visible increase in quality of these Legendary skins and that it seems as if only the bare minimum was done to qualify as a "legendary". That bare minimum being "changing the character entirely" so for Cheryl you turn into Lisa, for Oni it's turning into a minotaur. But even if that's the case, what's to separate these legendary skins from the very rare? Technically speaking they also "change the entire character" maybe not who they are necessarily but certainly almost the whole model, take Ice Cold Legacy outfit for Oni for example. His iron plated samurai armor is swapped for Wolfen Fur and Heavy Skulls, his mask is replaced with one completely unique that ends just under the eyes rather than covering his whole face, the hair is visibly changed and cut shorter, and of course he wields an entirely different more brutal weapon from the traditional Katana passed down from generations. This also technically changes the character entirely in a super badass way, and is a whole 5$ cheaper.

    At that point that means BHVR is more "interested in selling us the idea of Legendary skins in name and in "rarity" rather than actually legendary quality skins". I mentioned that if you're going to make a legendary skin you need to go a step further, so for a killer much like a survivor, you should change their voice. Instead of hearing the war-cry of a legendary samurai warrior I should be hearing the bestial roar of the Minotaur, I should hear the animalistic breathing of the bull, instead of a Japanese Kanabo I suggested instead he should wield a Labrys (a double edged Axe), which not only is recognizable for a generic minotaur to wield in modern fantasy but also has a certain significance in Minoan Culture and Religion as the symbol was sacred in ancient Crete, the source of the legend of the Minotaur, Theseus, and King Minos. Another cool connection- even the word "Labyrinth" itself some scholars assert came from the word Labrys and thus would imply "house of the double axe". And since @VolantConch1719 mentioned it, changing the animations of the character as well from the unmistakably precise and controlled movements of a samurai to an unbridled and unrestrained beast let loose in the Fog. This should be reflected both in the weapon cooldown animation and idle animation like in the shop / character select screen.

    These characteristics are what would elevate a skin from the premium very rare skins we've seen for the past 4 years, to something of a truly Legendary quality and standard which distinctly marks it as unique from the rest of the options available in the shop.

    Another thing that I mentioned in what would have been in that original post was

    "The way I see it, they have two options (other than ignoring these threads and in a perfect ethical world):

    1. Revisit these skins and touch them up to develop them and take them a step further to make them of a truly legendary quality and standard
    2. Reduce the price

    As it stands we have no reason to believe that BHVR will do anything to change and improve these legendary skins, and therefore once again I repeat: they are only legendary in name and "rarity" not in quality.

    I honestly do like Legendary skins, and I will submit it would be cool to have an actual minotaur character than a Minotaur skin. But I also believe it's not realistic, in the sense that with how many skins they release on the regular and how many legendaries they probably have planned, it wouldn't be reasonable to expect that every legendary could have become a character with their own perks or abilities.

    With the development cycle of releasing a chapter every few months it would simply take too much time to make all these skins legendary characters and to entertain the possibility that we shouldn't have any legendary skins because they could have at some point been an actual compelling character is unreasonable. There's only so much time in the world and we can't have everything and at that point it's a decision of what to pick and choose, personally I would rather have a minotaur skin in the game than no minotaur at all. Because that's the choice we would eventually be confronted with after enough legendary skins have been pumped out, it won't just be two characters Lisa and The Minotaur it will probably be at least one for at least half the roster.

    So legendaries do I think help in the sense that they expand the options of what exists in the game, things they can't make a full chapter or wouldn't have the opportunity or resources to make a full chapter could be great candidates for legendary skins.

    However, as it stands there is not enough effort put into them to warrant their current price, hence the two options.

  • MotherOfRaccoons
    MotherOfRaccoons Member Posts: 38

    I only buy cosmetics when they enable DC penalties. The moment they're back, I'll spend some money. Otherwise, who cares about fancy items in a video game?

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited September 2020
    15$ or not, I wouldn't buy these skins

    If the legendary cosmetics actually changed the character or were anything other than just a skin that can't be split into 3 parts, maybe I'd get them.

    As is I wouldn't buy them if they were free for shards; there are better skins that let me mix and match to make something unique.

    Edit: To clarify, I know the difference between sets and legendary cosmetics, and I'm talking about legendary skins; which are always sets.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294
    15$ or not, I wouldn't buy these skins

    I just don't buy cosmetics at all in any game. At least not with real money.

    It simply never seems worth it to me. Especially on killers where you don't even see your character most of the time during the gameplay.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742


    I dunno if this at bottom line doubles as 'cheaper', but i'd very much prefer 'packs': like instead of single character legendary skins, give me packs of several characters' legendaries for a theme, or legendaries with recolours. I'd rather buy that.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793
    15$ or not, I wouldn't buy these skins

    After playing TF2 for so long DBD's $5 glorified pallete swaps are a joke

    I could buy a light beige recolor of the Nurse.... or I could buy an entire chapter/a new game

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited September 2020
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    You wouldn't part with the two quarters you could find between the cushions in your couch for the world's coolest skin? I mean, what else are you planning on spending those two quarters on???

    Lol, I know it sounds kind of nitpicky, but then again you're the one that gave such an extreme example..

    Although I understand and kinda get what you're saying. The example you gave just seemed so stubborn though lol

  • Rockatansky
    Rockatansky Member Posts: 32
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    I wake up standing in front of my TV in the middle of the night, holding my xbox controller, hovering over the buy button on the Scoops Ahoy outfit. It calls to me, but it would probably cost me a divorce.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,609

    I would buy them (also for 15 Euros/Dollar) if:

    I like the Character itself.

    And the Legendary Skin differs from usualy purple Skins. So, different name in Lobby, different voice and for Killer different secondary weapon. This would be worth the extra money.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited September 2020
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    Except they aren't, this is how it should be but it isn't. As it stands Chery's voice is recycled for Lisa and The Oni's voice is not altered in any way upon changing into the Minotaur, and for the matter the Greek Minotaur for some reason still wields a Japanese Kanabo instead of a changed secondary to fit the skin like a Labrys which I earlier suggested - so I refer back to one of my previous comments:

    There is no significant visible increase / difference in quality between the current legendary skins we do have, and just the premium very rare cosmetics we've been getting over the past 4 years. Just because it says "legendary" doesn't mean it actually is and unfortunately it seems to be more of a marketing ploy than actual quality content.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,609

    Well, exactly. This is why I would not buy them. But IF there would be a difference, if they would make them unique, I would buy them, even if they are 15 Euros, when I like the character.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    Ah, I see.

    Hopefully they do revisit these skins, I really don't see them reducing prices of anything in the shop (even the stuff that has been there even since the shop first released years ago) so them correcting their mistake and actually making these skins worth the price they set them to would be really cool.

    Legendaries would need to blow people out of the water with attention to detail to be worth that price. The Minotaur is a great example "Instead of hearing the war-cry of a legendary samurai warrior I should be hearing the bestial roar of the Minotaur, I should hear the animalistic breathing of the bull, instead of a Japanese Kanabo instead he should wield a Labrys" on top of this "change the animations of the character as well from the unmistakably precise and controlled movements of a samurai to an unbridled and unrestrained beast let loose in the Fog. This should be reflected both in the weapon cooldown animation and idle animation like in the shop / character select screen."

    Super small details down to the Killer Power Icon should also potentially change, for the Oni the killer power icon is the iconic Demon Mask of the Oni, when you're playing as the Minotaur, make it the face of the beast instead. Hell, change the mori for a killer using a Legendary Skin. That would for sure set legendary skins (at the very least for killers) apart from the very rare skins, by creating an alternate mori that will be used whenever you have that skin equipped.

    Now that would be worth 15$ if all that changed. Otherwise what we've got right now are just sorry sad excuses for legendary's and I, like many other players have said, want nothing to do with them.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020
    I would buy legendary skins if they were cheaper than 15$

    Like most of the skins in the shop, the current Legendary skins are nowhere near worth the price. I’d spend $3 on them in their current state. I could buy a couple of characters (or even a new game) or a skin in a game that already costs $30.